


Heyy, I'm back with the new chapter! I actually planned to finish the chapter tonight, to celebrate Sungjong's birthday. But then I heard about Dongwoo's father. I was so shocked reading the articles.

It was unfortunate that he died when his son was in Japan and wasn't on his side. The comeback is close too. They must be really sad. I wish Dongwoo to stay strong, Sungjong to not feel bad to celebrate his birthday, and the comeback to be postponed. We waited for a year for their comeback, so it won't be a big deal to wait a little bit more, right? Let's wait him until he'a ready to be on the stage.


“Hyung, please eat. You won’t get any better if you do this.”

Woohyun try so hard to get the food in Sunggyu’s mouth but he keep pouting.

“I told you I don’t like it.” Sunggyu said coldly.


Knock knock...

“Yes, come in!” Woohyun almost scream.

“Ah, excuse me.” Soohyun came. Her face don’t look so good.

Woohyun was about to tell her to go but Sunggyu smiled slightly, then tried to hide his smile. Nah, You’re happy, don’t you? He smirks.


“Mmm, I.. I came to apologize.” Soohyun bow.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Sunggyu is getting panic because Soohyun keep bowing.

“I’m really sorry. I realized you’re trying to hide something, it was a secret, and I shouldn’t ask you but I did."

“Finally you don’t look like her.” Sunggyu smile.

“Eh?” She look up.

“She won’t be bowing to apologize just like you did.” He giggled.

“Now get your back straight.” He demanded.

She has no choice but to straighten her back, as Sunggyu asked. Now, as she look at him, she’s taken aback. Woah, his smile is gorgeous!

“Yah! What are you looking at? Hyung, she is really trying to get close to you!” Woohyun pouted.

“No, I...”

“Woohyun! Where’s your attitude?”

Woohyun shut his mouth. He couldn’t bear seeing Angry-Gyu.

“Seems like I just interupted you breakfast. I will go then. Anyeong, Sunggyu-ssi.” She bowed.

“Huh, what breakfast. He won’t eat anything.” Woohyun pouted.

“Yah!” Sunggyu punched him right on his head. He felt embarassed.

“Eh, You wasn’t eating when I came?” She asked.

“Nah, I tried to feed him, but he didn’t like it.”

Woohyun didn’t like  to talk to her. But in this case, Sunggyu didn’t want to eat no matter how hard he try and this girl maybe can make him eat.

“Hey, you must eat. If you keep doing this, you won’t get out of this hospital.” She said.

“But I don’t like the food!”

Woohyun just about to give up. In this rate, the leader really won’t touch his food at all.

“So what do you want to eat? I‘ll try ask the nurse.” She said.

“We already did. But she won’t make it.” Woohyun said.

“How about food outside the hospital?” Sunggyu tried, hoping Soohyun will buy him since Woohyun won’t.

“No, that’s not good for your health. And my brother wouldn’t let us. I will make it.”

“What? You what?”

Before the question could be answered, Soohyun already run.


“She’s not back yet.”


The door opened and here INFINITE comes.

“Finally you come!” Woohyun hugged Myungsoo.

“Ugh! I can’t breath, hyung!”

“Ah, sorry.”

“So, Who are you waiting?” Hoya asked. He’s sitting on the couch.

“Who? Who? Girlfriend?” Sungyeol joked.

“Wah, jinja?! Hyung’s dating behind us? Omg!” Sungjong’s getting hyped.

“Ani, He’s waiting for Soohyun.” Woohyun answered.

“Eh? Why would you do that?” Dongwoo asked.

“Wae? I can’t?”

“No. She maybe won’t come. After Woohyun’s behaviour last night...” Dongwoo said sarcastically.

“What behaviour?” Sunggyu asked. Now he is staring at Woohyun.

“Yah! What did you do to her?” He is really mad.

“Well... she was impudent! She was insisting to compress your body!” Woohyun yelled. He’s in panic.

“Don’t be too harsh, Sunggyu-hyung. He just wanted to protect you.” Hoya said.


“Sunggyu-ssi! I bring the meal.” She said. Bringing a table of food.

“Yah! Where were you going that takes so long?” Woohyun yell.

Sunggyu stare at him with the is-this-your-behaviour stare.

“It did? Whew, I didn’t realize it. I’m sorry.” She’s panting so hard but she managed to speak.

“I’m sorry. If I eat well, you wouldn’t have to do this.” Sunggyu said.

“Aniii, It’s okay. Mrs Han’s food never taste great actually. So I got helps from...”

“From me!”

All eyes’s are on the woman standing at the entrance.

“Who are you?” Sungjong ask.

“Me? Well, cute boy, I’m Dr. Song Hyesun, a nutrisionist.”

“Oh, well. Thank you Dr. Song, and I’m sorry. You must be busy.” Sunggyu bow a little.

She’s starting to open the food cover.

“It’s okay. Besides, it’s my sister in-law that ask me to help.”

“YOUR SISTER IN-LAW?!” they scream.

“Wah, You guys indeed INFINITE. Even you scream in sync.” She giggles.

“Yeah, she’s my brother’s wife. She works here too, with my brother.” Soohyun explained.

“Hey, I need to go, your brother called me.”

“Alright. Bye, unnie!” She waved.

“Ah, right, we need to go too.”Dongwoo said.


“Cafe, We haven’t eat breakfast. There are no food in the dorm.” Myungsoo answered.

“Come on, Woohyun, You need to eat too.” He continued.

“I can leave him to you for awhile, right? I trust you.” Dongwoo said.





“Did you hurt your hands?”

“N.. No. I didn’t.” She gulps.

“Then what’s this?”

He grabs her hands and pull it. He doesn’t intend to, but it ended that her face close to his. Too close.

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