Don't call Nayeon

Her worn out t-shirt

Chapter 6:


Well, well, well! Hello! So I’m starting out this chapter with a note about the school they all attend in this story. There are some things I feel like I haven’t clarified yet, which is my mistake entirely.

If you, my dear reader, don’t feel very interested in this part itself, don’t you worry! You can feel free to just skip this note then!


Note: Now... I know in the description I wrote ”school AU”. The thing is, where I come from, we don’t have such thing as ’college’ or ’high school’. We have a different type of school system, and that’s a much longer thing to explain, BUT one of the things I had in mind when starting to write this, was that the group of friends (Chaeng, Mina, Jeong, Dahyun, etc. etc.) were all around .

SO! It was never meant for them to be in high school.


Now, as said, I don’t really know much about schools in other countries, especially cause it seems so different here, so there might some things that seems off. If that’s the case, I’m sorry for not explaining this well enough yet. I will do a bit more research though and try to write it out better from now on.



Without further ado~! Let the chapter begin!





It was now Saturday and the cub woke up with a headache. She looked around first, confirming that she was indeed home.

She felt soreness in and sweaty all over.


She was sprawled out on her couch and her clothes were slightly damped.

She placed her hand on her forehead and groaned in annoyance and slight pain before sitting up.

Was her forehead feeling much too warm in comparison to her hand or was it just her imagination?

Her doubts were solved as she began coughing and felt even more pain in .

she thought to herself, realising she had gotten sick.

Her father would not be happy to hear about this if he found out.


What even happened last night?

She tried thinking back to the night before.


Upon remembering the kiss with Mina, she bit her lip in frustration.

Did she go too far? Mina did initiate the kiss first, but surely, the tiger was the one to take it further than just a simple peck on the lips.

She may have been the one to ’accidently’ turn it into a makeout session.


With her hand still on her forehead, she sighed and checked the time on her phone which was on the table.

It was just a couple of minutes past 1PM.


She tried thinking further... What happened after?

Ah, her and Dahyun finished their operation Blue Sparkles. They only had to wait till Monday to see whether or not they were succesful.


Then what.

This was where Chaeyoung felt her mind go blurry.

She heard keys outside her door and the door opened.

She saw how her best friend looked at the floor tracing tracks up to the couch, which was when the cub noticed the dry spots of water and leaves leading from the door to the couch.


”Did you stay at Sana’s last night?” the cub asked, voice slightly hoarse.


”Yeah... But what the hell happened to you?” the eagle said with a raised brow as she studied the mess in front of her whilst stepping inside properly.


”I was actually hoping you could tell me what you knew” the shorter of the two responded whilst looking around.


”I don’t know man, last I saw was that you said you needed to cool down a bit outside, I guess I thought you went home after that. I assumed you’d get your driver to pick you up since it was raining but uhh” the eagle paused, picking up a leaf from the floor, ”I guess you took a detour first?” she finished


”I don’t even know man...” she responded as she squinted her eyes.

”Yo, you look really pale” the eagle said as she closed up on her friend. She placed a hand on the cubs forehead to feel the temperature.


”Dude, you’ve got a fever.”


”Figures” the cub sighed.


The eagle pulled out her phone


”NO! Please, please, please don’t tell Nayeon unnie!” the cub said with almost fear in her voice in desperation in her eyes raising her arm dramatically in the air.

They both knew, however, that if Nayeon found out from someone else that the cub was sick, and Dahyun didn’t tell her about it, Nayeon would scold them both for not letting her try to protect her children or help them by making a soup or any other meal that would help.


The eagle rolled her eyes and didn’t respond.. She instead walked a bit away from the cub to call someone.


”Dahyun?” the voice on the other side of the phone asked with a questioning tone, wondering why the eagle called her, as it was her first time recieving a call from her anyway.


”Yeah, hey unnie-”


”NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the cub shouted with a dramatic arm in the air as if it was her last breath, thinking the eagle had called Nayeon.


”Sorry about that, this cub is a dramatic mess when she’s sick.” the eagle said with a sigh as she walked further away so the cub couldn’t hear the conversation.


”She’s sick?” the voice now concerned instead.


”Yeah, uhh, that’s why I called you actually. Do you know how to cook a good soup? You see, I don’t cook quite well. And well.. Sana’s cooking is.. Questionable.. And don’t even get me started on Nayeon’s cooking. That’s just straight up horrifying... I know I could ask Jeong but then Nayeon unnie would probably find out, and you heard the cub shout earlier...

I could ask Momo, but she’d honestly eat the food before she’d even finish cooking.. and well... You live closest to here, so I figured you’d be the best option.. Besides, Sana spoke about your cooking before.”


”I’ll be right over!”


Meanwhile the sick cub had gotten up from the couch to find another blanket


”Alright, thank you Mina unnie, I’ll call Sana over too to help buying ingredients since we probably don’t have a lot of them currently..”


”Wah, did you call the penguin!?” was said just loud enough for Mina to hear it through the phone


”Go back to sleep you idiot”


”bu-” -beep- the phone hung up.






-Earlier during the day-


Mina woke up from a nice slumber. No insane hangover, not too much grogginess either.

She didn’t get home too late either the night before anyway, despite the fact that she attented a pretty big and, well, a rather ’wild’ party to others.


Mina loved her extra sleep during weekends, although in comparison to many other people’s ’extra’ sleep during weekends or after parties, Mina’s still managed to wake at around 8-10AM.


Today she woke at 9. She immediately remembered everything from the night before.

She looked to her phone, wondering if the cub was awake. She wondered if she fulfilled her ’mission’ succesfully.

The penguin smiled to herself a little as she rememered how excited the cub was before with the mischievous grin plastered to her face as she was about to tell Mina about the plan.


She then remembered her kiss with Chaeyoung. How, Mina herself, actually initiated it. How she couldn’t possibly imagine it to be more than just a peck on her lips. She didn’t think that far before she did it. In the very moment, it was like all her thoughts went by so fast and then she just had to lean in and do it.


She covered her face as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks despite the fact that noone was there to even see her covered face.


Worry overcame her however. How drunk was the cub? Mina was already determined that she wanted to be with Chaeyoung, but still, was she moving too fast? It’s only been a week and Mina had already kissed her.

Yeah, she may have used the excuse of being too drunk, but Mina couldn’t deny the fact that she wanted to kiss the shorter girl even during every sober moment she was near her.

Was the cub so drunk that she’d even be able to remember what happened?

And she was drunk after all... Was this something Chaeyoung did easily with anyone or was it a special case for Mina?

What if Chaeyoung only... Escalated things because she was drunk?


The elegant girl sighed to herself.

She didn’t even know that much about the cub yet.

Should she text her? No, it was too early.

The penguin was quite aware that Chaeyoung most likely was still asleep at this time.

She didn’t even know when the cub got home either. Afterall, Mina did leave rather early in comparison to the rest.

Instead, she decided to first go about with her morning routine

As she got up and went to her bathroom to brush her teeth, she saw herself in the mirror.

Her eyes immediately fell onto the hickey from the night before.

She ran her fingers over it, memorising once again how she drowned into the kiss and how the cubs lips felt against her neck


”Dammit..” she whispered under her breath, figuring that she’d probably have to wear a scarf or a turtleneck the next few days, and that at least one of her friends would become suspicious.


She sighed, brushed her teeth and finished her routines before sitting down on her couch to grab her controller and turn on her PS4.

Gaming was one of her favourite things to do when she wasn’t too busy with her studies.


Back in Japan, Momo and Sana would often with the fact that she could play for hours to no end.

Just staying still in the same spot without moving. Heck, she’d probably even be able to do it for days if she had nothing else she’d have to focus on.


A couple of hours passed by with her gaming. Usually it wasn’t a problem to focus solely on the gaming and lose track of all time, but this time, Mina couldn’t help but check the time on her phone a little bit too often.

Checking if there were any messages, or perhaps.. Wondering if it was still too early to text a certain cub.

What would she say anyway?


Her phone began to ring and as she looked to it, she saw Dahyun’s name.

She raised an eyebrow, thinking to herself it was quite random. Dahyun had never called her before.

Well, not that they had known eachother for long either. But what could Dahyun want?


She picked up the phone though, and as they spoke, she suddenly heard a cute whine in the background.


For a second she couldn’t hold back her smile ’till the eagle explained that the cub was sick.


After agreeing to cook and after the eagle had hung up, she quickly grabbed her keys, flung on her jacket and then almost ran out the door.


She stopped.

Pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration before she turned 180 degrees around and went back inside to find a turtleneck.

Too close.




Reaching the door she knocked and the eagle opened.

It didn’t even take long for Mina to arrive, but as she entered, the eagle held a finger up, indicating for them to be quiet.

The eagle pointed towards the couch where a sleeping cub was already fast asleep again.

She smiled at the snoring cub shortly before heading to the kitchen to check for ingredients.

Dahyun went with her.


”Sana’s on the way too, she should be here real soon” Dahyun said in a bit lower voice. Not a whisper, but clearly making a bit more effort to not be loud.


”I’ll make a list of ingredients” Mina said. She didn’t really have to try to speak any lower anyway. Her voice was naturally just... Quiet.


”Alright, Sana and I will go to the shop once she gets here” the eagle said with a nod.


Mina opened the fridge.

”Why do you only have beer, wine and champagne in here?”


The eagle chuckled.

”I, for one, can’t cook, but you probably already figured that one out since well.. You’re here.

And well... As for Chae... I don’t think she’s necessarily bad at it, but she just doesn’t do it? Probably also cause she’s too busy to bother cooking sometimes, I guess... Sooo we usually just order take-out or head out to eat.” the eagle said.


Mina nodded in response, indicating she was listening.

”How’d she get sick anyway? She didn’t seem sick when I saw her yesterday” Mina said, thinking it surely happened over night.


”Oh, you mean when you saw her inside that supplies closet?” the eagle teased wiggling her eyebrows.


Mina’s cheeks flushed red at this. She had completely forgotten Dahyun’s ’greeting’ to the two through the door.

She wanted to cover her face right now.


”Hahaha, relax. I won’t tell the others. Although I am honestly curious what happened in there. That cub’s face was incredibly red and she was smiling like an absolute dork when I met her by the stairs”

The eagle said as she raised her hand to her chin, tilted her head slightly and began squinting her eyes as if to dramatically show that she was thinking hard.


”Really?” Mina asked, perhaps a bit too excitingly, whilst her face turned redder. Her curiousity peaked up upon hearing about the cub’s reaction.


”Yeah”  the eagle laughed.

”Also, I’m not sure how she got sick. I asked her when she woke earlier, and she didn’t seem to remember all of it.

During our ’mission’ she seemed a bit distracted.. A while after we had finished she said she needed to cool down.

I just figured she’d breathe in some fresh air and then call her driver to get home. But I guess she took a detour first?” the eagle said, repeating the same things she told the cub.


”Cool down? Was she angry?” Mina tilted her head.


”She didn’t seem angry at all” The eagle started with a neutral expression. ”Maybe it was just very... warm inside the supplies closet?” she said with a slightly suspicious look in her eyes, yet also with a teasing smirk.


The penguin wanted to cover her face somehow.

However, there was a knock on the door.


”Must be Sana” the eagle said with a big smile now as she headed for the door.


Mina scribbled down a few things on the paper while Dahyun opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Sana quickly jumped on the eagle giving her a big embrace.


”Dahyunniiiiie, I missed you!”


The eagle held her finger up in front of once again to gesture to be less loud for the sleeping cub.


Sana nodded cutely. It was incredible how she could make anything so simple turn into something so adorable.


”We were together just earlier” the eagle chuckled.


”Still...” the squirrel pouted cutely.


Mina finished the list of things needed and handed it to Dahyun.

”Minariii” the squirrel said as she released the eagle making sure her penguin friend received a big hug as well from the affectionate squirrel.


Shortly after, Dahyun and Sana headed out the door and Mina walked over to the cub.

She noticed how the cub was sweating slightly.

Mina then looked further around the apartment. She was the kind to observe her surroundings, and the last two times she was at the cub’s place, she made sure to do it then as well.

But this time, she noticed a picture frame which was slightly pushed back behind some books on the table underneath the television which was attached to the wall.


The rest of the room didn’t hold many decorations. It was all very simple and bright.

She held the picture in her hand and looked over it.

She immediately recognised the cub in the middle of the picture. Everyone was so small here.

On the cub’s left side was a very pale girl.

Must be Dahyun, she though to herself, smiling as she saw the happiness in the picture.

Chaeyoung had one arm raised in the air and the other one holding a watergun in front of her.

Dahyun had a one arm around Chaeyoung almost as if about to pull her in a headlock before the picture was taken.

Behind and slightly in the middle of those two was another girl. Short air and seemed slightly taller.

Was that Jeongyeon? It kind of looked like it.

And next to Jeongyeon was a guy she found to look similiar to Jackson, so she assumed it was him.

Must be nice to have been good friends for so long, she thought to herself with a smile.

The cub looked so adorable with such a huge grin on her face, dimples visible and just such a bright charm to her.

But wait. Who was that?, Mina looked at the girl next to Chaeyoung on the other side.

She didn’t recognise this girl at all.

She had long hair. She was smiling, but not nearly as much as the rest, and whilst the rest seemed to look at the camera, this girl seemed to be looking at Chaeyoung instead.


”What are you doing?” the low husky voice was heard behind Mina and she quickly turned around to see a sleepy cub rubbing her eyes awake. She was still clothed in the same outfit from the night before, except from now she had a blanket hanging half off of her shoulder.


”Chaengie” Mina looked at the cub concerned as she walked over towards the coffee table, placed the picture and felt the shorter girl’s forehead.


Chaeyoung just looked up at the japanese beauty with a sleepy expression still.


”You’re very warm, you should lie back down” she said as she gently gestured for the cub to lie back down.


”Okay... Are you here to cook for me today?” the cub said smirking only a little, eyes still sleepy.


Mina giggled. ”I guess I am.” she smiled.


As the cub lied back down, Mina made sure to pull the blanket to cover her properly again, before she looked to the picture.

She picked it up again and looked at the cub.


”How old were you in this picture?”


”Oh, that?” the cub took it and looked at it with a smile, as if reminiscing the days.

”I think I was about 7 or 8 there” she laughed.


”You looked so small” Mina said with a giggle, before continuing,

”Small for a small person”.


”Yah! Penguin, you shouldn’t be mean to a sick person”


Mina only laughed ”Okay, okay”. She got up to put the picture back from where she took it.


Silence filled the air shortly, till the cub broke the silence.


”Hey... Should we talk about yesterday?”


Mina stopped.

Confrontation could be a scary thing.

She put the picture back in place and turned around, slightly looking away.


”I’m surprised you remember...”


”I may not have been able to remember how I got home but I do remember that part” Chaeyoung said as she sat up on the couch and scratched her nape before scooching to the side a little and gestured for the penguin to sit now.


She sat down with a careful distance between them, not wanting to send any mixed signals when they were talking about this specific subject.


”We were both just drunk” Mina said.


”Is that it?” the cub asked, making sure.


”Yeah. We’re friends and it just.. Happened.. That’s all there is to it”


”Alright.” the cub responded.

”By the way, Penguin?”

Mina looked to Chaeyoung now.

”Nice turtleneck” she said as she winked at the taller girl.


Mina got up and walked towards the kitchen.

”You’re an idiot”.


”Ah, but I see you smiling, Minariii” she said with a smirk.



The penguin waddled back from the kitchen with two glasses of water.


”I hope you don’t mind I just took these glasses out, I didn’t know which ones to use”

She put one glass of water near the cub on the coffee table.


”It’s cool, don’t worry about it. I told you on the first day to just make yourself at home, there’s basically no limitations to that.” the cub smiled as she got up to take a sip from the glass of water, before lying back down and scooching in on the couch further. The cub then patted the seat on the couch by her legs for the penguin to sit down.

Mina lifted Chaeyoung’s legs a bit and then sat down whilst Chaeyoung let her legs cross over on Mina’s lap and rest there.


”Hey, penguin.. Do you always kiss people when you’re drunk?” the cub asked teasingly.


Mina rolled her eyes at the cub.


”From what I heard, aren’t you the one to make out with a lot of people when you’re drunk?”

She responded back avoiding to answer.

She didn’t want to admit that Chaeyoung was an exception, and perhaps she wasn’t even that drunk, which was only another reason not to admit it.


Chaeyoung held a hand to her heart dramatically acting hurt.

”Myoui Mina, is that what you think of me?!” she opened to fake a gasp as well.


”Should I take that as I yes?” the penguin said suspiciously.


”Would you be jealous if that was the case?” the cub now smirking at her.


Mina only rolled her eyes, and in that moment, Sana and Dahyun came back.

Mina got up to help with the bags to then get started on cooking.


”Hey, uhh... Chaeng?” the eagle said carefully.


”Why are you talking to me like that? What’s up?” the cub sat up to look at her friend.


”So uhh, Sana may have accidently let Nayeon unnie know that you were sick when she was on her way to us... So uhh... Nayeon unnie should probably be here soon....”

She paused as she looked over at the cub.


”But don’t worry! We’ll convince her to stay away from the kitchen if she tries anything!” the eagle added with her hands raised in the air.

Sana only giggled as she watched their interaction, wondering how and why they both seemed to fear the oldest one so much.


It was only a moment later the door knocked.

The cub got up from the couch quickly, covered herself with her blanket as if hoping it would protect her and ran towards the nearest corner by the kitchen where Mina was.


Sana opened the door and there stood the rest of their group.

Jeongyeon waving nervously in the background, Momo holding a bag filled with snacks and Jihyo tiptoeing over to better see past Nayeon, who was out of breath as she stood in front and was the first to enter.


”Where is my child!?” she said whilst stepping in.


”Ahahaha, right hereee” Dahyun said jokingly as she pointed to herself with both thumbs, knowing very well she meant the other child.


”The sick one” Nayeon’s eyes widened.


”Okay, okay, okay.. Kitchen” The eagle raised her hands surrendering.


Whilst the rest stepped inside, the bunny stormed towards the kitchen.


”SON CHAEYOUNG, how’d you let yourself get sick!?!”




Son?, Mina thought to herself, realising this was the first time she heard the cub’s family name...



.. Son?.. Chaeyoung... THE Son Chaeyoung?


”Wait...” Mina said


Both the bunny and the cub looked over at the penguin. The cub with a more concerned look in her eyes.


To Chaeyoung, this was not how she expected Mina to find out. She knows it could’ve happened any moment. But maybe less... Random was what she expected. She didn’t expect it to just slip out like this at least.

But oh well. That’s just how it happened


”You’re The Son Chaeyoung? When I asked you what you worked with.. This-”

Nayeon interrupted her

”Wait you didn’t know?”


Chaeyoung scratched her nape as she looked over to Mina. It wasn’t exactly fear she was feeling.. But she was still afraid that maybe Mina’s behaviour towards her would change.


”I didn’t” Mina responded with a shrug.

”My parents told me they spoke with your dad though” Mina started, ”Oh and also that your dad is considering to invest some money in my parent’s company”

Chaeyoung nodded. She knew all about this.


Mina’s parent’s company were a company focusing and selling high end computers. Specifically gaming computers.


”I guess that’s why you’re always busy with work though” Mina smiled before she started chopping vegetables.


Wait that’s it?, Chaeyoung thought to herself.

She had been worried that it would turn out to be some big deal.

It usually always was anyway.

People at school either obviously feared her for her power when it came to money or something alike.

And if it wasn’t fear, it was wanting to be near her hoping to get some of her money.

And if it wasn’t fear or money, it was just to be near someone ’popular’.

Just to brag about being ’close’ with the unapproachable ’Son Chaeyoung’.


But with Mina, it was just so simple. She don’t even know how Mina would be different knowing about her anyway now that she thinks about it.


”Chaeng” Nayeon said as she waved a hand in front of the cub

”You okay?”


The cub blinked and then looked at Nayeon.


”Yeah...” The cub said.. Before smiling warmly.

She didn’t have to worry about Mina being any different.

In Mina’s eyes, it truly didn’t matter whether she was Son Chaeyoung, Park Chaeyoung, rich Chaeyoung, poor, or anything else really. She was still just Chaeyoung, and that was just what she wanted to be.



”Good, cause I brought you this onesie!”

Wait what?

Nayeon held up a tiger onesie.

”It’ll keep you warm” she said with a smile much too big to not be scary.


”UNNIE! NO, PLEASE” the cub said as she got up and started running behind Mina hiding


Mina carefully put down the knife, which she was using to chop vegetables with before, to avoid any accidents, figuring that the bunny and the cub was about to have a ’battle’, and she now seemed to be inbetween them.

She giggled to herself a little however.


The little cub was being too cute.


”Minaa” Nayeon said with an innocent smile.

”help me capture the cub!”


Mina stood still with her hands in the air not really knowing what to do. Not really sure if she should help the cub or not. Not even sure how she could ’capture’ her.


”Mina, don’t listen to her!” Chaeyoung said, making sure to keep Mina in between her and the bunny.


”Come on, now.. Don’t you also want to see her in this cute tiger onesie!?”


She did. Oh, she wanted to so very badly.

If the cub was being cute now, imagine her in that tiger onesie.

That would be too much cuteness to handle.


Mina nodded hesitantly before turning around facing Chaeyoung

”Minaa.. Please don’t make me do this” the cub pouted cutely

 Ack, if this was in one of Mina’s video games, she could almost hear the soundeffect, of the cute pout doing damage to her health bar effectively for being so cute.


But Mina didn’t want to lose.

She pouted too, furrowed her eyebrows up slightly as if trying to show her the best puppy eyes she could muster.

”Please?” Mina then said pouting a little bit more.


Pang, went Chaeyoung's heart.


”...” the cub didn’t speak, she just stood there, frozen.


Mina continued to pout, tilting her head slightly to the other side and repeated;






The cub went past Mina over to Nayeon, looking only on the kitchen floor tiles, before snatching the onesie out of her hands.

”I'll shower first" the cub started with a mumble. "I'm only putting this on cause I’m too sick and too tired to fight you two...” she said defeatedly and walked out the kitchen to change, hoping that noone saw how heat had risen to her cheeks.


How was she even supposed to say no to Mina when she looked at her like that?



Well, hello hello!

Sorry it took me a bit longer to upload this. This idiot author right here, thought that for some reason.. It would be a brilliant idea to run around in the cold weather and rain with her friend with barely any clothes on.

So naturally, this idiot author had a fever on new years eve... Where she, despite having a fever, still went out with barely any clothes on, once again in the cold weather, and so the fever got worse.


So the past couple of days I haven’t been able to get on my desktop to write properly.

I had honestly planned for this to be ready 3 days ago.

There are some parts I’m a bit disatisfied with in this chapter, but yeah, here it is.

I hope y’all still enjoyed it, and I hope y’all got into the new year in a great way.


Honestly, and seriously, I appreciate the out of all of your comments! Seriously, it inspires and motivates me to write more and try to update faster :>


Hope you’ll look forward to next chapter! This chapter may seem a tad bit empty, but some parts felt a bit necessary to build up for what’s about to happen ;)


Also! I’m all better now basically and not sick anymore, so I should be able to write up a faster update than last time


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Chapter 7: This is so cute but unfortunately author isnt active anymore huhu
jiyeonkimtaetae #2
Chapter 7: hI authornim, i miss this story so much
jiyeonkimtaetae #3
i miss this story so muchㅠㅠ but i hope you are doing well authornim, i'll keep on waitingg
jiyeonkimtaetae #4
jiyeonkimtaetae #6
hello author-nim, i really hope you will update this story soon because i've been waiting for such a long time and ngl i miss this story, I enjoy this story so much! BTW Happy New Year( iknow its late but nvm idc:) hehe)
pls come back uwu
Authornim, why have you forsaken us lol TT TT
can we get an update??? (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡