
The Scarecrow's Necklace

Your Pov 

  After Kibum and Jonghyun headed back to their company, I wandered into a nooodle shop not far from the water fountain. It was a rather small yet cosy place, and I settled comfortable into one of the seats. Ordering two huge bowls of bibim guksu, I proceeded to down the wholte lot of it. Everyone was staring at the ravenous me, but I was far too famished to even care about the whole lot of them. Gulping down the last drop of the soup in the first bowl, I was about to proceed with the next when someone suddenly slid into the seat opposite me.


  "Minho!" I exclaimed, surprised.

  Before I could make any assumptions, he spoke.

  "Don't worry, it's just my lunch break from work now."

  I nodded cautiously. The bowl of noodles stood in between the both of us, making the already awkward meeting even more awkward.

  "Can we start on a clean slate? Forget about my confession, my actions, everything. Just look upon me as simply, Minho," he suddenly blurted out, staring earnestly at me. I stared back at him, surprised by his sudden outburst, and in his eyes I saw no trace of desperation or ill-meaning, just my reflection staring right back at me. I pushed the bowl of bibim guksu towards him.

  "Eat," I said.

  We ended up eating three whole bowls of bibim guksu each. The stall owner served us happily, gratefully swalloing up the cash we produced. After we ate till we could force no more morsel of food down our throats, we slumped into our respective chairs and lapsed into silence, too full to speak. Minho finally spoke out though, saying that we should probably go as we were done with our food. I got to my feet reluctantly and followed him out, a little hunched over because I was just too full.

  We strolled down the streets together, and surprisngly there was no pressure at all. He kept a comfortable distance away from me and jammed his hands into his pockets, so I could walk alongside him casually without the slightest bit of uncertainty. It was a fine day out and my clothes were dried by now, save the coat which now hung limply from my arm. A slight gale was blowing, picking up the further we walked, and I shivered involuntarily.

  "Are you alright?" Minho asked.

  I was about to answer, but just as I opened my mouth, a big sneeze escaped my insides and resounded through the air. Minho frowned, slowing down as I sneezed again.

  "You're definitely not alright." Minho said.

  "I'm perfectly fine," I said, ironic as it was that I sneezed once more as I finished the sentence.

  "Come on, I'll take you home before my lunch break ends," Minho said.

  I shook my head violently, but the more I protested the more I sneezed. I couldn't let Minho know that I resided with Taemin now, blank slate or not. He was dead insistent on sending me home however, and in the end I had to comply, all the time faithfully hoping that I had my house keys with me. He hailed a cab despite my weak protests of it's too expensive, saying that he would pay for me. As I sat huddled in the back of the vehicle, I knew well and truly that I was sick. Already I felt awful; judging from the cab's mirror, my nose was red and runny, and my entire body was aching, almost as though I had several old ailments all jumbled up together at once.

  The taxi pulled to a stop outside a row of red bricked apartments, and I stumbled out, shivering uncontrollably. Minho handed over some notes and got out off the taxi too, gently helping me into the lift and then pressing the floor number. He checked his watch.

  "Will you be alright from here? I'd help you and all that, but I have to be going now," he said, his eyes now reflecting concern.

  I managed a nod and a weak smile, and then the lift doors closed to begin its ascend. I sighed as I leant against the cool walls of the moving object, my head already spinning like a uncontrollable rollercoaster. As the lift stopped a thte designated floor, I shuffled out of the double doors. Just as I exited the metal cage however, I stopped short in my tracks, my mind and heart both seemingly to cease its function as I stared at the sight in front of me.

  A woman looking to be in her fifties was standing outside my apartment door, repeatedly ringing the doorbell with one trembling ginfer. She looked incredibly frail, like a single push would send her shattering into a thousand tiny pieces. She was huddled up in a faded purple shawl, the ends frayed and wipsy. Her hair was done up in a messy bun, the same bun that had always contained my mother's thick mane of black, shiny hair, just that now, the hair in this bun was grey.

  I stood there for a very long time, and when she finally turned and saw me, her eyes grew wide and I felt a pang in my heart so sharp it was as if a thick blade has just punctured the walls of my atrium and ventricles. I could recognize her immediately even though I hadn't seen her for years.

  Her skin was stretched over her face and it resembled worn parchment. Her cheekbones seemed to protude right out from her, that was exactly how thin she was. Her eyes carried the look of someone who had weathered many long storms but was now content to row in a little boat out at sea, whatever the weather may be. Despite all of that, she was still who I remembered her to be.

  At the core, she still was, the mother I had always loved and remembered.


Hey guys!

I hope y'all didn't forget me & this story hohoho.

My exams are finally over (omg, scream!) & so I'll be updating more now!

So sorry to keep y'all waiting, hope your faith in this story is renewed! <3


Jess aka glitteryy <3

Comment Replies :

@WinterRose -- Not at all, although I do love long comments! <3 Awwww, thanks for that, I'm real glad you liked the fountain scene! Anyway, I finally update again, so enjoy! (:

@NinjaLunara123 -- Awwwwwwww omg, that was so sweet! Thanks so much <3

@HyoRoro -- Thank chuuuuu. <333333

@kwin_shine143 -- Glad you do!

@Sammery -- Awwwwwwwww, I'm so glad it made you happy! I would love Key&Jong to be my friends too ahahahahahah. <3

@RemIsMee -- YES I TOTALLY AGREE W/ THAT! And you're a sweetie pie yourself too (; Here's an update! And awwww that pet name was corny but cute! <3

@Yploverholic -- Thanks, they went pretty okay! And nope, your memory didn't fail you (:

@pokedeyes -- Wow, comment spam hahahaha! Awwwwww, well you can continue living now ahahahahah! Thanks so much for your support love! :3

@xeroxiff -- Yes they are, aren't they? LOL choir boys! You made me laugh with that (; Thanks so much, the wait is over! <3 Loveyousweetie! ^^

@sushi_roll101 -- I couldn't have phrased it better myself (:

@GoofyElla -- Our love is boundless. <3

@shineeninja -- You see wrong hmph. Pay a visit to the eye doctor! (; YES THEY ARE OHMAGAHHHPRECIOUS. <3 Yes it's so much moaaaaaar fun! One day I'll steal a suit and do what they did muahahahah. I'll bet you ten bucks they didn't. LOL (why am I betting on my own story? :/)

@BleuumScarlett -- Awwww that was so sweet of you! French? I used to learn French hahahahah, but all the verbs&nouns&whatnot made me far too confused so I quit :/ Anyway, yes city hunter that drama is shoooo awesome <3 Thanks again lovely! <3

@shineeloveroverload -- OMG I LOVE YOU AND YOUR COUSIN! I get so excited when I have readers that are not on AFF, for some reason :/ Thanks so much for your support, <333333333333 ~

@SBLING -- Thank you, and I'm glad you loved it! <3

@XxSHINeeMemiryxX -- Here's the long waited update! <3 And thanks dear! (:

@E_magine -- Thankyouuu! <3 Yes, I suppose they are! (:

@Mae-chan -- I'll run with you! YES OMG I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO DO THAT! <33333333

@lee_xuan -- Yes our dear jongkey! <33333333

@mickey_mouse -- & I love you! Yes they do! Awwww, I watch loads of mv's too when I'm feeling down! I hoped you liked this update, and thanks! <3

@ILoveTaeZy -- Are you exams over now then? Awwww, thanks so much, I love you! <3 That would be so nice! I really do love paper stars ahahahahah! <3

@sakuradrops347 -- OMO. I hope I don't affect you too much! Are your exams over now too? HAHAHAHHAA, here's a little bit of Minho fer ya! <3

@beastforever6 -- Awwww, I found the drool part cute LOL! <3 Thanks for your support! (:

@Aichany -- Yes, pure beauty is asdfghjkl wonderful! <3 Love you so much m'dearrrr! :D

@winterbling -- Month long?! WHOA SERIOUSLY. >< Catch up fast, I hope you enjoy the story just the same! <3

@onkeyjongmintae -- HEYTHERE! XD Awwww so glad you like my story! Here's an update, and horrifying is the right word. :/

@tjtblue2000 -- AWWWWWWWWWW I can totally sense your enthusiasm! Here's an update! <3

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Thank you guys, for 1000 subscribers, that's beyond my imagination, honestly! It feels like ages when I first started this story XD I love all of you!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 46: AWEEEEEE, ok can i just say my heart warmed up sosososo much after reading this story? Like it makes me want become a better and stuff. (Another new wish for 2017 i probably wont fulfill) haha merry xmas and happy new year author :)
taetae29 #2
Chapter 27: Ofcourse jonghyun, Ofcourse -_______-
Chapter 46: The story was really beautifull. Glad to find your fic ^0^
Please keep writing ♥
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was very beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: I can't believe I'm just now reading this. This story is wonderful!
Chapter 46: this is sooo beautiful! Amazing! :)
Umparubadum #7
Chapter 46: woooow,this story is amazing!! I like very much,altough i have to read it slowly because english isn't my main language,hehehe~
This is my favourite fanfic,i think the best parts are part 44 and 45,i almost cried when i read it!
Keep writing,author! :DDD
aww~ this is the 1st story i ever subscribe to ~ :3 love it!!
vbng23 #9
Chapter 46: love this story! <3
this used to be one of my favourite fanfics omg!