Order # 1

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Order # 1:     ' , ' I cursed under my breath as a drop of water landed on my head. I look at the gray sky and open my palm only to catch the raindrops. I quicken my pace as if I'll avoid the rain and would never get wet. While in reality no matter how I quicken my pace I'll still end up wet, this is the crucial moment in your life where you'll know the importance of umbrella. The feeling of being protected from the sadness that the rain always bring.      It was really sunny a while ago. It was totally hot that it makes me want to take all my clothes off. Then out of the blue the sky turned gray and now its raining. Good thing I left my things at our house before heading out.      I just arrived in my place and as usual I was chilling in the balcony with mix fruits in my platter while holding another book. And when I say book, it means book that has 2000+ pages that you can slap people with it and they'll instantly forget their names.      But then I willingly left my paradise, my resting time just because of a single call from him. All through out our relationship, all through those years I never defy him. One call and I'll definitely leave everything behind just to see him. I know, I may sound pathetic, stupid and too much inlove with him but I could care less. I just...  I just love him that's all. I don't think I need ny reason for acting like these except for the reason that I definitely love him.      ' Aishh, ' I breathed as I pushed the wodden door of our favorite cafe. The bell attached to the door rang as all the staffs' eyes landed on me with a smile plastered in their faces. I bowed down with a smile as I greeted them one by one.      I'm drenching wet and this is one of the million reason why I hate rain. I'm not really a big fan of rain. Let's say I hate gloomy stuffs in general. And for me rain is a weather that brings nothing but sadness and emptiness. I have always been cheerful, hyper and optimistic. I even believe I'm born giggling and not crying. I just love life! And I see it as something filled with rainbow colors.      ' Need some towel Dara? ' CL asked with a smile. Lee Chaerin but I love calling her CL-roo is the best coffee maker in the world, and has been working here at the Cafe since the first day I went to this Cafe. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulder. ' Can I borrow? ' I asked feeling embarassed. ' Of course! It's no biggie noona, ' Seung Ri grinned as he handed the small white towel to me. Lee Seung Hyun or more called as Seung Ri is a waiter in this cafe and the adorable boyfriend of CL-roo, though its not evident because of the casual banterings. But believe me they're very much inlove.      After wiping the towel over my face I quickly proceed to our usual place. I chuckled as the thought of that table being forever reserved just for the two us crossed my mind.      I sat down. Strange. He's still not here, that would be the first time I arrived first than him. Usually we will go to this Cafe hand in hand, or he will be here waiting for me  and would welcome me with a sweet smile on his lips. I just shrugged. Oh well he probably also didn't expect the rain.      Daesung gently placed a hot cup of Choco in my table. ' Enjoy you hot choco, Dara, ' he smiled sweetly at me. ' Thanks, ' I chuckled. He just nodded as he slid his way back to the counter where his girlfriend, Gong Minzy is the cashier.      Have I told you that we almost practically live in this cafe. All staffs know us and memorized whatever we like to order.  I grabbed the cup of hot choco, blew it and gently sip as my eyes wandered all over the Cafe.      This Cafe witness it all. This cafe is practically built from all the memories. This is where our first date took place, first anniversary, first petty fight, first birthday together. This is where we both realized that we both crossed the boundary of friendship and love. Every corner of this Cafe screams the story of us.      My eyes landed on one particular wall where photos were plastered. I let out a chuckle remembering half of the photos there is ours. Through time this Cafe become our hiding place, hang out place. And even the owners of this Cafe become our close friend. A lot of happy and sad things took place in this small cafe.     I gently placed my cup down as I inhaled deeply feeling the sting in the corner of my eyes. I can't believe I'm having a nostalgia here. Haha.  If only I can bring back those old good times.      I heaved a sigh as my lips formed a thin line. We are having rough times this past weeks. We're not seeing each other that often unlike before. We always end up fighting. Probably everything is getting to boring now for him, probably I'm not that exciting for him anymore. Probably he's too fed up with my childishness, with my routinary life and he's getting tired understanding me and my weird self. We're both too tired to fix a figh, too tired to have that much needed conversation. I'm not blind I know everything is slowly drifting from my grasp, slowly falling apart. But I'm holding on, I have faith in him, I believe we will get through this.      My gaze shifted at the door as I saw him enter. I'm glad he didn'tget wet by the rain. The staffs greeted him with a smile only to get a timid smile from him. He quickly pace to our table and sat down in front of me.      Strange. This is the first time he sat down in front of me. Though we always fignt nowadays he will always chose to sit next to me, always next to me. ' Wassup Ji? ' I asked in confusion. He just shrugged and look at Daesung who just placed his cup on the table. ' Thanks, ' he whispered.      ' Dara, ' he breathed as he stare straight at me. He heaved sigh after sigh as he wandered his eyes in the whole establishment. My body began shaking as tears form on the corner of my eyes. He don't need to say it I know this will happen sooner or later but I never expect he'd really do it. I believed in him, i hold to his words, to those promises of forever and now what I'm witnessing that forever slowly shattered in front of me.      ' Dee, listen, ' he breathed out once more as he reach for my hand. ' This is hard but I want you to understand. We both need this, this is for---, ' he wasn't able to finish whatever monolouge he's reciting because I cut him short. I don't need this drama, his drama.      ' For goodness sake J
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dwiyulianav #1
Chapter 1: Dunno what happened but I couldn't access aff last night so i decided to read some new dg ff in watty when i discovered some of my fave dg fanfics was yours.went to ur pf saw a link for aff tried if its working now Lo and behold i'm starting to binge read your stories ^ω^
jiyongmk #3
Chapter 1: Love tabisan oneshots!
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 1: Tabisan FTW ❤️
I'm glad that this is the first fanfic of daragon I've read and finished ?
Yeng21 #6
Chapter 1: Oh my gosshh! I love jiyong but i'm betting Tabisan here!!!!! Sequel pleeeeaase
fangirlmode #7
Chapter 1: shocks. hahaha. tabisan FTW! >.<
Chapter 1: This deserve a sequel.. ❤❤❤
tae143 #9
Chapter 1: Waaaahh please do a sequel!!! although im an appler but damn TABISIAN FOR THIS!!!!
DaragonButterfly #10
Chapter 1: sequel juseyo...