Changjo's Angel


In a few months, Changjo started helping Byunghun on helping others. His first one was helping an old man, 
who’s his wife died, and always wondered if his son was his. “So, this is what we are going to do. . . “
Byunghun started out staring at Changjo, “We are going to make a fake DNA test, that will say that his son is actual son. 
He will be happy, and he can live in peace. I got his daughter-in-law to help too.” 
After explaining he looked up at Changjo, who just nodded, wanting to get into the action. 
He sighed and dragged Changjo to the man’s house, and the plan went into action.
After a couple days, the old man got the news that his son was his biological son, and praised God for the great news he got. 
Byunghun smiled, as he walked with Changjo as Changjo was stopped by the old man’s daughter-in-law,  
"Thank you so much, our family can live in peace now.” Changjo smiled softly, “You shouldn’t thank me all, my friend Byunghun thought of it.” 
He pointed to Byunghun who was next to him, “I don’t see him, but when you do tell him thank you too.” 
The daughter-in=law left. Leaving Changjo confused, shrugging  it off, he walked off with Byunghun, 
“That was weird, I wonder why she said that.” 
"It’s because only people who are in pain from a love one that is deceased can see me.”
Changjo refused to believe it, and he told himself he wouldn’t until he said he was crazy.
A year later, Changjo moved into a lake house with Byunghun. 
Changjo was becoming happier and happier each day, with Byunghun and making people’s lives better.  
What he didn’t notice, is that each day Byunghun seemed to disappear more and more often, but he let it go into the back of his head. 
Of Byunghun, he knew the end of his mission was almost over. 
“Okay, so for this mission, I had the idea of making a tape of the man’s son on the plane right before he dies saying he loved his father! 
What do you think? In his letter, he said he regretted not being able to hear his son say he loved him.” 
Byunghun looked dully at Changjo, “Let’s stop this, it’s becoming stupid, there is no use.” 
Getting up, Byunghun walked into their favorite coffee shop, “Why have you been in such a bad mood lately?” 
Byunghun sat down, and sighed, “I’m leaving soon, back to Heaven.” Changjo store at him, “You are real, what are you saying.” 
I’m not. I’m an Angel, I told you this.” 
Changjo looked at Byunghun, before thinking back wondering why Byunghun never got their coffee, nor got anything for them. 
Could it really be true that he was? Changjo looked Byunghun in the eye,
“ Go get our coffee.” 
“No, I can’t.” “Why? Go!” 
Changjo raised his voice, before getting up, getting their coffee. 
As he looked back, he didn’t see Byunghun. 
His stomach churned quickly looking around, before seeing Byunghun again, screaming at him, 
"Order for us? Why you so scared?!”
The people in the coffee shop store at Changjo, who was screaming at a empty chair, where Byunghun was sitting.   
People looked around at each other wondering why the young man was screaming at a chair. 
Changjo’s eyes turned wide as he realized, Byunghun wasn’t there anymore. 
He stomped out of the coffee shop in anger. 
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pabolove #1
@DarkDreamer : Yeah it's called Heaven's Postman, i love that movie <3
That was so beautiful! Though I've hadn't the time to watch Heaven's Postman..(it's called that right?)
You made my dayyyy :)
thanks for making this story