THE Talk

My Last Hope

"Sorry, Lu," Sehun apologizes as soon as he enters the apartment. He shuts the door and sighs, rubbing his tired eyes. By the lack of Tao's presence, Sehun assumes Luhan did break up with him. Because he's usually hanging around when Sehun gets up in the morning; much to his dismay. He looks around, sighing when there's no sign of his boots or jacket either. Luhan stands up from the couch and by the red in his eyes, he can tell the boy has been crying. But when he smiles, it's not sad. "I uh...I would have come sooner, but I ended up talking with Kai all night."


Sehun shrugs his jacket off, hanging it by the door. "Oh, Kai offered to let me stay at his house last night. I woke up at like one in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep."

"You..two talked?" Luhan asks. "ALL night?"

Sehun looks at his roommate oddly as the boy follows him to his room. "What?" He asks, pushing his shoes off. "IS that weird?" 

"What'd you two talk about?" Luhan asks, and Sehun shrugs.

"About ourselves, I guess. About our past, family, things we like...all that kind of stuff."

Luhan gasps and then it turns into laughter as he falls onto Sehun's bed.

"Sehuna, you two had THE talk!"

"What's...THE talk?" Sehun joins Luhan on the bed, frowning at him. "What is that?"

"You never had it?" When Sehun shakes his head, Luhan lets out a particularly loud groan that makes him jump a little. "Not even with TAO?!"

"No! What the hell is  THAT talk?!"

Luhan stands up and clears his throat. "The talk is when you're with your crush and you two end up talking...for HOURS. All night and the next day you're all warm and giddy!" Sehun stares at his friend oddly. "How do you feel? Like...was the conversation flowing naturally? You guys laughed a lot?"

"Yeah, actually," Sehun huffs. "Sometimes my sides and cheeks hurt so hard from laughing."

"Ugh," Luhan does a stupid happy little clap. "That's SO cute."

Sehun shakes his head when his phone buzzes. He pulls out his phone, still giving his roommate a weird look. When he looks down, he smiles widely.

Kai: you wanna hang out after you nap? im free after class and ing bored

"Kai texted you, didn't he?!"

Sehun looks at Luhan. "Yeah, why?"

"Look how excited you got! You practically pounced your phone!"

Sehun shakes his head again before he responds.

Sehun: Alright but you have to pick me up :)

Kai: on my motorcycle? ;)

Sehun rubs his cheek and laughs a little.

Sehun: Only if you have two helmets. Safety first!

When he sets his phone back down, he jumps a little at the large grin his roommate is giving him. "W-what?" 

Luhan coughs and stands up straight, fixing his jacket. "Sehun, what does my jacket remind you of?"

"Kai," Sehun responds, almost without thinking. "Why?"

"Do you miss him? Like, right now?"

Sehun bites his lip as he taps a finger on his phone. "I mean...yes?" He sighs and stands, grabbing some things to change into. "Which is really dumb, since I JUST saw him."

Luhan squeals a little and stomps his feet. He clears his throat and sits on the bed, watching as Sehun changes into his pajamas; even though it's almost noon. He doesn't have to work or be anywhere, so who cares? "Okay, Sehun. I want you to tell me something: What's the most attractive thing about Kai?"

Sehun purses his lip in thought as thinks about it. After pulling on his shirt, he goes to peel his pants off. "The first thing...I think it'd be his confidence."


"Yeah," Sehun hums. "He's always really sure of himself and super bold but...not like those guys I dated. He's not vain or pompous; he KNOWS he's attractive but not in a way that he thinks he's better than everyone else."

Luhan hums as well. "That's so cute; you didn't think of his physical appearance first?"

Sehun gives his roommate a pointed look. "You KNOW it's never about appearance for me."

"Bull, Sehun! I call bull!" Luhan shouts playfully. "You LOVE bad boys. With their leather coats and-"

"Okay, okay," Sehun interrupts. "I dated ONE guy that was a bad boy."

"Um," Luhan snorts. "You might have ONLY dated one bad boy but what about that one time? One of your customers was all leather-clad and had a bad boy attitude- you were SO red."

Sehun crosses his arms. "I was not!"

"You SPILLED coffee all over yourself," Luhan points out. "You're not a clumsy guy, but whenever you see a hot bad boy, you're all fumbly and mush. Not only that but when you get around Kai, you're all shy."

Sehun goes over to his balcony, shutting the curtains. "I don't get shy around Kai."

Luhan gets off the bed when Sehun tosses the covers over to get under them. "Every time he touches you in some form, your cheeks get all pink, and you get all happy."

"You're crazy," Sehun grumbles and glares at his roommate. Luhan smiles widely, but he goes to leave.

"I'll wake you when Kai gets here."

"how did you...?"

Luhan opens the door and shrugs. "I read your message while you changed, and then responded," He says, leaving after giving him a wink. Sehun gasps and grabs his phone, looking at it. Sure enough, the new message says it's been read.

Kai: i'll come over when class ends ;)

Sehun: I can't wait 

Sehun stares at the heart that Luhan had sent. He blushes and pulls his covers over his head. His roommate is seriously going to be the death of him. He'd never send a dumb text like that. Kai would know that, right? He touches his chest, trying to slow his heart rate. He tries to not think of Kai and the talk they had. How real everything was between them. The way Kai would hit him as he laughed; a silly but endearing quirk Sehun has already come to like. Sehun closes his eyes and curls up. He missed this feeling.

"Nice heart emoji," Kai says as Sehun enters the living room. Sehun gives Luhan a pointed look; who smiles sheepishly in response. He shakes his head before noticing Kai's damp hair.

"Why are you all sweaty?"

"Dance class, remember?" Kai chuckles as he goes over, grabbing Sehun's jacket and helping him into it. "Where to?"

"Hey, YOU asked me to hang out," Sehun points out. He gives Luhan a quick wave before they leave.

"Movies it is."

Sehun huffs as they head out and towards his motorcycle. "Alright but you're paying."

"Don't I always..." Kai trails off as he stares at his bike. Confused, Sehun looks over, but he immediately regrets it. His heart drops as Tao slowly walks over, seeming to ignore Kai.


Sehun nervously looks up at him. "Oh...Tao, hey," He clears his throat. "What do you want?"

Tao lets out a sigh. "I apologize, and I want it to make us work between us," He says. Sehun frowns now too when Tao switches to Chinese. The man knows he has a soft spot for it. "Sehun, please. You're not with Kai, and I'm not with Luhan."

Sehun swallows hard as he also switches languages. "I don't...know if that's a good idea, Tao."

Kai suddenly stands up straight when Tao steps forward and grabs Sehun
s shoulder. But when Sehun shakes his head, he seems to relax. "Sehun, come on! We were amazing together, and you know that. You made me feel alive and vise versa, right?" Sehun looks down to his feet as he fiddles with the bottom of his sweater. When Tao gently shakes Sehun, Kai steps in and pushes his hands away.

"Hey, back off!"

Tao finally looks at Kai, an angry look in his eyes. He switches back. "Hey, this doesn't involve you!"

"Oh yeah?" Kai scoffs. "Says who?"

"Sehun is only paying you, so why do you even care?!" Tao asks. Kai glowers at him quietly. "Do you ever give a about Sehun and his happiness? Or are you just IN it for the money?!"

Kai takes a deep breath. "Watch it, Tao."

"Why? The only reason you're around is to get paid! Guys like you would do anything for money!" Tao and Kai stare at each other for a moment before Kai sighs and turns away.

"Let's go, Sehun."

"Go on your fake date, Sehun," Tao scoffs. "I bet if you paid him enough, he'd you, Sehun!" Kai stops and clenches his fists. Before Sehun can step in to do anything, Kai spins, slamming his fist hard into the side of Tao's face. Sehun gasps and covers his mouth.

"Kai!" Sehun watches as Tao falls to the floor with a grunt. The Chinese man groans. Kai steps over him and grabs Tao by his collar. 

"You talk about Sehun one more ing time, and I'll put you in the goddamn hospital!" Kai slams him back to the floor before taking a step back. He waves his hand, grimacing at his knuckles. When Kai starts to walk away, Sehun slowly follows, his eyes never leaving Tao's. 

"Kai, why did you punch him?" Sehun finally speaks when they're a few feet away.

"I..." Kai sighs. "I don't know- I just got really ing mad."

"But..but why?"

Kai stops and stares at his fist. He clenches it and swallows hard. "Sehun, come here." Sehun looks at him suspiciously but steps closer. When within range, Kai grabs his hand tightly. He stares down at their hands; pale and tan fingers intertwined. So warm. Confused, Sehun looks up at Kai. They don't need to pretend in front of anyone. So why is he? That stirring in his stomach again. "So, how about that movie?"

Sorry for the short chapter guys. im all sickkk

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965 streak #1
Chapter 17: You succeeded in writing something light-hearted with a bit of angst. It is a good read. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 17: Cheguei aqui sem qualquer perspectiva, mas a tua escrita é tão fluída que fiquei.
Parabéns. Muita boa a fic.
Chapter 12: I remember reading this, but forgot what happens on the end, so here we go again.
My eyes hurt already from so much reading and looking at my computer screen, but I don't care. I will end it today!
You stories are awasome! How do I pay you for more?!
Amoreno2 #4
Chapter 17: Ohh they are so cute together:))) I really enjoyed reading this story :)) thank you so much for sharing it with us authornim :)))
I had to come back to this fanfiction:'(
It has been so long since I read it and I wanted to do it again
This is one of my favourite Sekai ffs
They both are so cute all the time
Chapter 17: I love that this is light and heartwarming. And kai had always been such a gentleman from the start. I am happy everything ends well for both of them. Thank you.
Niniskai88 #7
Chapter 17: Cute.. ?❤️
Chapter 17: one of the cutest Sekai ive read..thank u❣
Chapter 8: that gif in the end is everythng..from where is tha gif?
Chapter 7: hell yeah Sehun just move on