Chapter 2

Of The Balconies And Us


You woke up early today but your energy is not fully charged yet. You usually would wake up just an hour before twelve, where you can prepare for your lunch and eat it straight after waking up. But today is an exception. Not because you suddenly want to change your sleeping habit but it is because of the fuss coming from no other place, but from your next door’s house.

You sputtered out curses, grabbing the nearest cushion on the couch to cover your ears. Only last night you were thinking of forgiving him and start anew but it seems like you have underestimated him. You starting to wonder about his previous life – what could he be to turn himself into a human being with ‘this’ level of annoyance?

“Kim Seokjin, open the door, now!” a woman voice, shouted in front of his door, pressing the door bell countless time and sometimes would knock if there are still no response. You think she has been knocking that door for about fifteen minutes already.

Your weak mind is getting far, far into assumptions. You didn’t think that your ‘innocent-looking’ neighbour is a player, a Casanova. By judging from the woman’s demanding tone and his action for not opening the door, it made you assume that Jin is trying to run away from that woman who probably had caught him having affair behind her back. Tch!

“I know you’re in there. You car is still at the parking lot.” that woman screamed again.

You grabbed your hair, frustrated. ‘Geez, just let me sleep!’

“Ddung!” you immediately lifted up your head like you've been jinxed. You heard that. Your oh-so-called infamous nickname.


Your eyes wandered around and you saw something waving up and down from your balcony. It’s the stick you used to wake Jin last night. You left the couch and walked towards it like you’ve been hypnotized by the action.

“Here, quick!” you walked to your balcony and looked outside to find Jin in his crumpled white t-shirt and striped short. It seems like he just woke up from his sleep.

“Here!” he beckoned you over and you did.

“What?!” you barked, turning back on being frustrated.

“Can you go handle whatever is happening out there?” you crossed your arms to your chest. If he can’t handle the woman himself, you are volunteering yourself to kick that woman out from this apartment. How did the guards do their job by letting this woman into the building? Urgh!

“I will but can you help me first?” his face shows panic. His eyes widen, the upper lids rise, but the brows drawn together. His expressions are totally the same when he saw his Super Mario ‘ahjussi’ with a broken arm last night but worse.

“Depends...” you smirked, playing hard to get. It's payback time!

“Okay, okay. I’ll do whatever you want, only if you help me with this. Just this once.” his brows creased. The look of desperation is visible on his face.

“Whatever?!” you asked again, amused.

He might be trolling you. You don’t want to take risk of being humiliated again.

He nodded frantically.

“Serious? You won’t take it back after I helped you, right?”

He shook his head. “Please…”

Okay, he is damn serious. What is wrong with him today?

“Okay, I'll help you this once. Shot.”

“Pretend to be my girlfrie—.”

“No!” you answered almost immediately before he could even finish his words.

Out of all things he could’ve requested in this world, he wanted you to be his fake girlfriend? You guys don’t even know each other, other than his name, and you two are the most ‘self-proclaimed’ incompatible neighbour of the year!

Is he out of his mind? Yucks! Of course no. Not in a million time.

“Please, Ms. Neighbour.” he’s now kneeling on the floor, both hands clasped together.

“I... I just need to get rid of her and then you... you can go back to sleep again. I promise!”

You are speechless when your assumption turns out to be the truth. You wanted to laugh. He is unbelievable. All this while you thought he was a ‘fine’ man who only annoys you with his words as a hobby and you have decided to pay no heed to it anymore but you didn’t expect him to actually be a player. That is worst than a killer.

You looked at him as if he’s the most disgusting person on earth. Man like him is so easy-minded and worthless. When they wanted something especially women, they made thousands of sweet promises but when they already sick of it, they throw them away like trashes. Women are not toys and no, we are not some disposable .

“Bastard.” you heard yourself mumbled. That was unconscious.

The knock on the door became louder and faster. ‘This woman really doesn’t know when to stop. Great, just like him. What a lovely couple.’ You rolled your eyes.

“O—Okay. I’ll explain,” he his dry lips, “So, that girl out there is not my girlfriend. She is the girl that my father wants me to marry but I don’t want to marry her because I don’t love her. To get rid- I mean, I want to at least make her get the wrong idea that I’m already in a relationship when she see you with me, so that she won’t chase me again.”

You bite your lips. Your brain is working hard, trying to process all of the information you’ve just received. It could be true also it can be a lie set by him so that you won’t think badly of that man.

“How am I supposed to believe you? And how many percentages you think this crazy idea of yours will work?”

This scene is like a drama. Hard to believe but it’s live right in front of your own eyes.

“Just help me this once and I’ll explain the details after she left.”

You look at him, straight in his eyes to see any bits of lies but all you can see is pure desperation. You chewed your inner cheeks. This is too absurd to be true. But hey, you can just report him later if he tried to do something funny, right?

Deciding to help him just because you are ‘too kind’, you looked at him. “What should I do?”

“Sleep with me.”


He waves his hands – no. “You won’t be sleeping with me because I’ll be the one to open the door. You... you just have to pretend that you’re sleeping in case she decided to break into the house then-”

“I think you watched too many dramas.”

“Maybe but... yeah. Just, help me.” he tilted his head to the side like a puppy asking for the owner to feed him. Is he trying to appeal you to help him? Nice try because you did feel a light thumping in your chest.

“But how do I get into your house?” you asked.

If you’re playing as his fake girlfriend who is sleeping, you cannot get to his house by the front door. That will be just straight up stupid. Unless you are invisible.

Jin stand on his feet again, his hands on the rails. He suddenly look serious, way too serious that you caught yourself shivered.

“Can you...” he looked down for a while before his eyes met yours again. “...cross over?”

You took a step backwards in reflex. “Are you crazy?!” you screamed but he hushed you down.

“I’ll die!”

Your plan for your death is to grow old with your husband, watch your kids grow up and have their own families. And if you could wish for something, you want to die next to your husband. You want to die peacefully, not by falling from tenth floor building and being remembered for being reckless while trying to cross over someone’s balcony.

“I’ll help you.” he said, looking at you, serious.

You legs began to trembles at the suggestion. “No... I don’t think I can. Y-You think of other way in.”

But of course that stubborn man wouldn't listen. Jin scoot closer to the rail of his balcony. “Give me your hand.” he stretched his hands over to you. “Do you believe me?”

You reached for his hands – they’re cold – but you were still reluctant to cross over the metal bar. Your feet are glued to the ground and you think of all possibilities that might happen to you yet all you can think of are the negative ones. You’ll die. This is a crazy idea.

You heard another voice that sounds like the lady who lives next to Jin’s house had come to scold that woman for disturbing and being noisy. Jin patted your hands. “Come...”

You took a deep breath and climb up the empty vase you put there and you immediately closed your eyes tightly. You’re scared but your legs still cross over and you felt him grabbed you by your waist and—

‘I’ll die’.

‘I,ll ing die’.

“You’re good.” you swiftly opened your eyes after hearing his voice next to your ear. You saw your balcony from your new spot and gasped in relief. You’ve safely crossed over the railings. Thank God.

Never! Never going to do that again!

Jin didn’t say anything and he proceed to dragged you into one of the room in his house, probably his bedroom because you saw his broken Super Mario on the bedside table and his clothes from last night on the laundry basket next to the bathroom’s door. His taste in interior design is the same as yours. You like modern contemporary designs too, combining marble and wooden furniture. Not too fancy, keeps everything simple. Just the way you liked it.

“Can you pretend to sleep there?” he pointed to the bed and your eyes went wide.

“You want me to sleep on your bed?!” you pointed to the same direction.

“It’s okay.” he have a soft smile on his face.

I’m not okay!

How do you expect yourself to sleep in someone else bed, even with their consent? That’s just... weird.

But, different from your words, and just like being witched by his words, you found your feet dragging yourself to the bed, you climbed on the bed and get under the duvet like you’ve done it a few times before.

“Thanks.” you heard him mumbled.

He cleaned up his room for a bit, making a dunk shot of his dirty clothes into the laundry basket at the corner of the room while you watched him from under the duvet. You rest your head on his pillow and you accidentally sniffed. It smells familiar to you because everything smells like him – fresh, minty smell that makes you become comfortable the seconds you got onto the bed. It scares the hell out of you because you liked it. You like being on his bed, more than on your own bed, in your own bedroom, inside your own house.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Jin suddenly asked.

“Why?” you asked back.

“I can’t possibly call my girlfriend ‘Ms. Neighbour’ like I always do.” he grinned.

Ah, right. He never knew your name because he will either call you ddung, ahjumma or that Ms. Neighbour like he always do.

You told him your name and he left the room with a nod. You heard the front door being opened and hell broke loose with ‘what are you doing’, ‘why aren’t you opening the door’ and others in an annoying, nasal tone. It was chaos in the living room. You can picture what it’s like over there like although you’re in the bedroom.

Just imagine yourself knocking the door for an hour but no one answered although you knew the person is inside, how frustrating can that be? You’ll eventually grow beard while waiting. You shivered. God, that woman was persistence. If you’re in her shoes, you’ll left after the third knocks and no response.

You expect that Jin had succeed in handling that woman, considering at the sudden peaceful situation but you can still hear them bickering like lawyers in court room.

Your eyes travel around to observe something else rather than sticking your nose into their business although you already had. You focused on studying every inch of his room because this will be the first and the last time you are able to do something like this. The fact that you’re in Jin’s bedroom is still difficult to digest but you didn’t regret climbing over the rails, risking your life just to pretend as his ‘fake’ girlfriend and be able to sleep on his bed.

Geez, you’re behaving like a stalker now.

You continue to busy yourself by playing with the small Rubik cube you found on his bedside table for a few minutes, until you went into a deep slumber.



You woke up in a jolt. You were sleeping soundly when someone anonymous from your dream whom you cannot see the face nor identify the gender, just walked towards you and give a big slap on your face, telling you to gather yourself. You blinked, closing your eyes and blinked again. That was surely a dream but hell, it does felt real. You touched your cheeks unconsciously.

The streaks of sunlight that penetrates into the room give you a glimpse of idea about the time. You sighed. Reluctantly, you get out from under the blanket and as usual, your feet functions like radar, searching for your yellow, bunny slippers which you always leave next to the bed before going to sleep but it’s undetectable. You look down to the floor, and frown. Where could it possibly be? You sure you put it— gasping, hands flies to cover your mouth when you saw a big portrait hanging on the wall with a familiar face drawn on it. Your heads pounded as realisation hit you like a truck.


You Jin help that woman fake girlfriend sleep


Every single word starts to connect to each other, forming a long sentence that you remembered as your ‘mission’ and the real purpose of why you came into Jin’s house and sleep in his bed.

Now it’s your turn to slap yourself, hard on your cheek. Stupid! If you were in a real mission, you would’ve died by any seconds for sleeping during your duty. Get a grip! You suddenly felt like wanting to hide yourself in the deepest hole on earth. If you can dive deep down into Marina Trench and disappear, you will.

Jin is nowhere in sight and you must get out of here soon before you’ll embarrassed yourself more than you should. You tip-toed towards the door, peek outside and when you see the hallway is clear, you went out of the room and as you’re about to close the door, Jin came out from another room right next to his bedroom. You froze on your act.

“You’re awake?”

You looked at him. “Y—Yes.” you awkwardly chuckled to conceal your embarrassment. Hope he won’t catch it. You compose your posture and your arms swung back and forth.

“S—She left?” you asked to escape from the awkwardness.

He closed the door of the other room. “Yes. Hours ago.” he walked pass you and you noticed the smirk on his face. He’s playing with you.

You immediately ran after him. “Sorry. I was... I guess I was too sleepy and pretending to fall asleep is not the best idea.” you followed him until you both reached the living room.

He stopped abruptly and you bumped onto his firm back. You know you have always been short but Jin’s is like Burj Khalifa, your head is at the level of his underarm. Okay, that was too much but still, he is tall. Hehe.

“Are you okay?” he asked, rather with an amused expression.

You nodded, rubbing your forehead with a pout. You’re standing in between the living room and the kitchen, where your dog-like nose capture the smell of life, meaning, someone had cooked something delicious. Your stomach instantly growled and that had Jin to laugh at you.

“Actually, I was thinking if you want to have lunch together. I bet you’re hungry too.” he said.

You looked at him. You know you won’t say anything when it comes to free food but you and him, lunch together? Sounds quite nice but might be awkward. You want to decline but you’re obviously hungry too.

“I’ve already cooked. I’m just waiting for the rice to be done.”

“You cook?”

“Why? You don’t believe me?” his brow raised as in challenging you.

He walked into the kitchen first. “Come.” he beckoned you over.

You obeyed like a child. With tiny steps, you walk into the kitchen and the full meal on the dining table caught your eyes. You almost gulped at the variety of your favourite dishes display right before your eyes. Your appetite increased, and you feel like you can swallow a whole cow.

“You... made all of this?” you asked, eyes tried to find his.

He nodded. “Yup.”

“That’s... quite a lot for one person.”

“I do eat a lot and I made extra because I really want to treat you for helping me.”

He told you to sit down and he took out the rice when it’s done and scoop a bowl for you and for himself. He brings it to the table and put one in front of you. Same goes to the soup. You didn’t say or do anything because he was the one who pick up a piece of meat from the bulgogi he made and put it on top of your rice. He waited for you to make your first bite before he ate his meal.

It was halfway through the meal when you suddenly remember about the woman. You cleared your throat. He looked up.

“So... you and that girl?”

He finished swallow the food inside his mouth first before speaking. “She is the daughter of my father’s friend. They… kinda want us to get married just because they’re friends and want to emerge the family what-so-ever but I don’t like the idea because I know what kind of person she is.”

“What... kind?”

He shrugged nonchalantly. “She smoke, always go to club every night, have one-night stands almost on every weekend... and she is spoilt.”

“Wow... that’s...”

He nodded, smirking. “Yeah, I know.”

“Is that why you were drinking so much that night?”

He grinned. “Kinda, but I just really want to drink.”

He stopped feeding himself and eyes bore at your direction. You swallowed. His gaze is making you uncomfortable. “I do wish to get married before I turned forty but at least, I want to marry a decent woman. I’m not going to marry someone for fun.” he said.

You also put down your chopstick, taking a sip of your water. “How old are you?”

“I’m thirty-five. You?”


He nodded. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

The unexpected question got you coughing a fit. He quickly hand you a glass of water. His water actually since yours is already emptied earlier. “Sorry.”

You drank the water. “No. It is okay.” you stable yourself before continuing. “It’s... I don’t have one at the moment but recently I went to a blind date and I think I like my date.” you said, remembering about Sangchul, your previous and most recent blind date partner.

Jin looked at you, his brows knitted. “You think?”

You let the question unanswered because you don’t have the answer to that statement either. You thought you and Sangchul are sharing a mutual feeling of interest but you can’t exactly pinpoint something about him, that make you just ‘think’ that you like him but not fully accepting his presence into your life. Maybe… not yet.







Author Note:

Second part is up.

Reminder: I know (or might not know) that there are no apartment that have balconies 'that' close to the next house like in this story but this is a fanfic for frickin' sake. I can write anything exaggerated all I want. 

Btw, thanks for reading!

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Chapter 9: Yeay!!! I really love ur story <3
Chapter 9: Thanks for the good story! I really enjoy reading it!!! The story is soooooo cute, I hope you continue with writing other story! I will go and check out your other stories.
MyNameisDaisy #3
Chapter 8: I really like this story!! very cute and i read it all in one sitting lol your english was really good don’t be to self conscious about it, being able to write a whole story in your second language is really cool!! i’ll go check out your other works now <3
Chapter 9: <3<3<3
nputri91 #5
Chapter 8: *clapclapclap
Finally ^.^
Chapter 4: i love this story. its really cute.
ORezaf #7
Chapter 5: Awww....this is so cute....
nputri91 #8
Chapter 5: Aww... lil bit drama.. ?
nputri91 #9
Chapter 2: This will be cute like your other stories author nim ^.^