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I still haven’t decided their ages (well except for Tao) and age differences But I’m using the order in real life. A lot of things are going to happen in this chapter. A lot of crying


 A still hysterical Yixing grabbed Jongdae’s hand and forcibly pulled him in his lap, the latter’s legs straddling either side of his hips.

The younger tried getting away but Yixing had a very tight grip on his waist. “Lay, you are hurting me.” The older at least had the decency to look guilty as he loosened his grip but only by a tad.

Lay stared intensely at Jongdae, grabbing his chin desperately. “Chen, I’m not even lying to you, I can’t stop thinking about that night – so much.

I tried driving around the city to clear my head but your face only haunts me –,” he cut himself off as he roughly gripped the younger’s hair and crashed his lips with his.

Jongdae thought that his heart was going to burst from his chest, he lost all sense of thought and gripped the elder’s shoulders as he moved his lips.

A tongue brushed across his bottom lip and he instantly opened his mouth, tongues meeting instantly. The only sounds in the room were of lips noisily meeting. A loud whine was released by Jongdae as his tongue was roughly, urgent hands scrambling to his sleep shirt.

That’s when reality came back rushing to him. With all the power he had he pushed himself from the other’s lap thus landing on the ground.

All the anger came to him. “You are pathetic you know that?, leaving your girlfriend and coming here to do what? To play me?”

Yixing looked down guiltily and after a moment he stood up. “I gotta go, sorry.”

He pushed past the vocalist and headed for the door but Jongdae’s next words caused his heart to stop.

“When are stop going to run away from your problems. You disgust me.” The older turned and Jongdae was surprised to see tears shining in his eyes.

“I don’t know ,” then he opened the door and left with a rush.

You disgust me, those words repeating themselves as tears flowed from his eyes and he struggled finding the car keys.

Finally, he managed to and drove off to his waiting girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Jongdae could not hold in his sobs anymore. I give up, was his last thought before he succumbed to sleep.  


“Hyuuuuuuung,” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and groaned inwardly as Tao’s voice drifted in the storage room of his restaurant where he was checking the supplies.

“What is it this time, I’m a bit tied up at the moment.” The younger ignored him, instead walking towards him, towering over the short chef.

“I have a little proposition,” he said, looking down nervously. The older raised his eyebrows suspiciously. “Spill."

He didn’t say anything for a moment, opting to still look down. He then looked up, expression pleading.

“So umm, I’m 21 and I realised some - something, umm, I umm.” Kyungsoo was growing impatient by the second.

“Look, Tao, if you don’t wanna talk just leave, I’m tired and I can’t wait to sleep. You’ll tell me in the morning ok.”

“No, Soo, ok. I was saying, I’m 21 and I haven’t been kissed. So I was thinking if umm, maybe you could kiss me just so that I could remove my kiss ity you know.”

The shorter wasn’t sure if he had heard right. It had been a long time since he was caught by surprise and this would definitely cut the cake.

“Close your mouth Kyungsoo, you’ll let flies in.” The chef gave him a look.

“Excuse me but it’s not every day one of your best friends comes and asks to be kissed.

And oh, if you didn’t turn tail and run every time someone asked you out and if you had guts to ask someone out, you would have been kissed by now. Now go, you are creeping me out.” He said, proceeding to push the other out despite his protests.         


The next morning, Sehun woke up again, panting heavily.

“This cannot keep on happening, just please.” For he had another dream of Jongin.

It was becoming harder to face the tan beauty. Should I just skip lectures and dance practise, he thought. Skipping lectures it is. Hopefully Yixing hyung would understand.

Just as he was about to fall sleep again his phone rung annoyingly. He tried ignoring it but it kept on ringing. With a grunt he reached his hand to his bedside table and got the phone, it was Kris.

“Glad you finally respected me,” Kris’ deep voice sounded from the phone.

“Shut up Hyung, I wanted to sleep. I still want to sleep.”

“Sorry but no more sleep for you today, isn’t it your lectures start at 10 today. Can you pass by my club office say at 9? Me and Junmyeon want to talk to you about something.”

The tone of his voice indicated that it was something serious. “What’s wrong, did I do something.” Sehun was confused.

“Not at all, we just wanna ask something.”

“Kris hyung can we do it in the evening please. I’m kinda planning to skip lessons.” The younger said with a pleading voice earning a laugh from the other.

“You are going to attend all your classes or I’ll tell Junmyeon. I’ll be busy in the evening, need to run some checks in B.M. Plus Junmyeon is only free at 9 and at lunch today – end of story.”

B.M was Kris’ third club. The other just gave a resigned sigh. “Fine, fine.” “Good, don’t be late.” Then the other line was silent.

Urgh, now he had no option. He got up and started preparing for his day.


“Kim Jongdae open up, you idiot!”

came Baekhyun’s voice from outside. Jongdae woke with a start, and begrudgingly went to open his door, though muttering under his breath.

He opened the door to reveal a fresh faced Baekhyun who was jumping in excitement for no apparent reason.  “A very good morning to you little sir – My God you look horrible, why were you crying.”

Jongdae had forgotten about his dry tear tracks. He only shook his head. “It’s nothing Baek,” he said as he let the other in.

“It’s nothing? Are you crazy? Here’s the thing. You are going to bath right now and we are going to discuss this on our way to work. Shoo!”

The other cracked a small smile at that. “Okay.” Then he left.

  Moments later he came back looking better and took a doughnut and coffee which Baekhyun had brought over. “Where is Chanyeol?”

Baekhyun shrugged. “He had to go earlier.”

Suddenly his hands started looking interesting as he stared at them continuously, rousing Jongdae’s curiosity. “Baekhyun, are you ok.”

He only laughed bitterly in response. “I should be asking you that Dae.” Jongdae was persistent though. “Let’s go now, we’ll take your car and we are going to talk about this,” he said, grabbing his friend’s keys.

They went out, making sure the door was locked and started driving in the direction of their work place, Jongdae focusing on the road. After a calculated moment of silence.

“It’s Yixing isn’t it?” Baekhyun asked quietly. The other vocalist was silent for a moment. “Unfortunately, yes. He keeps confusing me but he’s planning on sorting his relationship with Yumi.”

Baekhyun nodded understandably and thankfully didn’t ask for more explanations which he was not yet ready to give.

“I wish it was easier to move on.” The shorter replied a sad smile on his face too. Jongdae looked at him worriedly “It’s Chanyeol isn’t it?” his friend slowly nodded.

“I just wish I could know what was in that head of his you know. I wanted to ask something. That night when I got drunk did I say anything embarrassing?

“Um no,” Jongdae said hesitantly earning a frown from his friend.

“Why are you lying? I just feel as if I did. I just feel like I said something which I wasn’t supposed to say, I’m not that dumb so please tell me.”

Chen just sighed. “Fine, you did say something but I’m not going to tell you what. It’s not my story to tell. Ah look we have arrived, let’s go, we’ll be late.”

He unlocked the door, took his bag and walked away hurriedly.


Baekhyun shouted, running after Jongdae, ignoring the funny looks he got from people around the building.

“And hey, lock my door will you.” He finished, finally catching up to the taller boy.

“Fine Jongdae I’ll forgive you for this but only because I’ll ask the others during lunch and how about we forget about our pain for a moment and prank the parents, maknaes, the couple and Kyungsoo  during lunch. It’s gonna be so fun.” He squealed happily earning a smile from the other.

“There it is, that Chen smile, I had missed it,” Baekhyun added on.

The group had planned to meet for lunch in Kyungsoo’s restaurant. As they were about to enter the building Baekhyun said

 “So how long do you think it’s going to take Kris and Junmyeon to call us, Yixing, Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin for a talk?”

“Hopefully never,” answered Jongdae.    



By 9, Sehun was standing outside Kris’ office and got in without even knocking.

“When are you really going to learn some respect idiot.”

An irritated Kris said from where he was sitting by his desk.

It seemed as if Junmyeon had still not arrived yet. But speak of the devil and he shall appear, the doctor arrived, panting heavily.

“Sorry got held up,” was his rushed apology.

Sehun pouted. “But Kris Ge, Jun hyung did not knock and you are not complaining.”

He only shrugged, nodding at Junmyeon as he sat on the desk, both now facing Sehun. Junmyeon shared a look with Kris and cleared his throat.

“We heard something from the grapevine.” The youngest got more and more confused. Kris cut to the chase.

“Is it true that Jongin is sleeping with a Mrs Kang?” she was a new lecturer, in her late thirties. Sehun couldn’t be more shocked

. “What!! Why would he sleep her I mean she’s a drama teacher and none of us take drama.” It couldn’t be true.

“But why didn’t you just ask Jongin himself, he could give you all the answers.”

The older guys exchanged a look again before Junmyeon answered.

“We had to be sure first. We need you to find if it’s true.” The young dancer’s eyebrows shot up.

“You want me to be a spy?” The two shook their heads.

“Not really.” They both answered

“I hope it’s not true.” Sehun mumbled.

It would only tear him apart and his newfound feelings.

His hyungs gave him knowing looks. “We hope so too.” Kris said.         



  Jongdae and Baekhyun met Chanyeol outside the company building. The tallest of three looked suspiciously excited. The others gave him funny looks.

“Why are you both looking at me like that?” Jongdae shrugged.

“I don’t know it’s just that you look like a clown.”

He earned a slap on his arm from Chanyeol. Bae

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Chapter 13: Omg this fic is sooo good I hope you'll update it or is it discontinued?
Im waiting anxiously of YF next steps! To man up and discard that stupid . :)
2453 streak #3
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: YIFAN IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
I'm proud he didn't fall into temptation! he did the right thing by going to his rock to stabilize himself... I feel slightly bad for Jiwon, he was a good date and well... but he never really had a real chance with Jun, it was better this way I guess... I hope he finds the one meant for him soon

tbh, when I was reading this in ao3, I only focused on the KrisHo... but to be fair, everyone in here also just wants KrisHo back together! so I don't feel so bad for just reading their parts? HAHAHAHA

anyway, back to the main point... no more excuses now for Yifan, as everything's been laid out already, all that's left is for him to do the right things... ever since he returned, it's always been Jia this, Jia that even if most of his actions would contradict such idea... the others have been screaming at him to fix things with Jun, but he just shrugged them off even if he knew it's what he wants... there's no use crying over his decision to leave before, thinking that Jun would leave him first and there's no telling what could've happened if he told Jun before too, but he's back now, and currently, he told the problem to Jun, he went to him during his moment of weakness and Jun helped him thru it, it's time to focus on the future! the future with Jun which I'm sure would make everyone happy!

Jun said it himself, that Yifan should act like he really does love Jun... and that means breaking off the engagement with Jia! that girl has put the wrong ideas in Yifan's head, telling him that they are the only ones who deserve each other since they're both broken... WTF!!! who is she to dictate someone's destiny like that??? and Yifan better not use the Jia's grandma excuse again... I'll srsly lose it
Chapter 13: OH MY GAD!! I wanna cry! thanks dear for this update. :)
Chapter 2: I like it sofar.. keep on updating pls :)
2453 streak #6
read this from ao3 and I thought this was abandoned already! but I'm hoping this crossposting means you'll be updating again soon?