
Color Me Sin (Paint Me Pure)

Jimin was never a fan of anything he considered being less-than-convenient. And, as fate would have it, watching over the angel-who-got-lost-on-his-way-to-heaven was anything but convenient. He could have been doing other things, like having fun and lots of with his demon pals. He was a born sinner, but sitting in this room, with the angel named Taehyung, made him feel like his soul was being cleansed as each minute passed. He hated it. He needed to feel dirty.

“Will you stop that?” Jimin demanded in the dead silence of the room. The deepest depths of hell wasn’t exactly the ideal place for conversation, especially not between the most sinful of demons with the most pure of God’s angels. “I can’t stand it.”

Taehyung blinked at him. He hadn’t said a word since he was locked in the room with Jimin, the other demons wanting to make sure he didn’t go anywhere for some reason. They were probably going to use them as bait to get something out of God, but Jimin wasn’t about to let that happen. God would only demand that his angel get returned in his purest form, and Jimin would be damned to hell again and again if he let this angel leave with his pure soul in tact.

“What am I doing?” Taehyung asked, not even cracking a smile. He was completely unbothered by the tension in the room. Either that, or Jimin was imagining it.

That,” Jimin mumbled, pointing and waving at Taehyung. “Whatever energy you’re emitting, you just need to stop. My soul has never felt so clean before.”

Taehyung sighed, and he lowered his head in shame. At least that was an emotion angels were capable of feeling. “I’m sorry,” He apologized. “If it helps any, my soul has never felt so tainted before, so your energy is rubbing off on me, too.”

Jimin smirked, and he sat on the hard, concrete floor next to Taehyung, sliding closer to the angel. “Is that so?” Jimin asked, his demon tail swishing back and forth in interest. He bit his lip, his sharp demon fang sinking below the skin’s surface to draw a speck of blood. “We’re going to be here for a good few hours, so we can taint even more of your pretty soul if you want.”

If Taehyung’s purity was completely gone by the time the other demons got back, Jimin knew that he would have to pay for that crime. But the punishment seemed worth it, if it only meant that he would be the first demon to ever taint an angel. That was a big honor to have, and he was left with Taehyung to take it. They should have known better than to trust him.

“Father won’t be happy about that,” Taehyung frowned.

“Father? You mean God, right?” Jimin questioned, raising an eyebrow. “I wonder how the old man would feel if I were to completely taint his precious son’s soul before giving him back.” Jimin his lips, picking up the iron taste of the trickle of blood from earlier.

There was so much innocence in Taehyung’s stare that Jimin only felt more excited. Getting ed by an angel was going to be so much better than getting ed by a . “And how do you plan on tainting my soul faster than you are now?” Taehyung asked.

Oh this is going to be fun, Jimin thought to himself.

“By making a sinner of you, you holy being,” Jimin said with a chuckle. “Have you ever committed one of the deadly sins?”

Jimin caught a quick glimpse of Taehyung’s pupils shaking, so he knew this angel was no idiot. He obviously knew better than to trust the demon, and he was right to be afraid of what Jimin had in mind. Very right.

“The only angel to have ever committed a deadly sin is down here with you,” Taehyung explained, his voice shaking as he started to speak but evening out by the end. “I’d rather not join him.”

“Oh, yeah?” Jimin got up off the floor and walked toward Taehyung, gently cupping his face and running a thumb over his cheek. “I don’t recall saying that I would give you a choice.” Jimin bit his lip again, looking into angel’s eyes. There was something about his angelic eyes that made Jimin retract that statement. He couldn’t force this holy soul into something he didn’t want to do. “On second thought, I kind of like you, so we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Jimin lowered his hand, but before he got the chance to turn around, Taehyung was gripping his wrist. His grip was strong, and almost painful the way it felt like Taehyung was pumping purity into Jimin’s veins from where he had a hold on him.

“Wait,” Taehyung looked up to meet Jimin’s eyes again. “I’m not as pure as you think. Or, well, technically I am...I’m supposed to be one of the most pure angels, but—” He bit his lip and looked up at Jimin, “Well, with the way your very presence is tainting my soul, I want nothing more than whatever you have to give me.”

Jimin smirked and slid himself into Taehyung’s lap. He wrapped his arms around the angel’s neck and dipped his head down to kiss Taehyung’s lips. He started off gentle, slowly seeking entrance, which Taehyung easily allowed. He opened his mouth, and Jimin’s tongue slid in, guiding the angel through the kiss.

As they kissed, Jimin could feel his soul becoming more and more pure, like he was receiving a good cleansing and forgiveness from god. It was weird, but Jimin liked it. He craved this pure feeling, and chased after it in Taehyung’s mouth. It must have been the opposite for the angel, as he chased after sin in Jimin’s mouth.

“On your back,” Jimin pulled away from Taehyung just enough to whisper the words. “I’ll show you how this is done.”

Taehyung was obedient, which may very well have been why he made the perfect angel. Unlike the demons, he was a follower of God. Loyal and true. He lay back, just as Jimin ordered him to, his wings spread out to the side of him.

“You’ve never done anything like this?” Jimin asked as he rolled his hips on Taehyung, grinding on top of him. It was obvious that this was the angel’s first time, and he was even more pure than a twenty-year-old . Jimin somehow doubted that the angel had ever touched himself. After all, ion was a sin as well.

Taehyung brought up his hands to cover his face as unholy sounds left his mouth, responding to Jimin’s actions. He shook his head.

“Don’t hide your face,” Jimin pouted, pulling Taehyung’s hands away. “I want to see how you look as I steal all of your purity.”

“You aren’t stealing anything,” Taehyung panted. He gripped at Jimin’s hips to keep him still. “You can’t steal something I’m giving to you.”

By now Taehyung was hard as a rock, and Jimin wondered what god was doing, giving such a massive piece to an angel who should never have used it. It was good that Taehyung found his way down here so that he could put that thing to good use.

Jimin slid his own pants down, and kicked them off to the side. He grabbed one of Taehyung’s hands, the fingers before placing them near his . He found the right position and slid one of Taehyung’s fingers inside of himself, gasping as it happened. “I don’t really need to be prepped, and normally I wouldn’t do this,” Jimin stated as he guided Taehyung on what to do. “But, since this is your first time, I’ll walk you through the steps. That way you know what to do when you encounter another demon or someone you’d like to .”

Taehyung took control, slipping another finger into the wetness of Jimin’s leaking on his own. The best part of being a demon was the self lubrication, as they were made for this sin. “What if I don’t want to anyone else,” He asked. He reached up with his free hand and pulled Jimin down into a kiss. Despite their dirty doings, Taehyung’s kisses still felt so clean and disgusting to Jimin, but he was still addicted. “What if I only want you?”

This innocent angel. He must have been under the impression that he just wanted Jimin because he had never felt like this before. It was his first time experiencing sin, and he would soon realize that, now that he had a taste for it, it wouldn’t matter who it was with.

“You won’t,” Jimin assured him, guiding Taehyung to insert a third finger. “Trust me.”

Taehyung seemed to understand more about this than what Jimin would have guessed. He took control on his own, seeming to know just what to do. He removed his fingers from Jimin, and he slid himself out of his own clothes.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Jimin asked as he lined himself up with Taehyung’s . He looked down at the angel, hardly seeing any purity in his eyes by now.

“I am,” Taehyung said with a nod.

Without much more of a warning, Jimin sunk down, as Taehyung’s stretched his further than he was used to. Most of the demons down here weren’t even as big as Taehyung was. He felt good, Jimin couldn’t lie.

“How does it feel?” Taehyung asked, looking up at Jimin.

“What?” Jimin asked, sort of flustered. He had never been asked something like that in the act before.

“How does it feel?” Taehyung asked again, his expression not changing.

Jimin looked down at the angel, cheeks flushed. What was happening? He had never been flustered before. Was it because the angel was making him feel clean while he was trying to be dirty? This plan was not going well for Jimin.

“W-well, uhm,” Jimin stuttered, “It’s, uhm, it feel good.”

“Yeah?” Taehyung breathed, and he gripped Jimin’s his to lift him up on his own. When he lowered Jimin back down, a filthy moan escaped both of their mouths. “I agree.”

Jimin took control from there, lifting and lowering himself on Taehyung’s on his own. He moaned each time Taehyung rubbed him in just the right way, and louder when Taehyung began ing up to meet Jimin each time he came down.

“May I—”

“Don’t ask for permission,” Jimin didn’t even care what it was that Taehyung wanted. “Whatever you want to do, just do it.”

Jimin was flipped onto his back, the angel on top of him. Taehyung’s wings spread out, and Jimin could see dark spots painted on them now. It must have been a visual sign of his sinful nature, and there was no way he would be welcome back into heaven now.

Taehyung grabbed Jimin’s tail, playing with the furs at the end as he ed into Jimin. Surprisingly enough, angels seemed to have much more strength than their evil counterparts, so Taehyung was able to Jimin better than any demon ever had before him.

“Tae—” Jimin gasped as Taehyung found just the right spot. “Faster.”

Taehyung sped up, beating into Jimin with precision and it wasn’t long before they were both done.

The angel rolled onto the floor, panting heavily. He just looked up at the ceiling above them, trying to catch his breath as he came down from the high. Jimin, on the other hand, scooted closer to snuggle into his chest, seeking that pure feeling from before.

“You know,” Taehyung panted, wrapping an arm around Jimin, “I had never felt so dirty before.”

“And I’ve never felt so clean,” Jimin hummed, falling comfortably asleep in the angel’s arms.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Such a hot storyyy~~ And holy crap I really love this concept!!