TEEN CRUSH: Hatred Of Opposite


"Fairy Tales can never be compared to Real Life, but sometimes Real Life can be like a Fairy Tales"


Getting the butterfly in your stomach in the first high school is usually the thing you need to get because you're a teenager who is familiar with someone.

Well, it's not in the High Kingdom where all boys and girls are in a difficult situation. That is why when seven High Kingdom cheerleaders feel different when they are transferred to Skyline High.

In high Skyline, there are seven boys who, we can also say that they are really great in what they do. That's why they always get affection from everyone at Skyline High but not the transfer girls.

This is the reason why the clash between them begins. The hatred between 7 popular male students and 7 girls who have just moved to Skyline High school. But, does hatred between them continue to burn? Or is it the opposite of hatred? Will it be possible to have a mutual relationships and friendships? Or maybe a nascent feelings of love between them?


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