Chapter 15

Would you.....

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Weeks of not meeting each other. They finally get to meet up. Its the boys free day and Jeno went to Haera house alone while the rest is with Chaera buying some groceries for dinner at Haera house. While Haera and Jeno were cuddling with each other on the sofa. Haera were staring at the Tv while Jeno is resting his eyes with his head on top of Haera.

   Babe what do you think if Jaemin and Chaera are together.     


Jagi..... they will be like us for sure. I can predict that.


  How would you feel as brothers    

Proud. Happy for them. Wait up... honey are you worried.

   Ani. I just dont want to see Chaera heart broken again    


Haera. Trust me. Jaemin  will took care of her more than you expected. Now stop worrying. You should give me more attention.


   You mister i seen you almost everyday. How is that not giving attention.      


Baby...... i miss you so much dont be mad with me.


    Urghh how can i not adore this man.      


Loving you is such a bless dont you think. I never thought you like me back.


    Yah if not because of your humor i wont mind dating with Renjun      


Wait.. so if i didnt appear in your life you would already be with Renjun


   Honey. Why are you thinking about that. We are together now right.       


Ani. It bothers me sometimes.


   Aigoo. Now look at me        



Jeno look at Haera and gave the sweetest smile. Haera look at him and stare at his eyes for a good 3 minutes. Without blinking. Jeno was confuse but it took him few seconds to chuckled.



Dont you know you look beautiful like this  


   Your eyes are pretty which distract me       


You know what distract me more.


    Do tell me or should i guess.      


Ani. Its just this...



Jeno lean in and sealed his lips on Haera lips. His hands s around Haera waist and pulled her closer. Haera was shook but she kissed him back, wraping her hands around his neck and moved closer to Jeno. Their first kiss went on smoothly they were enjoying their beautiful time kissing eachother. With beautiful 7 minutes. They break off the kiss and laugh with each other . Knowing that Haera was sitting on Jeno lap. Both of them look at each other and smile.


     What was that.       

That is what bothering me the most when im alone with you. Your lips are soft.

   Its limited. No one can own this.      


But i own this beautiful cute girl here.


    You are lucky enough Jeno.     


Im glad that i have you as my girl.

    Im happy that you are my happiness..       

Oh my gawd you are too cute i cant.

    Whatever you said. Im making coffee.      



Before Haera could even move away from him. He wrap Haera waist and gave her a quick peck.

    YAH JENO.      


What. We have our first kiss why cant i gave you more.


   Aish jinjja. This boy really.       

No coffee until you kiss me.


     Really. I can wait for my coffee. So you wont get my kiss at all. Which one you would prefer.      

I prefer waiting. Its you my lady cant resist this lips of mine.


     Oh my. He started again. We cant stay like this honey. The rest will be disgusted.      

Let them be. I love seeing my girl like this. Beautiful like a flower.


    Jeno. Please. I need to make coffee for us.       


No uh. Do it or i wont release you.


    Urgh fine.      

Thats my baby.


She gave one short peck and move away from Jeno grip. He gave her a smile and look at her walking towards the kitchen. Feeling happy as he could ever be.



    Stop smiling like an idiot Jeno     

Ahhh i love her so much....






Wow this place is massive.

    Guys really. You all should do more shopping on food more.        


Well if someone just bring us here we would go every weekend.


Yah be grateful that she is also paying for ours.


Thank you my dear Cherry nim.


      Nah its okay. Go and get the things you want to buy. Im gonna get dinner stuff.       

Im following you.


    Okay. Mark oppa take care of them please.       


I will dont worry.


While the rest of the boys went to get their groceries stuff. Chaera and Jaemin we at the meat section looking out for some beef. While Chaera is looking around Jaemin is staring at her. Chaera stop her pace and turn to face Jaemin.



      Rather than you staring at me like an idiot. I suggest you help me find the best meat that is good for stew and grilled.         


What about samgyupsal  thats the easiest meat ever.


      Unnie and myself dont eat pork. You forgotten about that or you are just dumbly answering that       




Are you on your monthly.


     Nope. I dont know why i still feel jet lag or its just me not used to the recent schedule that i got.      


Since when you are so busy.


She smile and continue walking. Jaemin were confuse and pushed the cart to catch up with her. While still looking at the meat. Chaera pick out some meat that she is familiar with.


       Since i get back from Australia. There is so much stuff to do for two years from now.         


Two years. Woah are you going to fly away from here and leave me.


     Ani. I have things to do for my dad. I cant swing my legs and enjoy free money every single time. Im reaching my adult age. So i should do something before i reach one.       


I smell something fishy.

      There's nothing fishy oppa. The only fishy thing is you. Confessing over a text. That's not how confession should do     .


Then you want me to do it here.

     Ani. You can do it other time. OH OPPA THEY SELL RIBS HERE. DAEBAK. OPPA LETS BUY IT.      

Woah woah calm down. Why do want to buy ribs for. We have so much meat here.


   Oppa. You boys keep coming to my house and Haera house. Renjun and you keep cooking. All the food stocks went from 100-0. How is that so much meat. Dare to answer.        


Ahh.... hehe mian. But dont you think we buy too much for today.


     Aniya. Its monthly stock. Dont worry. I have other hungry wolfs that will sure eat this       


You mean Lucas hyung.

     Yeah he always come for either meat or pasta      .


You cooked for him and not for me. Ah hearteu.

     Drama. That is why im cooking today silly. Aish jinjja. This aegyo boy who is in love with me is sure full of jealousy. Ah im so done. Push that cart we are going to the veggies.          



Jaemin look at her walking away smiling widely that finally Chaera acknowledge his love for her. Also he knew that he have to confess to her sooner as possible and protect her in all needs. While Jaemin is in dazed the others were looking at what happened to Chaera and Jaemin from far. They were hiding somewhere where Chaera and Jaemin cant see them.


Hyung did she finally accept who Jaemin is.

Ani. She knows that Jaemin loves her but Jaemin kept being dramatic with jealousy. She knew about that but she just kept going on.


Ayee Chaera is playing with his feelings

Aniya. Nuna is giving him hints that she also likes him back.


Did i just see that Jaemin hyung almost confess to her in front of the meat section.

Yes you did Chenle


Wah i cant let my best friend alone like that.

Yah whats make you think i'm letting my best friend alone at home with her lover.

Omo something would have happened.


Hyungs. They are old enough to be wise. Let them be. Haera nuna is wiser than all of us.

She is not that bubbly anymore. She became more mature.

Well maturity is what the siblings would want.

Guys i think we should really get our stuff before Chaera be mad at us. You guys know  how Chaera dont like to wait when it comes to buying stuff right.


Woah. How can we not forget about that

Well im gonna get my candies. See you all hyungs soon.

Does the maknae knows that we alread have so much sweets stuff at home


I think he is getting it for Chaera since he ate the last few candies earlier.


Ahhh okay lets get our stuff and meet Chaera in 10 minutes.


Assa lets go.



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Chapter 4: Awwww soooo cute!!