Small Talks

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Chapter 3 | Small Talks

“How was the bartering circle? Did you make any friends at all?” Kang Minhyuk asks his daughter. He saw how his daughter put so much effort working very closely with that auto-drive project. He regrets even comparing his child to Daniel because it was certain, Seulgi is doing fine on her own.

“We met Joohyun’s friend, Kim Yongsun and her wife Moon Byulyi before that Jeong Jinwoon ruined my mood.” Seulgi swings her golf club. Her father had forced her to learn the sport.

“Ah!” Minhyuk exclaims. “Is she from the Kims who owns the stock exchange firm?” He asks as his memory doesn’t actually good as it was used to.

“Yeah, she went to the same high school as Joohyun. Can you believe she told me Joohyun was a cheerleader back in the days?” Seulgi tells her father. She has scheduled a three-hour appointment every week with him. Her position as the CEO is in the works after she told him that she and Joohyun decided to have kids already.

“I’m glad you’re happy with Joohyun. Hyunjin would have liked her.” Minhyuk fixes his posture before getting swinging his golf club again.

“Yeah, I bet mom would have liked her alright.” She claps for her father’s successful shot.

“Oh, right! We’re doing the memorial ceremony next week. The Seo’s are going to be there too. Haven’t you seen your cousin, Kangjoon in the bartering circle?”

“I haven’t seen him or Daniel, or even Hyorim-unnie.” Seulgi tries to swing again but clearly missed her cue. Her stance is not that stable yet considering she’s a newbie.

“Even your cousins are not close to you. How can you even get people to invest into our company if you’re that antisocial?” Minhyuk chuckles at his daughter’s failed shot.

“They were just busy that time I went there. And I’m not that antisocial anymore! I just find it hard to talk to people first.” Seulgi is clearly annoyed. Golf is not actually a sport of her liking.

“It’s a good thing Joohyun is good with public relations. Though I suggest both of you should mingle with others more. You both live in your own world together.” Minhyuk observed the couple had been hanging out with their younger friends at the proving grounds instead of lobbying interests at the bartering circle.

“We’ll try, dad.” Seulgi flashes a big smile towards her father. Their father-daughter relationship is great compared to before she was married. It was just that one time with Jisoo that they were tainted. “As long as that Jeong Jinwoon wouldn’t spoil my mood every time I go there. I

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Chapter 14 was in my drafts months ago. I just couldn’t bring myself to finish it because I was thinking about how Sooyoung and Yerim’s relationship stance would turn out.


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19 streak #1
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Chapter 4: 👉👈👉👈
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Reread mwrhehe
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Reread mwhehehe
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
please update and I hope u doing well😭😭😭
Chapter 14: Author-nim hope you are doing well.
Waiting with respect... 🐻🐰🙏
19 streak #8
Elo po I'm back again >. <
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Reread po ulit
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Magreread ulit ako😭