
End Game

Seulgi's POV


Seulgi was nervously biting her fingers as she watched the teacher hand back their exams.


“Kang Seulgi”


Seulgi looked up at the teacher and held her breath


“Good job” the teacher smiled


Seulgi turned her test around to see a 89% and almost screamed. She had never gotten such a high score before. She grabbed her phone to text Irene, but stopped when she heard the teacher speak


“Congrats Seungwan. 100% Only one in the class to do so. Keep up the good work.”


She turned around to see Wendy bowing slightly.


Smart and a good singer. What can’t she do?



Wendy’s POV


Wendy was packing her bag when she felt arms wrap around her neck. She was ready to drop kick the person when she heard the culprit speak up.


“Thanks Wendy! I passed because of you.”


Wendy relaxed as she turned around to see Seulgi smiling at her.


“It was all you. I just kept you company while you studied.”


Seulgi shook her head. “No. I would have failed. Let me take you out to dinner later as a thank you.”


“Don’t worry about it. I had a lot of fun this weekend. That was thanks enough.”


“I almost forgot your family isn’t here. How about you come over for dinner instead? I bet you miss a homecooked meal.”

Wendy smiled at the thought, “I don’t want to be a bother…”


“Don’t be ridiculous! Come over on Friday. Text me what you like to eat, I’ll have my mom make it. I won’t take no for an answer”


Wendy hesitated before simply nodding and the two walked to lunch together.


Seulgi’s POV


Seulgi wanted to die. Her dad was telling Wendy stories about her childhood.


“Once she was playing with a toy bow and arrow and shot someone in the back of the head instead of hitting the bullseye.”


Wendy burst out laughing as Seulgi was sinking into her seat, “Dad…please, you’re embarrassing me.”


“Alright princess, I’ll stop, but can you blame me; you are the clumsiest person I know”


Seulgi watched as Wendy laughed along with her family. Irene never got along this well with my parents. Seulgi frowned and quickly dismissed the thought and ate another spoonful of rice.


Soon dinner ended and Wendy had gotten up to help clean the dishes.


“Aigoo, I wish our Seulgi was this well mannered.”


“Mom! I help out sometimes.”


“Yeah, if by cleaning you mean finishing up all the food and leaving the plates in the sink.”


Seulgi hit her brother as he walked away from the table.


Wendy chuckled, “It’s the least I can do. Thank you for having me over. It was really good. Your soup reminded me of my mom.”


“Really? Tell Seulgi whenever you get homesick. I’ll make it for you anytime.”


Wendy spewed a string of thank yous and before they knew it, it was time for Wendy to go home. Seulgi offered to walk Wendy home and the two waved bye to her parents.


The two were walking in silence for a few minutes and before stopping at a red light. Wendy soon broke the silence, “Thanks for having me over Seulgi. I felt like I was back home.”


Seulgi grinned, “Anytime Wan-ah.”


Wendy smiled as the light turned green. The latter was about to take a step forward when Seulgi noticed headlights. She quickly grabbed Wendy's arm and pulled her back onto the sidewalk. Seulgi watched as the car zoomed past them and swerved around a corner.


"Uh Seulgi, can you let me go?"




Seulgi looked down to see herself hugging Wendy. She blushed as she let the shorter girl go. "Oh sorry. Stupid car."


They continued walking towards Wendy's house and when they arrived, neither said goodbye.


"Thanks for walking me home Seul. I might have gotten hit if it weren't for you."


Seulgi shook her head, "Yeah I'm glad I was there."


"Well I guess I should go, thanks again!"


"Wait Wendy. I almost forgot. There’s a Halloween party next weekend. Everyone’s going to it. Do you want to go? We’re probably all going to get ready at Irene’s house and head over together.”


Wendy looked interested, “Oh that sounds fun. Yeah, count me in!”


“Great, I'll let Irene know. Night Wendy.”


The two then hugged and parted ways.


Later that night, Seulgi's phone beeped and she ran to it thinking it was from Wendy. Instead, she picked it up to see a text from Irene asking her to hang out tomorrow at the mall. She replied yes and put the phone down. Seulgi then got ready for bed and ignored the slight disappointment she felt when she realized who the text was from. 


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Chapter 8: ❤️
Chapter 8: Awww good story. That was so cute
Chapter 5: Oh boy..... the drama is coming. Gotta prepare some tissue.
Chapter 4: 'When she felt arms wrap around her neck'

Seulgi just made a SKINSHIP with SeungWAN S.O.S.... that was very gay.

Ehem, Miss Kang felt disappointed because Miss Son didn't send any text? MY THEORY IS 100% CORRECT. SEULGI LIKE WENDY!
Chapter 3: That's it. They both like each other. asfhjkl
Chapter 2: hehehe i can't stop grinning. Seulgi fall a little bit for seungwan :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 8: :D
starzrus #9
OMG, wenseul uwu