The Asian Pasta

The Asian Pasta

Changmin looked up at the humble restaurant and sighed with deep content. He promised himself he will get to this point one day, eve with his limited knowledge on the industry and his tendency to waste money, he had finally managed to open his own restaurant. It was a quaint little place, located on corner of a major shopping district, with friendly neighbours and his own little place on top of his restaurant. He didn't mind that his restaurant looked a little battered, or that the outside paint had been worn down. The doors creaked and were unreliable and his kitchen needed repairing, but he didn't care. All that mattered was he could do whatever he liked, and the power excited him greatly.

 Shim Changmin had been gifted with the talent many people would think laughable; the art of chow mein. He was used to people laughing at him, calling his work 'rubbish' or that they could easily go down the local Chinese and order from there. But he knows how to select the best ingredients, to combine and cook them with love and, after three bowls of his latest masterpiece; many people had been converted to being a follower of the delicious meal. Changmin was proud to say that his admirers and supporters have given him this piece of heaven, this small place in the heart of Seoul where he could cook the food he loves.

 There seems to be one teensy little cloud in his sunny sky.

 His eyes shifted slightly to the right, where he saw the elegant white wash of the building next door, the gleaming brass sign that screamed, 'Ramen House'. It was the most popular place to eat at the moment, and owned by a woman that can make grown men cry owned it: Choi Sooyoung.

 He recalled his first meeting with the infamous ramen chef. He had just finished renovating the inside of his cafe, and while he thought of his next move, the door opened with a melodious sound of bells tinkling. His heart thumped in his chest when he spun around, his white apron swinging, and looked at the female that just walked through the door. She wore an elegant white trench coat, signalling that she was born from money. She also had her hair pinned in a neat chignon, while big sunglasses covered what could be a pretty face. In her hands, she held a bowl of porcelain. She smiled at him. "Welcome to town, neighbour!"

 He had graciously accepted the heaving bowl of ramen, carefully setting it upon the kitchen counter. When he turned around, he saw her look around the kitchen. She wiped one long finger against the tabletop and said, "Isn't it a bit too... quaint to be a restaurant? The whole thing looks like it could collapse. Sir, what do you sell? Snacks?"

 He came to the conclusion that this woman... she may become the reason he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. But instead, he had gritted his teeth and smiled. "Chow mein of the finest kind ma'am. Would you like a sample?"

 She cocked her head to one side and smirked. "No thank you. It's a bit... take-away like for a fine dining restaurant, don't you think?"

 He almost snapped. "Perhaps I could convince you..."

 She waved him off, turning to leave. "Please, don't trouble yourself. I much prefer ramen myself. Nevertheless, the best of luck to your little place." She smiled at him, and left. Changmin almost burst out that ramen was a vendor food too.

 He still shook with fury whenever he recalled his meeting. Still, he sulked when he found the place packed with people, dressed to the nines and slurping the disgustingly good stuff. Changmin admitted that her ramen tasted good, and that she could cook her noodles well. But he couldn't taste much passion in it, nor could he find anything that would make the diner want to order seconds. So he just turned away from the sight and prepared to renovate his 'little place'.

- - - -

 It had been exactly two weeks since he started to renovate his restaurant, and the place was unrecognizable. He decided on the deep red for the walls, with gleaming white laminated floors. He also bought about fifty tables with matching chairs, called in favours from his artistic friends and decorated the restaurant with pictures of his beloved chow mein. He is now standing outside, his smile wide as he opened the (brand new) doors to the people who have the power to make or break his dream. He quickly followed them inside, the delicious smell of aromatic meat and the fresh vegetables wafting in the air. He shouted out commands to make a batch of chicken chow mein, making sure each dish was nothing less than perfect before it came out of the kitchen. He added sprigs of mint or parsley, to add a bit of colour, then sent it to the customers with a smile. And even when his customers left, he felt the swell of pride and satisfaction when he noted that every single one ordered two or more bowls.

 He thanked his crew and helped clean up, the euphoria he still felt refusing to wear out. As he dried the last pot, he bowed to Jaejoong, who was last to leave. "Good work today!" he called after him, waving. Changmin then looked around his kitchen and smiled. Choi Sooyoung had been wrong: chow mein can be a meal fit for a king.

- - - -

 It had been three months since he opened his restaurant. Business was booming... and so was the competition. Sooyoung has just launched another set of delicious new ramen, and with the money she had, also hired a talented bunch of chefs from Japan. He also noted, with a bewildered look, that they were all female. In response, he created even more innovative and delicious dishes, with all his love and care put into them. And he also hired three more staff, all of who were considered quite handsome and definitely male. He smirked at Sooyoung, who was standing behind her posh white door and saw her glare at him. If looks could kill... he chuckled and waved brightly to her.

 It had only been at least two days since he hired his new staff, when he caught one of them making out in the alleyways with one of the chefs next door. When they sprang apart, guiltily looking down at their feet, the girl quickly bowed. "Sorry, seon-sang-nim!" she mumbled, her voice tinted with a Japanese accent. He merely shrugged.

 "I saw nothing." and left them to their own devices. Over the next few weeks however, he's noticed a suspicious change among his staff. They were spending more and more time with the girls next door, sometimes shamelessly flirting with them in front of him. When Changmin caught Kyuhyun pocket the calling card of a particularly pretty waitress, he decided to do a little snooping. But before he could, a certain vicious Rottweiler of a chef cornered him.

 "How dare you do this!" she screamed at him. It was ten o'clock in the night, and his restaurant was closing for the night. "I know what you're doing!"

 "Me?! What am I doing?!" he asked her, confused.

 "You hired those staff to distract my girls!" she yelled at him, hands on her (slim) waist. "And now they're preoccupied with making eyes and flirty giggles at your men," she jabbed a finger into his chest. "Instead of doing the job that I hired them for! Stop it! STOP ALL OF IT!"

 Changmin looked at her in disbelief. Then he squared his shoulders, "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, YOU DELUSIONAL DRAGON LADY!"

 She looked affronted, then her eyes narrowed even smaller. "Howdare you... I'll have you know that I'm a successful businesswoman, with a thriving restaurant and-"

 "It doesn't sound like it's blooming so much when you're in here screaming abuse at me," he replied sarcastically. She growled at him.

 "Shim Changmin, stop your pretences and admit to your wrong-doing!"

 "What the hell have I done?!"

 "You're making my restaurant fail on purpose!" she practically screeched at him, waving her hands like a windmill. "My customers are leaving because the people aren't doing their job! I know why you hired such good-looking men, and now I want to know what you have to gain from it! Is it money? Because if it is, I am going to pay you right now-"

 "Save your money," he said coldly, staring her down with such anger, that she seemed to shrink a little. But being the stubborn woman that she is, instead of turning on her heel and leaving, she decided to nettle him further.

 "Don't play games with me Shim Changmin! I know what you're trying to do with me."

 "What exactly is that?" he asked in exasperation.

 "You're trying to seduce me."

 That simple sentence caused a silence so deafening, Changmin felt compelled to break it. But he couldn't. Due to the sheer outrage of it, he didn't even know how to retaliate. He wanted to laugh, or cry, but he didn't. So he just stood there and stared at her, her accusing eyes staring up at him and her hands still planted on her waist.

 "I suggest you stop!" she seethed. "Because I'm warning you, I don't like guys who toy with feelings." Then finally, blessedly, she her heel and stomped out. She left Changmin in the state that she always leaves him in; dazed, confused, and with an urge to run to his room and curl up on his bed.

- - - -

 Changmin didn't care that he was being unreasonable. All he cared was getting his own back at the strange woman, and that she was going to get what she expected. If she thought he was going to seduce her, then seduce her he will. So everyday, he sent out a bunch of chow mein especially made by him (egged on by the other guys) and personally delivered it to her restaurant. All the female staff knew what had gone on between them, and were happily accepting his gifts, until they reach their mistress and were met with a withering stare. But Changmin persisted, even going as far as sending her cringe-inducing notes with the food.

 You're cute when you're angry.

 Sooyoung, let go of your duties for a while and hang out with me.

 ChangSoo sounds good right? Let's make us a couple.

 And his latest, most daring note:

 Come in my restaurant again at such a late time, and you might get your wishes granted. ;)

 He felt proud of the last one, because he had the pleasure of witnessing her reaction. He was standing outside her elegant French windows, waiting to see how she'll react when the waitress brings her his latest chow mein (subgum chow mein, with fresh octopus and had always been his favourite). To his surprise, when she read the note, she blushed slightly and quietly ordered the bowl to be taken to the kitchen. She then saw him outside and, with a flustered face, turned and half-ran to the kitchen. Changmin raised his eyebrows at the reaction, and wondered why she looked cute. He shrugged it off and continued on with his work, serving his customers and applauding them when they ordered second helpings. His little restaurant had taken full flight, and he was going to keep it soaring. His pride swelled at the thought of his restaurant; he had already counted at least fifty regulars, with more coming to introduce their friends to the delights of... well, he hasn't named his restaurant yet. Currently, it was 'Chow Mein House', but he wasn't particularly enamoured with the name. He supposes he'll have to change it some time, but today, it was going to remain with a dull name.

 He was surprised when he saw her stride through the doors, her face looking slightly sad and her walk had a sort of slowness that he couldn't help but notice. Usually she walked as though she was in a race, but today... she looked sort of lost. And she surprised him even more when she walked straight up to him and slapped his left cheek with all she's got. He stumbled slightly, and looked up at her, his eyes widened. She had begun crying, and for the life of him, he wasn't sure why.

 "I hate you. So much."

 And she left. Just like that.

- - - -

  "Do you know where she is?" he asked one of the waitresses. He had ended up running after her, perplexed by her actions and wanted to make amends. The waitress shook her head.

 "I know she hasn't come back since she went to your restaurant," she said, frowning. "I don't know though. I don't have her number either, and I'm worried about Sooyoung-ssi."

 "I'm worried too," he said, surprising himself with the true statement. The girl's eyes seemed to gleam, and she clapped her hands together.

 "So...! The ChangSoo couple is still... together right...?" she asked breathlessly. Changmin stared at her, like she's sprouted a third head.

 "Um...?" was his intelligent answer.

 The girl looked practically bursting with emotion. "You'll look for her! And then you'll be sorry for the things you've said, and you'll take her in your arms and ... kyaaa~ HOW CUUUUTE~~~" she wrapped her arms around herself and twirled. Dear God, he thought he could see sparkles in her eyes.

 "Um okay. I'll just... Yeah. Thanks again um..."

 "Tiffany~! Make sure you bring Sooyoung-ssi back to us! And tell her you love her!" she called after him, her voice going high with excitement. He was a little worried about what his notes may have caused, because more of the employees there cheered him on as he passed them, shouting out encouragement and good lucks. When he's found her and made sure she was all right, he going to have to set the record straight with the employees.

 Changmin made his way upstairs, where he was sure Sooyoung might be. If he lived on top of his restaurant, then surely she would too. So he opened every door and peeked around to see if she was in any of the rooms. On the last door, he opened it to find her sitting on the floor, cross-legged and watching the film 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' with unbreakable attention. The bowl in front of her he recognized was his, and she was currently eating from it. When he crept closer, he noticed her cheeks were stained with tears. "WHY CAN'T I JUST BE A BLONDE?!" she wailed out loud.

 He was very much startled with the attitude she was displaying. Suddenly, she was no loner the dragon who breathed fire, but a young teenager who had lots of problems with the world. He cleared his throat. "Sooyoung?"

 She whirled around, almost knocking over the bowl. Her eyes widened. "You?! What are you-" she gave a massive hiccup and sniffed. "Why are you here, you jerk?"

 He wondered why he was the bad guy. "I came to check on you. You..." he hesitated, trying not to notice her crumpled form. "You are... upset." he finished lamely.

 She burst into tears again and dropped her chopsticks, sobbing into her knees. Changmin shut the door behind him and sat in front of her, not quite sure of what to do. But it looks like she was ready to cry and tell, since she raised her head and started to wail, "WHY CAN'T I JUST BE PERFECT AT THIS?!"

 "Sorry, perfect at what?" he asked her, nervous because he didn't know how she'd react.

 "THIS!" she spread her arms wide. "THIS WHOOOOOOLE THIIIING!" she slurred. She pointed towards him. "You shouldn't be so good looking! AND you shouldn't send misleading notes! An..." her head drooped slightly, snapping up just as she started to fall on the floor. "AND OCTOPUS MAKES ME WEIRD!"

 Changmin didn't bother keeping his mouth open. "I'm... sorry...?"

 She started crying again, throwing her head back and letting out a noise like an animal with a stomach cramp. "YOU SHOULD BE! YOU KNOW I'VE ALWAYS LIKED CLICHES?! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO FINALLY BE IN ONE BUT NO! YOU SIR-" she jabbed an accusing finger his way. "YOU ARE ONE MASSIVE... DISAPPOINTMENT."

 And then she passed out, crashing on the floor backwards, knocking over the empty bowl. Changmin flinched and wondered what on earth he has done to deserve this.

-------- The facts were these.

 Young Choi Sooyoung was nine years old when she got her first storybook. It had been filled to the brim with stories of handsome prince and princesses, all falling in love within a miraculously small space of time. While other girls her age immersed themselves into Barbie and nail polish, she dreamed of love. In her mind, she was a princess with grace and beauty, waiting for the day when her handsome prince rescues her from the evil that threatened their love. Many people called her crazy, but she continued to dream.

 Fast forward a few years and Sooyoung is seeking a date for her first prom. She wanted to look magnificent, exactly like the princess in her books. And since she had her look sorted, she was in need of a dashing prince. She had been through many men already, but she knew whom she wanted. Choi Siwon was the most handsome guy in school, and she knew he'd be a great prince. With a face that stunned and a talent in sports, Sooyoung knew where her Prince Charming was. So she strode up to him, his senior glory, among his popular friends, and the baby freshman princess. She held out her hand and said, with a grace of a queen, "Sir, you may take me to prom."

 She was greeted by silence. And a burst of laughter that was neither funny nor kind. Siwon just looked at her, confused and slightly embarrassed, then got up from his seat and walked off, taking his posse with him. He spared no backward glance at her and that was all it took to shatter Sooyoung's dreams. With a dash to the bathroom and a wail of a wounded animal, she stayed there until she didn't have any more water to convert to tears. And it was at that time that young Sooyoung learned a valuable lesson; all men were jerks. Unless they were on TV.

 She didn't give up on her addiction with romantic comedies, and kept an extensive library on all things romance. Shortly after her supposed 'refusal', she had discovered her talent for making noodles. So she went on a trip with her parents to Japan and absorbed the techniques. She then opened her own ramen restaurant, which became successful and she had something to hide behind. Whenever she closed business, she was eager to fly to her room and indulge in her unhealthy dose of unrealistic romance. But when she came out of her room, to the world she was known as the Dragon Princess. Piss her off and you'll get burnt to a crisp.


 Changmin waited until she was awake, and then sat himself on one of the chairs in her room. After she passed out, he moved her to her bed and made sure she was comfortable, before deciding to stay until she woke up. He ended up watching the rest of the film, fascinated by the western take on comedy, and was ogling at the women who shimmied on the screen with daring outfits. When he heard her stir, he quickly turned off the TV just as the credits started to roll. When she sat up in bed, looking around dazedly, he decided he should start talking now. "Do you feel better?"

 Her attention snapped to him. She blushed slightly (which was kind of cute) and nodded, looking much like her old self again. "Yes, thank you." Before he could get a word in edgeways, she ordered him to leave. "You may go now. You've done our duty."

 "Sorry, but what duty?"

 Sooyoung's eyes widened and she looked very angry with herself. "Nothing." she mumbled. "You can go now. I'm still alive."

 Changmin stood up but made no move to exit. "Why do you want to be blonde?"

 Sooyoung's mouth dropped open and, with her face the colour of beetroot, she rushed at him. "You must not repeat anything that happened in here!" she gushed. "You can't! Don't tell anyone that-"

 "You wanna be blonde?" he asked her, grinning. thinned and she frowned deeply, feeling helpless.

 "No! I want to be like-" she cut herself off and sighed angrily. "You need to leave! Now!" she pushed him towards the door, but he wouldn't budge. He was having too much fun teasing Sooyoung, and this new side to her he's never seen before.

 "Like Marilyn Monroe? Maybe Jane Russell? But she's a brunette, so obviously not her-"

 "Like Marilyn! Because she seems to have it all, okay?"

 Changmin grinned widely. "Ohho. So that's why you want to be blonde."

 Sooyoung looked down. Changmin smiled at her innocence and gripped her shoulders. At his touch, she looked up and for the first time, he noticed her soft brown eyes and delicate cheekbones. His eyes travelled down and saw how her lips seemed to become fuller and fuller each time he blinked. He wondered what it'd be like to kiss her...

 "You don't need to be like her," he said. She looked unconvinced and kept staring with doubt in her eyes. "You can be beautiful without dying your hair blonde. And if you want," he hesitated. "I can be your gentleman." He felt the hairs on the back of his spine stand, the cringe-worthy words that spilled out of his mouth before he could stop it probably repelled her rather than attract her. But she laughed at him; her entire face lighting up and a wide smile took over her face. She looked much more prettier when she wasn't hurling abuse at him.

 "You, you're so cheesy! Why are you-"

 She stopped when the door swung open and in toppled the staff. Not just the staff that worked here, but staff that worked in Changmin's restaurant next door. All of them looked annoyed with each other, blaming one another for the failure of their intended snooping. Before they could get any more words out, Changmin and Sooyoung loomed over them. They gulped in unison, preparing for the worst.

 "Despicable," Changmin growled. "How dare you leave my restaurant unattended."

 "Didn't I tell you to respect my privacy?!" Sooyoung said frostily, staring down her employees. "To come up to my private quarters... unacceptable!"

 "GET BACK TO WORK!" they both yelled. One by one, they scrambled to their feet and fled, running for dear life from their demon-like bosses.

 Before Changmin and Sooyoung had even started dating, and even before they decided to merge their restaurants, their employees had already assigned them nicknames. They were now known as Prince Changmein and Princess Syoodles.

- - - -


- apples_♡♥

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Chapter 1: "Prince Changmein and Princess Syoodles." I'm crying.
Chapter 1: i love your story
thank you for your sharing
Wasn't even a huge changsoo fan before this. Your writing changes people haha. And the Changmein and Syoodles made it so much better XD
Changmein and Syoodles. This is daebak. :>
tangled9138 #5
this is soo fluffyyyyyyyyyyyyy! me like :D

LOL the employees/staff
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #6
Haha, prince changmein and princess syoodles~~~ they make the perfect changsoo restaurant~~~
That was absolutely amazing.
/still giggling in sheer joy and awe