Forever Alone

Curious Spirits

"You'll never be free, Junghan. As long as you are alive, you will never be free. Even after you die, you will stay in this world, and your spirit will sleep for many many years. When you wake up, that is when you will know that you will soon find your true love..." a wry smile crossed his parents' expressions as they made eye contact with each other and the young Junghan then had no idea what was happening and why. 

"Now, sleep my child, for you have a long journey ahead of you," Junghan recalls the ominous words that had been told to him by his parents when he was a child. He never knew what they meant, and he imagines his father and mother's expressions as his younger self blinked in confusion before his eyelids drifted closed and his eyelashes tickled his cheeks, the sad smiles of his parents looking down at him from his bedside the last image he sees as he drifts off into a slumber that no one knows when he will wake up from.

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