I will be Your Vitamin!

What if - Markson

‘Why would I choose JinYoung over you’, he murmured. His memories took him to the conversation he had with JinYoung when he was waiting for Jackson. ‘Oh yeah, JinYoung, how is he? Was he doing fine yesterday?’, his voice had concerned for JinYoung.

If the last night incident had not occurred, Jackson would have never in his life thought about the possibility of other members having feelings for Mark. Perhaps, he would be answering normally to Mark. But, whether it was a joke or not, or for fun, the tiny probability of such event occurring scared him and especially with JinYoung as he knew apart from himself, his Markiepooh was closest to JinYoung.

Jackson had his burrow furrowed. Wasn’t it enough that he had eaten enough vinegar yesterday and now, early in the morning, his love started talking about the other man when he was with him alone.

‘No, Mark’s mine.’

Mark, who was still sitting above him, was now flipped over by Jackson. He was trying his best to recall the incident and he was taken by surprise. His head hit the soft pillow on the king size bed. His soft blonde morning hair looked messier but instead of degrading, it only enhanced his charm. He looked even more breath-taking. His eyes were closed involuntary expecting pain; his brain trying to grasp the situation. He opened his eyes; tried to stand; his burrows furrowed expressing his anger and ready to burst. Yet when he opened his mouth, his lips were taken by Jackson.

The cherry blossom was beautifully blooming outside the window. A soft breeze touched the petals of the flowers in the garden of the house and some blew with the wind. A pair of dove’s coos could be heard whispering the song of love. Whereas, the scenery inside the house was very different to calmness outside.

Jackson kissed his Markiepoo eagerly. Mark tried to push him back because he wanted to know what actually happened and he was getting kissed out of nowhere. But, he had his shoulders gripped and his lips sealed by Jackson’s lips. The two bodies entangled on the bed with one attempting to break the seal while the other one looked desperate to continue. Their movements making the sheets on the bed going out of place and their bed producing a sound arose a weird sensation in Mark. He was having difficulty in breathing already and occasionally, once in a while, the kiss would break for few seconds which was the only time for Mark to breathe in some air and after that, his lips would be captured by Jackson’s lips again. Thus, when Jackson finally let go of him, both were gasping for air. Mark was feeling dizzy with the kiss. He wanted to speak but it was getting difficult for him to speak. When he finally got some air and energy and was about to speak, at that moment, a drop of water fell on Mark’s face. He touched his face and looked at his finger. It was certainly a tear, but it was not his. So, when he looked at Jackson, he saw him with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Mark was alarmed. It was him, who was kissed forcefully. It was him who had no clue about what happened yesterday. So, between the two, it must be him who should be feeling miserable. Yet, seeing Jackson crying made his heart cry. They really needed to talk. Forget about Last night. Knowing Jackson’s feelings was the most important right now. He brought his hands forward to remove Jackson’s tears from his cheeks, but Jackson pushed away his hand. Mark was taken aback.

‘It….it still feels like a dream to me, Mark’, he started. ‘To have feelings reciprocated by you. The moment I feel like it’s getting real, I start thinking may be your definition of love for me might not be the same to mine. Mark, I want to touch you. I want to make you mine. I have the feelings like a man has when he meets the love of his life, for you Mark. I don’t know what I could do? What should I do to make you completely mine?? It’s driving me crazy’, jack spoke with his teary raspy voice declaring his love and bared his heart. Jackson was sobbing.

It was a known fact that Mark and Jackson were very different from one another. Though, people found Mark cute, Mark could act cute when he wanted to and when it was needed. And though, Jackson looked really strong, his personality was cute. One was completely extrovert and the other introvert. Yet, when it came to emotions, Jackson was very emotional and sensitive in comparison to Mark and who else would know and understand it better than Mark himself.

‘sshhh look at me. Look at my eyes, gaga’, he hold Jackson’s head with hands.

‘listen carefully. Engrave it deep in your heart. I am yours and only yours. I…’, he paused. His ears were already red with just the thought of what he was going to say but he knew his shyness could just go out of the window for his Wangpuppy.

‘I too want to touch you and kiss you, gaga. Not as a friend but as a lover’, he gave a soft lingering kiss on Jack’s lips.

Mark was trying his best to make Jackson calm and being honest to Jack was the only way he could clear away the insecurity Jackson had. God only knew what had happened yesterday and the other boys including Jack. Now, seeing him breaking down and feeling insecurity, Mark didn’t want to know what had happened. He thought it was better not knowing and sometimes, being ignorant can be a bliss.

The kiss from his Markiepooh, the sincerity in that soothing voice of his brought back life in him. He snuggled himself on Mark’s chest and found his comfort.

Mark wrapped him in his arms and gave a gentle kiss on the head. The Wangpuppy who had closed his eyes smiled with happiness on feeling the sensation. His jealousy, insecurities, all the worries that had darkened his mind and heart had all disappeared like a sunshine after the heavy storm.

The current scene in the room was very different from few minutes ago. The two looked as if they had just woken up from their dreams and were getting difficult to leave the warm bed. It was indeed the lover’s quarrel.

Jack who was lying on Mark relaxed, now, was playing with Mark’s fingers. He would bring their palms together and put his fingers slowly in between Mark’s. He would hold their intertwined fingers tightly and give a soft kiss. Mark remembered Jack doing the same thing last time back at the dorm. He just smiled at the thought of how Jack loved playing with his fingers and yet unconsciously repeated doing the same thing.

‘ jackson..’


‘I am sorry’

Jack was confused. He looked at Mark.

‘Why?’, Jackson asked.

‘I honestly don’t remember anything about yesterday. I was..i was so nervous around you, Jack. I didn’t count how much I took the soju to calm myself down. I don’t remember after we sat on the table’

Jackson gently laid his head back on Mark’s chest.

‘It’s ok, Mark. My insecurities just got too much on me this time’, his voice was small yet clearly audible to Mark’s ear.

Mark continued.

‘Jack, we have grown up with the band, so the band members are very important to both of us. The love and affection we show to them comes from the brotherhood. But do remember, you, Jackson wang, you are the only one for me in this whole world. As long as you are loyal to me, you are together with me, you love me unconditionally, I promise to be with you in this lifetime as your partner.’

This time Jackson felt like he won the Olympics gold medal. May be the feelings he would get by winning could not be compared with the feelings he was going through but none the less, he was overwhelmed with emotions.

He got up and pulled Mark along. Now, both were sitting on the bed staring at one another.

‘can you repeat what you just told me?’, Jack looked so excited and happy, yet his voice sounded very different and didn’t justify the emotions Mark was seeing at his face.

‘umm…I promise to be….’

‘No…No..Before that..as long as’

‘oh.. As long as you are loyal to me, you are together with me, you love me unconditionally, I promise to be with you in this lifetime as your partner?.’

Mark looked at him confused. Yet, Jack fiercely hugged his Markiepooh and said, ‘What makes you think I will ever let you go?? I will never let you go. Be ready, Mark. We are going to live long and grow old together. Even when your hair is all white, I know, you will still look beautiful to my eyes. We will hold hands together and take a long walk. I will be your vitamin’

Mark smiled, and his eyes twinkled. He was glowing with happiness and his love for Jackson made him look more beautiful. They hugged for long and finally, Mark pushed Jack away.

‘I don’t want to spend the day talking to you on the bed. What is this place? Do we need to order the breakfast?’, Mark was back to his straightforward personality.

‘No, I booked the whole cottage for two days. We can have breakfast here, but we will have to go out for lunch’

‘I am going to make breakfast then. Get ready.’

Mark left the room.

Indeed, the cottage was booked for two days but very few people knew that the current owner of the cottage was Jackson Wang himself. He had bought the cottage after being fascinated by the history behind the cottage. It was true, the cottage was built by its original owner for his lover. But, the secret was the lover was a male. In the time, when the male-male relationship was difficult to acknowledge, the owner had built this beautiful cottage to gift his lover. Though, the society found it hard to accept their relationship, the two of them were completely aloof to the eyes and mouth around them. They lived happily together and breathed their last breath together in this cottage. Hearing the story from the previous owner, who was in desperate need of money and wanted to sell it, Jackson was deeply fascinated by the story and agreed to buy it.

Today he was smiling,

When the previous owner had just finished the story, Jackson had actually imagined the previous owner and his lover as him and Mark.

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Forgotten passwords, works put me away for writing for long. Still last year, I managed to go to GOT7 Concert in Wembley and I fell for Markson more. If someone had asked me before, Jack or Mark, my answer- Jack. But after the concert, the answer is 'Markson'


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Chapter 16: Poor jinyoung but it's true that mark have eyes only for Jackson, it's a fact! Don't dare broke up markson couple authorinim!!!!
I just found this and I'm excited to start reading it :)
carolbension #3
Chapter 13: Awww mark loves jqcks and jacks love mark !!!! But jinyoung may have feelings for mark too !!!! And mark is so kind and nice to everybody it may cause jacks some trouble trying to handle his emotions qjsndjeie but I'm expecting more of markson time together in that beautiful place!!! Cant wait for the next chapter!!!
Spiritwarrior27 #4
Chapter 12: This chapter made my day lol, can't wait for the next update.
Chapter 12: I read all of this already.. I love it! Can’t wait for the next update
Chapter 10: Oooo jealous Jinyoung
Chapter 4: Oh mg gosh... I hope mark feels the same
Chapter 1: this is so cute : (
BpDdududdudu #9
For some reason it isn't loading on my browser. But I will read this soon!!! I have it bookmarked :D