
The Curse

The first thing she notices when she enters the Queen's Chambers that morning is the dazzling smile on her lips.

"Oh dear," the older woman exclaims making Meliha wonder how can this woman be their mother? How can she be Hakyeon's mother? They are two entirely different personalities.

"My lady," she bows, placing her hand over her chest, just in case. The neckline of the night gown is no joke.

"Oh I am so happy," crossing the distance between them in three strides, the queen is hugging her, "So happy."

"Umm so am I?" She doesn't know what is it that made the woman happy but whatever it is, she hopes it stays.

"Have a bath and come join us for breakfast okay?"

She nods in answer.

"Maids!" Stepping away, the queen commands and two ladies appear at her door, "Help Her Majesty take a bath, a mild one and don't scrub too much," with another hug, she walks away, another set of maids in tow.

The maids give her strange looks throughout the bath and she has to remind herself several times to not ask them about the reason and make it more awkward for them. Maybe they don't like helping people bathe?

After that they help her into another gown which seems to be of silk or something similarly fancy with the VIXX insignia in black on the right sleeve. It's still not their colors and she thinks that maybe it'll remain that way. Then they put her hair up in a bun.

The maids ask her if she wants them to accompany her to the dining hall and she politely declines knowing she'll just skip breakfast, she has no intentions of seeing them first thing in the morning and spoil her mood.

After wasting thirty minutes in the Queen's Chamber and getting bored she decides to head towards the garden and maybe try out the maze as well since she has a lot of free time on her hands now.

She's walking down the corridor and admiring the artwork on the ceiling when a voice breaks her out of her musings.

"Were you not taught any manners you good for nothing Omega?" The voice belongs to a woman who is standing in front of her surrounded by VIXX, the Queen and the remaining members of other groups. She is wearing a heavy silk gown with the VIXX crest on the chest, her jewels seem to be the finest of stones, her lips are painted blood red and the rest of her face seem to be covered in layers of whatever one puts on their face for white washing but the only thing that registers in her mind is the fact that the woman questioned her upbringing.

"My manners are quite fine, they just seem to be blinded by the layers of make up on your face. And the beta presence..'s as good as nothing so you can't blame me for walking right into you," she retorts not really caring that the woman is older than her. There is a sound of snickering as if someone is trying to prevent themselves from laughing but she pays it no need.

"Well your presence is sure not subtle considering you reek of Taekwoon," comes the reply.

She reeks of Teakwoon? Oh God!

"Well I'd rather reek of him than of what you're wearing," no wonder the maids were being awkward! "Who are you anyways?"

"She's my mother," Hongbin replies in her stead, looking ready to kill.

"Oh?" She's his mother. He's her son. Then who is the Queen? Her head goes into overdrive.



"Teakwoon would have done that just fine," the woman replies and walks away, Hongbin in tow while she stands there looking like a fish out of water.

"That went well," somebody comments but she's too busy thinking how Hongbin would make her life hell now.

"And she called you mannerless because you didn't show up to greet her at breakfast," she looks up to find Hakyeon glaring at her.

She doesn't know about well but that certainly went to hell.



The maze turns out to be more difficult than she expected, and bigger as well. Even with her sense of smell and hearing, she couldn't figure out which way to go and hence ended up walking in circles thrice. Thankfully she had the common sense to mark the way she came, so coming back out wouldn't be that difficult.

Just as she was about to give up and head back, she picked up a scent, only because she paid extra attention after being told that she 'reeked' of it. She should have just ignored it but curiosity killed the cat, in her case, the wolf.



They have decided to spar, without Hongbin who was busy with Queen Beta. It would have been a simple enough exercise, something they did quite often but he could not get his emotions under control, maybe that was the reason that he was going so hard on Leo. Or maybe it was because the girl indeed smelled like Leo and it felt like his brother, his closest friend betrayed him. That made him angry, really angry.

"Careful there Leo hyung, he might take your head off!" Ken cautions from the side, resting his head on Suga's shoulder.

"I agree with him," Taehyung comments from the ground where he was teaching Jungkook another spell.

"Was it hot Taek?" His voice sounds like acid, "Did you do it on your own accord or is that Omega using that necklace again," swinging his sword to the left, a little close to Leo's ribs, he asks, knowing the younger's is weak on the left.

The blade cuts through the shirt and manages to clink against the flesh before Leo moves, avoiding further damage.

"It wasn't the necklace," the silver haired wolf clarifies, going straight for the stomach, "and would you have liked had I left her to sit on the floor the entire night like you did?" He is blocked, but he withdraws too quickly and goes for another straight stab.

"She was sitting there the entire night?" Hyuk questions, and Hakyeon can feel the guilt swim in his eyes.

"She was exactly where she belonged until you decided to take her to bed!" He barely manages to save his chest from being impaled.

That's when the smell of Jasmine and Fenugreek reaches him and he throws his sword into the 10 feet high wall of bushes and Vines and slams into Leo, making them end up on the ground. There's silence for a moment and he doubts if he really smelled her.

"I'd say your aim is poor," the woman comes out of the maze, dangling his sword carelessly, "but it isn't. I nearly lost an eye there."

"That definitely would have made my day," he comments, getting up and dusting his pants, leaving Leo on the ground.

"Wow why is this called Kingdom of the United, Kingdom of 's would have suited it much better."

"Watch your words!" Ravi threatens, tightening the hold on his sword.

She walks further into the training group and extends her hand for Leo to take, who looks at it for a second, then gets up without her help.

Something flashes across her features disappearing just as quickly as it came and then shrugging her shoulder, she throws the sword at Hakyeon to catch, which he does.

"Why is there.....," She starts and then stops abruptly as if realizing something, "Nevermind." Her eyes jump from one thing to another as if trying to remember what belonged where and then after a while she starts walking away.

"Whose turn is it tonight?" Hakyeon hears his voice call out, it wasn't intentional, "Ravi? Ken?" He knows that they were going age wise which would mean she will go to Ken tonight.


"They need to be aware of you."

She smirks at that, "Afraid I'll take them away?"

"No," he answers, gaze narrowing. This woman is over estimating herself, "They aren't into venal women. They are royals. They have standard."

The woman whips her head so fast, he could almost hear her neck break, "Venal woman?" Again something flashes on her face and then it's gone. He has always prided himself on the ability to read people but she makes it so hard to read her, "Then I guess that's why you bought yourself a royal ? Such great standard!"

"Watch your words Omega!" He warns. She will regret getting on his nerves.

"No you watch your words Alpha!" She cautions.

"You were the one to come to us, don't dare forget that!" Ravi reminds her, already coming forward.

"Your non existent kingdom needed us. Don't act so mighty now," Ken adds.

"Hyung!" Taehyung and Jungkook have gotten up as well.

She smiles at that, the smile is unsettling, "You made me call myself a , that's mighty? Yeah I see your standard."

"I said," Hakyeon is at her in a second, hand circling around her neck, grip tight, "watch your words." He shouldn't have lost his composure like that. But she has this uncanny ability to make him snap by just breathing.

"Hyung!" Hyuk has come up behind him, hand oh his arm.

She just stares at him, eyes widening for a second and then just looking, her hands by her side, not even resisting.

"Yeon," Leo is holding on to his other arm, "Enough."

"This is the last warning, watch your tongue because I will snap that neck of yours in a second."

"You won't," she croaks out.

"And why is that?" He tightens his grip for emphasis, "Are you under the illusion that just because we married you, I won't get rid of you?"

"On the contrary," her voice becomes even more hoarse, "I believe you'll get rid of me the first chance you get."

There is no fear in her eyes, no hint of submission what so ever. What kind of Omega is she? Aren't they supposed to cower and go on their knees when an Alpha threatens then?

He increases the pressure on her neck, feeling the pulse in her jugular against his palm, "Then why?"

"Because my life is not yours to take. Somebody already called dibs on that," there's another smile and maybe it's the proximity but he feels the sadness radiating off her.

"Hyung," Hyuk is shaking his arm and he lets go of the woman's neck.

"Get lost!"

She walks away, not looking back but he can see the impression of his fingers on the back of her neck.


She steals another of the Queen's scarves that day.

"Oh dear, you weren't there at lunch today either. Is everything alright?" The Queen asks, entering the Chamber with maids in tow, whom she dismisses upon her arrival.

She clears before answering, "I am fine, My lady," she planned on joining for lunch since Hongbin's mother was displeased with her for not joining her for breakfast but with nearly crushed, she doubts she would have even been able to swallow anything.

"It is because of the boys, isn't it?" She asks but doesn't wait for an answer, "I need to scold them good."

"Don't," she barely gets out, hurting like a , "I don't want them to be forced to do anything."

The Queen smiles at her in return, "You care about them, don't you. Maybe that's the Omega heart people talk about."

She doubts it's her heart because it has died a long time ago, "Forced feelings never take a relationship anywhere."

"I understand."

She looks out the window, it's nearing Dawn. She'll need to get up and start preparing to be sent to another one tonight.

"Venal woman...," It rings in her head. She really became a , didn't she? Going to different men each night. Only difference being she wore a wedding band. And not even doing a good job at being one because in the end none of them even touched her.

Is she really an Omega? Yes, yes she is. The past has proved it already. Then maybe her heat was the only thing that made her attractive. Funny, her curse was what made people notice her, want her.

"Child," the elder woman calls and she pushes her thoughts to the back of her head, "I don't know what to call you."

Which means she didn't know her name. They didn't even tell their mother what their wife was called? Did they even remember her name? Or was she just 'Little Omega'?

"Meliha," she answers, "My name is Meliha."

"That is very nice name," the Queen smiles at her and then comes to sit by her side, "I know it's difficult for you, handling six men is not easy and I may be selfish to still ask you but please bear with them."

She almost tells her that she doesn't have any other choice. She is at their disposal. As long as they protect her people, they own her. But she doesn't, instead opting to nod.

"I should probably apologise to Hongbin's mother," she voices, trying to change the topic.

"Don't bother," comes the reply, "she would've hated you either ways. Now she can justify her hate."

"Why?" That surprises her, why would the woman hate her?

"Queen Beta, she is....let's just say she hates you for the same reason the boys are giving you a difficult time."

"Huh?" She still doesn't understand.

"You remind them of me," she smiles and Meliha sees the smile as a reflection of her own. A fake one, "Anyways we should get you ready."



She checks her neck before coming to the West wing, the residence of the two princes. But the impression of Hakyeon's hand is still there. Her healing abilities are seriously suffering because of her ed up emotions, she'll have to do something about that. Or go hunting more often.

Surprising the door to the room is open and Ken is already waiting for her, it seems.

On watching her come up the stairs, he ushers her in, "Come on in."

She looks at him for a good two minutes without moving, giving him ample time to change his mind but he still tells her to " the hell up."

So she simply complies. His room is bigger than Leo's, even bigger than the Queen's and painted in a very light shade of green. There are two beds in the room and she almost asks him about it when she sees Ravi rise up from the chair by the fireplace and lay down on the bed on the far end. They share a room.

"We are not sharing beds with you, we are not giving up our beds either. You're even inside the room because Mother Royal told us to," the younger informs, turning on his side so he could look at her.

"I wasn't expecting you to give up anything for me," she answers looking around the room. The curtains hanging on the east wall seem to cover the windows but she couldn't be sure. There are a lot of paintings hanging on another wall, a piano sits below the paintings. There is a large table and some chairs in the corner. By the fireplace, beside the chair that Ravi was just occupying, is a sofa and she has half the mind to sleep on that for the night.

"Good, you are starting to realize your place," he comments, turning away, "A word of advice, don't anger Hakyeon hyung. He rarely gets angry but when he does, no one can stop him."

"Worried about me?"

"You wish."

"Why are your ankles burnt?" Ken asks suddenly and she looks down realizing her legs were on full display.

"It's nothing," she dismisses wrapping the outer tightly around herself. She has told the Queen that she won't wear the knee length night gown only to be told that the color would suit her well, bring out her eyes.

"And why are you wearing that scarf? It certainly doesn't go well with what else you're wearing."

"None of your business," she's not in the mood to play investigators with them so turning away she walks to the chair by the fireplace and flops down, careful to cover her legs.

"You can sleep on my bed," Ken's voice is meek as he offers after a while.

The offer reminds her of Leo's and how stupidly she had believed him.

"No, thank you," she refused, focusing on the flames. Would it hurt if she burnt herself down right now?

"But...," He speaks up again only to be interrupted by Ravi, "Let her be hyung. No need to be a gentleman with someone like her."

There's silence after that and she keeps staring at the flames till she could hear their rhythmic breaths signalling they fell asleep. Only then does she closes her eyes.

She tries sleeping on the chair, she really does but couldn't. It's simply uncomfortable. So giving up on that, she comes to the door and sits down, with the door supporting her back. If they hate her smell, they'll just have to get the floor and the door washed, simply.

After sometime, she manages to fall asleep on the floor.



She wakes up to the feeling of fingertips against her legs, which makes her frantic.

On opening her eyes she's met with Ken's burgundy hair, he's looming over her, his hands on her thighs, gently, carefully ghosting down, the outer has been pushed off her shoulders.

"What the are you doing!"


___________________________________________________Okay, first I have no idea why I made Leo smell like Fenugreek! I seriously don't. Next thing you know Ken will smell like cumin!!

And Hakyeonie said, "Was it hot?" 😏



No? Just me? Okay.

Oh and since I haven't decided on the main pairing yet, please vote!!! I made a poll! 

*As if people will vote*

Shut up stupid inner voice.

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For my story 'The Curse' what should be the main pairing?



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parboni #1
parboni #2
Chapter 24: Finally! Enough with Mel's mistreatment. Someone needed to tell the princes to stop mistreating her. Go Jade,go!!!
And Hakyeon ain't going anywhere soon with that attitude of his.
parboni #3
Chapter 23: Just read the chapter and the small note under the chapter now. I guess it's enough for me to go on with a hectic day accompanied by terrible cold and fever.
You know you have an amazing storyline and plot and an amazing bunch of characters. If you just know how to progress with the storyline(um guessing things are gonna get a bit smoother for Mel if not worse) and how to utilize your characters,its gonna be fine.
parboni #4
Chapter 21: On another note,I would like to see Hongbin falling for REALLY hard. He is crossing his boundaries since day one and karma needs to bite him back.