
wishing i'd realized what i had (when you were mine)
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“Where’s Jihyo?”

“She said she’s running a bit late, but she’ll be here soon. Jeongyeon too, apparently she's bringing someone new. Apparently, she just transferred?”

“A new transfer? Did she just transfer for this semester?”


Nayeon up to this point had been ignoring Mina and Chaeyoung conversing, but Jeongyeon bringing someone knew to their little once a week lunch? Not something that had happened in over a year, not since Dahyun had introduced Tzuyu into their little friend group.

And she really wasn’t paying attention to the others either, trying to attempt to read some of the chapters she was supposed to read all week, and didn’t. The same chapter that she has a paper due on in...less than twelve hours.

But her focus seems to change because what shocks her the most is it was Jeongyeon who had met someone new and was introducing them, earlier this year, they both had decided that they wouldn’t spend their senior year with their current friends, and focusing on what they were doing after college. And well, Nayeon’s terrible at it, but Jeongyeon had been quite determined.

“Anyone know who she’s dragging alone?” She attempts to ask but her words are jumbled considering as full, and once she swallows she attempts to speak again but before she can there’s a hand hitting her upside the head.

“Nayeon stop talking with your mouth full.”

The others are laughing but all Nayeon can do is frown with a slight pout at Jihyo who had apparently walked up behind her and is currently sitting next to her. Jihyo, of course, is giving a wide smile and the other five of them are all laughing, even Mina, who seems to be laughing quietly behind her hand.

And before she can speak up, its Sana who speaks up. The youngest seem to fall back to a new conversation, and just like every other time, once Tzuyu starts talking, Chaeyoung and Dahyun always focus all their attention on her. Mina who was talking with Chaeyoung is now leaning sleepily against Sana’s shoulder.

“She’s soooo pretty, Nayeon. I think you’ll like her.”

“That is literally, not what I asked. And stop drooling, Sana. Your girlfriend who’s glaring up at you didn’t seem to appreciate the comment.”

Sana’s eyes widen before given Mina a smug little smile, “Aw baby, you know that I only have eyes for you.”

Nayeon pretends to gag, before turning her attention to Jihyo, who seems to be still grinning at her, feeling accomplished for earlier.

“ Anyways , since you’re here, where is Jeongyeon.”

“She and her friend are coming soon, I was dropping information to some of the theater major’s courses about the play, and Jeongyeon was in charge of the dance and music student courses.”

“Oh, the one the school decided to do, right?”

Jihyo can only give a bit of an eye roll, “Yes, Nayeon, the one I’ve been mentioning for a few days now. The one that I told you to audition for since Jeongyeon and I happen to be working on it.”

Nayeon focuses back on her food, but once she takes the next bite, her eyebrows furrow. “Isn’t that like conflict of interest or something.”

“I can assure you the process of choosing is going to be completely fair,” Jihyo leans over to steal a piece of Nayeon’s lunch before giving the girl a smile, even when she’s glaring at her. “Besides, I thought you were interested in it ever since we told you we were changing Danny to a girl. Well, if you get the part of Sandy.”

Nayeon goes to answer, but before she can even speak, Chaeyoung is talking while she’s leaning over to steal a slice of Jihyo’s orange that she just now had taken, with a grin. “Anyone else seem to find the idea of the school doing Grease, a bit cliche and I don’t know, a bit pre-college?” 
Dahyun is pulling back Chaeyoung by her shirt before she falls over because the chair she’s standing on is already starting to tip.

And Sana and Mina are suddenly turning back away from their own conversation to join in. Mina, speaking up first, much to their other’s surprise.

“I think it’s kind of fun, from my understanding, the college hasn’t done this play in over ten years. And last year they did Shrek the Musical, so maybe it’s a time for a change of pace. And it’s open auditions, that’s kind of cool?”

Sana gives her girlfriend the softest smile that on any other day would have at least one of them making a face at them. Usually one of the trio of pining idiots over in the corner, at least as dubbed by Jeongyeon.

“I think it’s fun, I’m not auditioning, but I think it’s neat that Jihyo and Jeongyeon are so determined to make it a good one this year!”

Nayeon finally waves off the onslaught of noise, looking a bit disgruntled. The only problem with having so many friends, and having them in the same place at once, was that there never seemed to be a quiet moment between them that lasted longer than five minutes.

“Anyways! Of course, as many of you have expected, I’m auditioning for Sandy.”

“We already knew that, Nayeon. You love the spotlight, even when it doesn’t like you. And you like kissing girls probably even more.”

Nayeon’s already throwing a glare at Tzuyu for the unnecessary but possibly true comment.

“The spotlight never gets tired of me. And besides, who could beat this pretty face? It was built for the lead role, and any girl would be lucky to kiss me.”

No one can make a comment, because they all hear the loud laughter, very distinct laughter at that. A laugh that can only belong to their very close, Jeongyeon. Nayeon is already turning in her to seat to glare, but she seems to freeze on the spot.

“You have a face built for a lot of things but the spotlight is a stretch, Nayeon.”

Meanwhile, there’s a tiny interruption from Sana, who’s holding a sleepy Mina against her. “Jeongyeon! Mina and I missed you, what took you so long?”

For the most part, Jeongyeon gives a roll of her eyes, but she also has a soft smile at the two. It only lasts a second and she’s already turning toward her new friend.

Jihyo, who had seemed to expect the freeze from Nayeon, already has a hand on her shoulder. But Nayeon doesn’t even flinch, but her breathing does finally start to even out.

“Anyways, everyone this is Momo. Momo this is the group of idiots I was telling you about on the way over.”

And even though Momo seems to wave at the group of friends, her eyes never leave Nayeon. Nayeon and her jaw dropped, eyes blown wide glance doesn’t even stop her from having a small smile.

“Hi, Nayeon.”

Nayeon can’t even get out a hello, or a call for her name, she just gets up gives Jihyo glance and leaves. She’s sprinting across the campus, and makes it all the way back to her shared apartment before she realizes that she’s left everything back at the table.

She can’t even seem to care, she can’t seem to care about her things, or her friends not knowing what just happened. All she can seem to do is slump behind her bedroom door that just closed and let the tears that she held back her whole run fall.


“When were you going to tell me?”

Nayeon swears the only thing she can feel is chest constrict, her hand keeps tightening around the letter in her hand. She has tears falling and she doesn’t even attempt to wipe them away.

Looking at Momo hurts, and that’s not something she’s ever felt before. Looking at Momo hurts because they’ve never kept secrets from each other. And here Momo is, having kept the biggest one.

Momo attempts to come closer but Nayeon immediately takes a step back. Her room feels like it’s too small, but she needs to get as far as way as she can from Momo, another thing she has never experienced before.

“When were you going to tell me that you got accepted into the dance program? When were you going to tell me you even applied?”


“I asked you, I asked you to apply because you wanted to you, and you told me you weren’t going to because you didn’t want to be that far from me!”

Momo at least has the decency to look ashamed, guilty even. She attempts to step closer, and this time Nayeon doesn’t move, she’s frozen but she’s crying. She attempts to try and lift her hand toward Nayeon’s face, but Nayeon swats it away. Her face turning from a frown into plain anger.

“I asked you, and you lied to me. And then you did it anyway. You got accepted, I would have been happy for you! We would have done this differently I would have-”

“I didn’t even know if I was going to accept it!”

“So you didn’t tell me?”

Their voices raise, and if they were thinking clearly they would have been worried about Nayeon’s parents being downstairs but neither of them could even think about that at the time.

“Nayeon, I didn’t tell you because I know you wanted to go to your first choice school. You got accepted there, I wasn’t going to let you say no to them.”

“It wasn’t important to me if it means that I was going to be away from you.”

“I know, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

Nayeon can’t seem to form any words, she can’t even look at Momo, her gaze suddenly entirely on the floor. 
“Get out.”

“Nayeon, listen-”

“I said get out, Momo.”

Momo doesn’t even move, she just looks at Nayeon heartbroken. Nayeon’s shaking as she finally yells, “I said get out, Momo! Now!”

Momo turns to leave, but she feels anger and her expression looks hurt, and her words are harsh.

“I already accepted it, Nayeon. I didn’t know how to tell you, because I didn’t want you to be upset. But I already accepted it.”

“Leave, please,” her words aren’t harsh anymore, they’re heartbroken and confused.

Momo doesn’t turn around, she doesn’t see Nayeon collapses to the floor, but she can hear the sobs.

Perhaps that was for the better.


“Nayeon let me in,” Jihyo’s knocking at the door, but Nayeon can only hold her knees tighter, her tear stained face resting against them. Moving seems almost impossible now, and the door is on the other side of the room, and leaving her bed seems like the worst choice.

“Go away, Jihyo.”

“Nayeon, open the door. I just want to explain.”

“Please, Jihyo. I’m so tired, I just want to be alone.”

There’s a bit of movement behind the door, and Nayeon can only hope that it’s her leaving her stuff at the door, and Jihyo leaving. But as the door opens, and light is brought into the room, she knows it’s not the case.

“You really should get your lock fixed, you know?”

Nayeon can only look away from the other girl. Feeling betrayed and upset and cried out, she just wants to sleep but her br

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Chapter 1: So sweet! Though now i'm curious about the Jeong + 2na situation lol
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