
I sat on the small sofa, decorated with little blue flowers, exhausted from working late at the office. It was currently right after 2 am and I just came to my apartment. This was no surprise but I still couldn't get used to those working hours which were so different than in my previous job.

"Hello?" I called as soon as I rested my head on one of the yellow, fluffy pillows. No answer. There should be one. We made a deal. We made a deal he wouldn't work later than 1 am. I stood up to look around but everything looked just the same as I left it. The red bed sheets perfectly spread, cup after my morning coffee still on my nightstand right next to the book I was currently reading, curtains still shut tightly, not letting in the night view of Seoul.

With the lights on i entered the kitchen to grab a glass of water but was stopped by the sight of multiple alcohol bottles on the wooden counter. At first i was confused as to where they came from. I was sure I got rid of all drinks two weeks ago. Frustration was reaching its highest levels in me. Deep sigh of disappointment, or rather annoyance left my body as i put them in trashcans. Flooded with the sound of glass smashing against the white floor I did not hear either when the door opened quietly or the footsteps of bare feet on the blue carpet in the living room. 

I jumped feeling someone had grabbed my shoulders. "It's just me" I heard a small voice and turned around to face its owner.

All the anger left me at once. He looked scary. His skin was grey, eyes lot all shine, bags under them visible even more due to how pale he was from not leaving the studio in weeks. I shivered seeing how prominent his cheekbones had become due to him skipping meals and stress. His hair was stuck to his forehead and he smelled like sweat.

I reached out my hand to gently his cheek as he closed his eyes. "I tried to be home as quick as possible, but I couldn't just leave the boys alone" he took a shaky breath and started talking in a quick pace. "They can't practice without me so I couldn't leave, you know we have this comeback soon and our choreographer insists we practice a bit more." he shook his head "It's still not that good so I'm embarrased, but it will be! You will see and you will be proud, but I have to practice". His eyes had an unhelathy shine which scared me the most.

As much as I felt all my insides clench I tried my best to look calm and collected. "Hoseok" i smiled gently at him. "l already am proud of you".

This was the first time he looked at me directly during this talk. I saw him clenching his jaw as I reached out to hug him. I slowly his hair as he calmed down.

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