a night like you falls

The Short Days

“Hana. Lee Hana.” Minho shook the lethargic body on her arms, and still wasn’t able to hear a response from her. Her knees were weak, bending and legs touching the wet pavement beneath. Minho had no other option but to abandon his umbrella on the road, and carry Hana in his arms. Before he knew it, the light-weighted student was enveloped in his arms as the rain hit him like an endless shower.


He couldn’t figure out where to take her, so he took a seat on the bus stand. Hana was stationed on the seat beside him, her head resting on his shoulder. He inched his hand and let his hand be drenched by the the cold shower. He then splashed the salty water on her face, as the contours on her face twitched before relaxing.


“Hey, are you fine?” He lowered his voice, almost whispering so that he would not startle her. Her hair strand annoyingly stuck to her face, so Minho carefully moved it away revealing her pale visage. Minho knitted his brows together, noticing that Hana looked especially worn-out and her eyes were tightly closed as her breathing were uneven.


Unconsciously, Minho held her a little closer to his side, arms over her shoulder. He let Hana sleep a little on his chest, because he didn’t know why but his heart pained after perceiving her in this kind of state.


His mind trailed the memories of some days back, when he left the cafe in disappointment. He couldn’t conclude that the Hana who was said to be bunking classes for fun was the one who was hung out in the rain, drenched and horribly lonely. His umbrella that sheltered the girl in his arms from the ruthless rain, was yet to know who he was. But Minho felt not to0 disclose his identity still, because he wanted to savor these small moments a little more.


Her eyes that stared at him full of gratefulness, were things that Minho couldn’t forget ever. He wanted to protect her, because she looked so small from far, her shoulders drooping and eyes of tears that she didn’t deserve.


When he was there in front of the supervisor’s office on the first day of his work, to find out about the whereabouts of Hana, something tugged his heart not to knock on the door. Her arms lingered on the isr before falling by his side as he stares at the closed door without any particular reason.


However, when her name as reflected under the illumination of the light, he felt his heart beating so hard. He didn’t know why, but his chair screeched and he found himself running away cowardly. He took a glimpse back, but she didn’t chase after him. Minho’s shoulder’s heaved, a little relieved that she would be hurt and won’t look forward to him anymore.


Because even if he wanted to he couldn’t continue.


He felt Hana stir in his embrace before removing herself from his arms. Hana straightened her posture, sighing gravely after. She looked exhausted, worries were eating her from inside and she felt utterly helpless.

Hana took a look at him, seeing that Minho stared back at her, she averted her eyes.


“I will take you home. Wait here, I will buy some medicines from the convenience store close by.”


Minho cleared his throat and he was walked from the bus stand, wary if she would leave as soon he was gone. When Minho came back running, the plastic bag weakly hanging from his arms, Minho was relieved she was till there, staring aimlessly at her wet sneakers. Hana could sense Minho sitting beside her, almost too noiselessly.


“Here.” Minho handed over the plastic bag from his hands to Hana’s. Hana grabbed tightly, wrapping it around her finger, but she didn’t care enough to inspect the paraphernalia inside. The bus soon arrived, and Hana got in first following Minho inside.


As the bus cradled them to their destination, Hana awkwardly kept a distance from Minho, squeezing herself to the corner, resting her against the hard surface of window. Without realizing, Hana found herself asleep and thrown into nightmares.


Minho noticed Hana shivering slightly, so he rustled inside his leather bag, in order to find an extra coat he always kept. Unwrapping the neatly folded beige trench coat, he pulled the coat over the dull figure of Hana. Cautiously he removed Hana’s head with his palm and rested it against his shoulder.


He constantly made himself believe that it was out of mere kindness and pity. However, his sweaty palms and the raging heartbeat of his said, otherwise.


Hana woke up on time, just as the bus stopped on her station. She removed herself from the blanket, without a glimpse at Minho, her flushed visage hiding from his sight. As Hana stood up, Minho wanted follow but Hana turned him down with a shake of her head. She mouthed, “i’m okay” without looking at him and got off.


Minho looked out the window, and the neighbourhood didn’t look decent enough for a 17 year old to live in. The apartment complexes there looked rusty and old, with broken windows adoring the buildings.


The bus started and Minho stare lingered on the dropped back of Hana, until it disappeared to nothing. Minho’s hand crawled to his chest, as he took a deep sigh. He is already ruining himself, and he couldn’t let that happen. Not for her and not for himself.


Without another thought, he promised to be selfish, so that his feelings won’t reach to her.


On the other hand, Hana carried her heavy body up the stairs and opened the door with much difficulty. She settled herself on the bed, with her hands supporting her upper figure. She was wearied, torn inside out and most of all hurt. As she stared at the plastic bag resting on the table beside her bed, she felt that she didn’t deserve the kindness at all. If it was supposed to be gone along with the fleeting time, was there any purpose for it to even began?


So she took the plastic bag and disregarded it on the trash bin. She felt, however empty when she covered herself with light blankets. Although, his coat was so warm and for the first time in a long time, she felt like dreaming.


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