Top DAY6 Recommendations



It's still so hard to find well written Day6 fics, unfortunately.

I'm making this list so those searching for good Day6 stories can find them easily.

The list is open to recs too! Please shoot your favarite stories this way~



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Chapter 3: I liked this fic.
Thank you so much for the recommendation.
tikaren #2
Chapter 6: This is so helpful.
Thank you so much.
didzzz #3
Is this strictly AFF only? There pretty solid stories on ao3 and Tumblr, but mostly ao3. :)
Hi SkySailor. This is a shameless plug, but cud u include my fic in yr list of Day6 recommendations. I finally finished writing after 1 yr 6 months (phew). Hope I'll like it.
infernoforte #5
Chapter 2: Oh! I didn't realize this until now T T thank you so much for putting my story into the list although it's still mediocre, I'm also looking forward to other day6 fanfics you recommend ^^
Finally! I've been searching so long to find some good Day6 fanfic so thank you for creating this to keep all us my days up to date! <3