Apartment Room 203


Irene doesn't really ask for much nor does she expect it. She just goes with the flow of life. 

Working an overbearing job? Sure, many others do and it pays the bills. 

Having that one constant friend that makes you want to pull your hair out? Well, does Joy fit that criteria perfectly. 

Irene is content enough with her life that she doesn't venture far for much more than what she's got. Doesn't question things unless they affect her in any direct way. In other words, Irene keeps to herself and likes it that way.

But when Joy tells her about her new neighbour, maybe she shouldn't have just brushed it off as boring, useless gossip, as many Joy tells her is. 

Apartment Room 203 is right across from hers, and one she'll become frequent with and a staple in the mundane routine of her life. 

Or alternatively, 

Irene leaves her apartment for work just in time to catch the ends of blonde before the door across from her own closes, and peaks out her door after getting ready for bed to see those same blonde ends flutter around the corner. 

Time seems to be what keeps them apart in what Joy calls the modern day Romeo and Juliet. 


This is meant to be a light ongoing, or maybe multishot, fic. Because honestly, my attention span and half a braincell struggles to keep it long and complex. 

Nonetheless, buckle up for some possible shenanigans, some good 'ol seulrene, and all the mess that comes with it. 

Don't be shy to drop a comment or slide into my dms (for s and giggles, or to be friends only!) 'cause I'm honestly bored 24/7 and apparently live on this site. 

I'd also like to thank myself, bearmons, for that ugly, basic, multiple google stolen pictures of a cover image that I badly photoshopped and slapped together. If anyone would like to take pity on me and gift me with a better, or worse, one, I'd love it. 


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Chapter 11: Darn too bad this story seems like an incomplete one, it was a good read tho.
Chapter 11: Dangggg. I guess this story has been abandoned. All that and no happy ending!!!!! lmao

Oh well, it was good while it lasted fair dinkum. ;)
Chapter 3: I’m wondering if you meant “g”asket, unless there’s another saying that I’ve never heard of.

Still really enjoying this due to me doling out the chapters to myself ... delaying the pleasure, so to speak or more correctly, prolonging it. Aaaaanyway...
Chapter 1: Don't know what I'm reading nor why the hell I'm light years behind but I'm here now and that's what counts! My opinion tends to fluctuate but so far, I'm of the opinion that you're a bloody good writer and where have you been all my life??? Aside from that, I will keep further opinions to myself until I've delved further into this. I think I've said "opinion" more times than I've a right to and that's a sure sign to just shut up.

But not before I say thank you! :)
Kindulie #5
Chapter 11: Please continue this story :( I just read all the chapters and Irene hasn't even met Seulgi yet :(
Chapter 11: lmao
Chapter 11: take your time author-nim!
Chapter 11: What a troll, lol..
Take ur time, authornim, we'll wait for ya
Chapter 11: Oop it’s been months since you updated. Hopefully we get to hear good news soon from you :)
Chapter 10: Joy was so worried that she left in the middle of meeting just to se Irene. I love their friendship :’) Omg Seulgi was the one who did CPR on Irene ;)