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 A knock on his closed door startled Luhan from his reverie. “Come in.”

The door opened to reveal lily, the new intern. Luhan kinda disliked her considering that she got so comfortable with the company environment that she ended up invading almost everyone’s space.

“Good morning Mr Lu, you requested these reports on the advertising budget for this month."

He simply nodded and took them from her outstretched hand, careful to avoid those fingers which were attempting to make contact with his.

He scanned the first page of the report. “Thank you Miss Song, but if I am seeing correctly, these are reports for last month’s budget.”

A fake panicked look flashed on the girl’s face. “ Oh I’m so sorry, let me go and get the correct ones.” She said as she rushed out the room.  

However, before she was about to open the door, Luhan stopped her.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any need considering that Mr Lee who was officially responsible for bringing the reports to me, e-mailed them yesterday.

You can go now – and oh, it’s shocking that you haven’t heard this already, but I’m married. Have a good day.” He said in a bored tone whilst waving her away.

Luckily, she didn’t slam the door. “hmm crushes.” He sighed as he swivelled in his chair.

There was another knock and he swore tiredly. Oh how he missed his secretary who had gone on  maternity leave. He cursed himself for refusing the replacement his father had offered him and now he had to endure crazy girls. The person knocked again.

“Enter,” he called out, making sure to be curt and firm.

The door opened so gently and so so so slowly that Luhan in his impatience started to get angsty. “Hey, if you don’t wanna enter just go back where you came from.” He called out again.

He heard a soft giggle at that and instantly his bad mood did a huge 360.

“Wow, whoever shoved a stick up your is ruthless or is that how you treat your clients Han.” A smiling Minseok said as he strolled in the room with a plastic bag and coffee cup in hand .

Luhan smiled happily as he took in the refreshing sight of his husband. “Hey babe, well in my defence you didn’t tell me you were coming, some girl had devised a plan to talk to me but Luhan the Great was clever.”

He said with a mock hoarse voice.

Minseok playfully rolled his eyes and walked to the other’s chair, making himself home on his inviting lap.

They smiled at each other again and kissed softly.

A few minutes later, Minseok gave a short laugh. “Well I did pass a sad looking girl on my way here. Rude Lulu.” He playfully hit the director’s shoulder.

The latter only shrugged good naturedly.

Xiumin reached behind him, retrieving the contents in the plastic bag he brought. “Mhmm, passed by Soo’s place. He told me to give you these dumplings and sweet and sour pork, he insisted that it might make you less of an idiot instead. His words not mine."

“Hey,  that doesn’t even make sense and I’m not an idiot. Remind me to pass by his place later. I need to give him a piece of my mind.”

Luhan huffed. His husband only laughed again. He held up a dumpling on chopsticks and proceeded to feed his drama queen.

“Oh, I brought your latte and some caramel cupcakes.” He reached for the plastic bag.

“Are you sure that’s all for me, baozi. Did you eat?” His baozi cutely nodded.

“I was too hungry so I ate. Come on, open up.” He said as he tried feeding his better half.

The latter chuckled then complied. A sudden thought struck the director making him sad.

“Hey baby what’s wrong?” Minseok said worriedly, putting the food on the table.

The other only sighed and gathered the shorter in a hug.

“It’s just mum and dad are suddenly making plans to retire which means they might make me step up sooner than I prepared for. I’m not ready for this, Minseok, I’m not.”

The shorter boy only tightened the hug, the back of Luhan’s head.

“Did you try talking to them about this?” The director shook his head

“I know your parents Hannie, they will understand if you tell them not as the marketing director but as their son. Tell them you are not ready but at the same time let them teach you what to do. If you want a co-CEO it’s your choice too – just let your input be known. But in the meantime I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”

Luhan could feel himself tearing up. He gently drew away from the hug “I love you, you now that right?”

A soft kiss was placed on his forehead.

“I know, and I love you too.” There was a comfortable moment of silence then-

“So Minnie, are you up for some office se – OWW!”    


Jongin and Sehun stood in the university’s car park whilst waiting for Tao to come from his lecture.

Jongin was leaning lazily and ily on his car which the three had used that day. Their eyes would meet from time to time with the younger quickly looking down at the blank screen of his phone – Jongin would only mutter the word cute under his breath at that.

Sehun looked at his friend – with difficulty though and asked. “Which movie do you want to watch for the marathon?”

The two had a sacred tradition of having a movie marathon once each week.

The older boy looked away as if guilty and cleared his throat. “Um sorry Sehun but I can’t make it today. I have to finish Mr Min’s assignment.” He said whilst scratching his head nervously.

The younger boy frowned. “But Jongin, we submitted it last week, remember.”

Jongin laughed uneasily. “Oh did I say Min? I meant Ju – hey Tao.” He hurried to greet Tao who had just reached them. He only gave them a thoughtful look.

“Oh hey guys, Jongin what are you lying about? Can’t you see you are making our maknae sad.” Sehun nudged the martial arts expert with a scared warning look.

“Me? Lying? Never. Let’s go eat.” Jongin insisted, already opening the car’s door.

Sehun was upset, no lie and he intended to get behind this. Jongin had never lied to him and they always made sure to clear time for their movie nights no matter what.

Could the rumour be true? Was he really sleeping with that teacher?

Tao, seeing his friends’ distressed moods cleared his throat.

“How about I treat you to lunch today…..or … we could go and bother Kyungsoo instead then Minseok afterwards.”

The others let out amused laughs. “Let’s do it.” Jongin said. Though Kyungsoo hyung only lets you get away with it though.”

Sehun grumbled. You are safe for now, Kim Jongin, Sehun thought.  


To the maknaes’ disappointment, they couldn’t find Minseok in his coffee shop so they proceeded to Kyungsoo’s.

The busy lunch hour was almost over so the chef and his employees were rounding up. It was normal for the restaurant to be extra busy during lunch and dinner

“Thank you again guys, you never fail to impress me.” Kyungsoo said with a small smile whilst wiping his hands on a towel.

His sous chef, Mark grinned at him. “It was all your doing Kyungsoo, we just followed what you told us to do.” The others hollered in agreement.

“Shh you are making noise for our customers.” Kyungsoo said as he threw the towel to one of the employees, Youngjae.

“Oh Kyung, here comes your friends and your boyfriend.” Jackson, one of the waiters said as he came in the kitchen  with a smirk earning laughter again.

He turned to see the maknaes heading to the room with Tao leading the room.

“Please, dating the giant panda is the last thing on my list. I’d rather burn this restaurant than date him and that’s saying something.” He said, rolling his eyes.

“Eish, that hurt hyung.” Tao drawled with a smirk as he, Jongin and Sehun reached the irritated chef.

The maknaes never meant any good. There goes my nap, he thought with a sigh.

“What’s with the sigh Kyungsoo? Tao too hot for you?” Jongin teased, making sure to wiggle his eyebrows.

The chef immediately took a wooden spoon nearby and whacked Jongin’s  head with it.

“Say more and I won’t hesitate to beat you again. And it’s hyung to you, .”

“Sheesh hyung,”Jongin complained rubbing his head, Tao and Sehun’s laughter accompanying him. Before Kyungsoo could stop him, Sehun rushed over to one of the bubbling pots.

“New recipe hyung?” he asked as he stuck one delicate finger in one of the pots. The shorter quickly swatted his hand away.

“Why are you three always making me regret meeting you. Go sit there,” he pointed to the little table in the corner of the kitchen,

“And I’ll bring your food.” The younger ones nodded excitedly at once and rushed to sit down.

The employees were used to them so they rarely listened plus the kitchen was very big so the friends had a section to themselves

“So, how was your day?” the shorter one asked, eyes and hands concentrating on dishing out the food at the same time keeping an eye on his new recipe experiment.

The three almost spoke over each other. “Uni big time,” Jongin and Tao announced

“Jongin refused to have our movie night.” Sehun murmured sadly receiving a guilty look from the target, Jongin.

“Well it’s your fault for choosing to go to uni.”

Kyungsoo didn’t finish high school but instead he and his parents decided to enrol him to a cooking school. They then helped him set up his restaurant even at his young age. He and his friends believed that age was just a number and it shouldn’t limit one from pursuing their talents.

“And wow you two have never skipped your movie nights, what’s up Kai?” he continued as he balanced the plates and brought them over to his starving friends.

“Uh, well, it’s just that I have to finish an assignment real quick otherwise I lose marks.”

With that he shoved a big spoonful of rice and stared at his plate.

Sehun looked like he wanted to say more but the chef only shook his head as if to say, not yet.

“Don’t worry Hunnie, I’ll make it up to you.”

The tan beauty said as he placed his hand on Sehun’s which was resting on the table. The younger dancer pulled his hand away as if burnt, turning away with a face that rivalled Kyungsoo’s cherry tomatoes.

A slow grin spread on the older dancer’s lips, he then continued eating with that same grin. Tao and Kyungsoo suddenly felt as if they were intruding.

The handsome Chinese cleared his throat. “So Kyung hyung, we meant to ask, how is your day so far? Any angry customers? The chef only shook his head.

“Fortunately no, I wasn’t in the mood for arguments today. I’m just happy the first busy hour of the day is over.” He replied as he took a table spoon, dipping it a bit in a pot.

“Tao can you come up for a sec, want you to try this.” He waited for said guy to come and he held up the spoon.

The taller boy took and held Kyungsoo’s wrist, directing the spoon to his lips. A proud and impressive look overtook the younger’s features.

“Wow hyung this is so good, are you sure it’s your first time cooking this?” The two by the stove were not aware of their friend’s eyes watching them. Kyungsoo smiled, relieved. “Yeah it’s my first time. I was afraid it wouldn’t come out the way I wanted.”

Tao scoffed.

“How could it not? You are always good at this.” A soft smile on his face. The shorter male couldn’t understand why he was fighting a blush as Tao continued to gaze softly down at him, spoon forgotten. He cleared his throat.

“Thanks. You can let go of my wrist you know, plus my neck is now hurting.” He playfully pushed the taller male towards the others who were sporting identical grins on their faces

“Hyung, it’s not fair, how come Tao is the first person to taste your new recipes?” Sehun whined playfully, his companion nodding in agreement.

“His palate is better than both of yours combined. I’m pretty sure you can’t tell beef from fish.”


Tao came back to where Kyungsoo, whispering a few words which left a very stiff chef. He went back to his other friends.

Jongin raised an eyebrow. “What did you do to him?” The Chinese male only shrugged.

“Just gave a customer complaint.”

“Mhmm,” Sehun said in mock agreement.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was trying to register Tao’s words.

“Hyung, stop pushing me away.”  


Jongdae could feel himself smiling even before he opened his eyes. He blindly reached his hand out, searching for a certain dancer’s body.

He quickly opened his eyes as he felt nothing and cold sheets. So Yixing had gone for a while huh, or maybe he had been dreaming about kissing and dating the Chinese male.

“Don’t tell me he ran away again.” He whispered, panic rising in his body. A small light from his phone distracted him.

He took it and noticed that there was a text from Yixing.

Morning babe, hope you slept well, I did, like really did. Im so sorry we couldn’t wake up together but hey don’t worry, we have many chances to do this. Had to rush to the dance studio, I have to do something. Stay safe. I love you.

Jongdae heaved a sigh of relief. They were still okay. Gotta rush to work.

He sent a quick good morning text to his now boyfriend before heading to the shower.      


It was lunchtime already and Baekhyun found himself heading for his boyfriend’s studio. Boyfriend, he inwardly squealed. Only God knows how long he had been pining for his giant friend.

He had to force himself not to cry whenever Chanyeol introduced a new boyfriend of girlfriend or came to work with fresh hickeys on his neck.

Without even realising it, he had reached the door. He knocked softly but heard no answer. He tried knocking again but still no one answered.

The dork must be asleep. He shook his head and then opened the door to reveal Yixing and Chanyeol hunched over some papers, seeming to be in a deep discussion.

They looked up from what they were doing with panic which turned into relief some seconds later.

“Thought we were busted.” Chanyeol whispered to his dancer friend who only nodded in agreement. Yixing smiled at Baekhyun.

“Hey Baek, dating suits you, you are glowing.” He said with a wink. The singer only rolled his eyes good naturedly.

“I see Jongdae has already corrupted you hyung.”he grinned at his friend who stood up.

“He doesn’t waste any time our Chen.” Chanyeol commented.

They smiled. Chanyeol passed some papers to Yixing not before saying. “4 o’clock, don’t forget hyung.”

The dancer nodded “Don’t worry I won’t forget and I won’t be late. See you guys, gotta head for work.”

He walked to the door where Baekhyun was. “But Lay hyung aren’t you going to see Jongdae, we are in the same building after a

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please tell me what you think about the story please please. i've been a silent reader here, i've decided to change that.


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Chapter 13: Omg this fic is sooo good I hope you'll update it or is it discontinued?
Im waiting anxiously of YF next steps! To man up and discard that stupid . :)
2453 streak #3
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: YIFAN IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
I'm proud he didn't fall into temptation! he did the right thing by going to his rock to stabilize himself... I feel slightly bad for Jiwon, he was a good date and well... but he never really had a real chance with Jun, it was better this way I guess... I hope he finds the one meant for him soon

tbh, when I was reading this in ao3, I only focused on the KrisHo... but to be fair, everyone in here also just wants KrisHo back together! so I don't feel so bad for just reading their parts? HAHAHAHA

anyway, back to the main point... no more excuses now for Yifan, as everything's been laid out already, all that's left is for him to do the right things... ever since he returned, it's always been Jia this, Jia that even if most of his actions would contradict such idea... the others have been screaming at him to fix things with Jun, but he just shrugged them off even if he knew it's what he wants... there's no use crying over his decision to leave before, thinking that Jun would leave him first and there's no telling what could've happened if he told Jun before too, but he's back now, and currently, he told the problem to Jun, he went to him during his moment of weakness and Jun helped him thru it, it's time to focus on the future! the future with Jun which I'm sure would make everyone happy!

Jun said it himself, that Yifan should act like he really does love Jun... and that means breaking off the engagement with Jia! that girl has put the wrong ideas in Yifan's head, telling him that they are the only ones who deserve each other since they're both broken... WTF!!! who is she to dictate someone's destiny like that??? and Yifan better not use the Jia's grandma excuse again... I'll srsly lose it
Chapter 13: OH MY GAD!! I wanna cry! thanks dear for this update. :)
Chapter 2: I like it sofar.. keep on updating pls :)
2453 streak #6
read this from ao3 and I thought this was abandoned already! but I'm hoping this crossposting means you'll be updating again soon?