Amici e Rivali

My Jaeho_Xchange's Stories

Title: Amici e Rivali


Pairing(s): YunJae


Rating: PG 13/15


Genre: Fluff, Humor, slice of life


Summary: Junsu and Yoochun adopted two new pets that hate each other. The couple is patient with the animals but if they don’t get along, they’re going to be separated permanently.


Author's note: I couldn’t make it as funny as I wanted to but I really enjoyed writing this, I'd wish you like it, dear prompter #085/19. Sorry for the mistakes. Hope it’s not that bad and someone could enjoy it.


(I can't believe I wrote 'plain' instead of  'plane'  (ლ‸-)  )

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I just added links for the songs of the second story "Adagio" :-)
I think I'm going to post Adagio with the other end I had planned. SIA's song made me change my mind at that moment.


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2036 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hehehe my silly brain thought the stories were posted here, only after coming here I realised they are just plots linking to the stories. The plots sound good. Will check them later when I'm free ^^
julia123123 #2
Chapter 5: Kicking and screaming is the best one for me among the 2019 jaeho xchange stories. I can’t remember well how much I read again and again. ? I also added this one into my Wattpad recommendation yunjae fanfic list . only if they are really good ones, I suggest my followers to read it . I think this type of story suits you really well.
Keep writing!Appreciate your hard work! We are yunjae hardcore fans!
Maribeth787 #3
I knew it was you! Well, not really
I really liked your stories, actually all the stories in the fest. I'll make sure to comment all of them yours included of course
Congrats for joining AFF and posting your stories. I wish you post your other stories too (specially what I call your James Arthur trilogy)
Si quieres hasta te ayudo a traducir jejeje
yunjaemrcnn #4
These were awesome! Thank you for sharing
All your fics are incredible. I had a great time reading them. Thank you for sharing them to us. ?