Revenge + Chubby Cheeks + Fashionista = ?

When 3 out of 15 Idiots Fall For Me



Minjoo's POV

I heard the "StarCraft king" grumble and slam his door shut. What a sore loser >:D


Yeah, I defeated him. Piece of cake if you ask me, really. In a matter of minutes, I defeated the idiot. Nobody can beat me in my game. Yes, for all you people, I OWN the game. Not own as in I created the game but, you know what I mean.


As for Minra, she's still unconscious. This girl sure can sleep through anything. With all the noise that Super --I forgot kekeke-- made, she's still not awake. I returned to my previous position and played with Minra's hair.



I wonder where the bathroom is. I hafta pee!


Someone to ask, someone to ask, someone to-- aha! StarCraft idiot! I followed him to the kitchen. He got a glass of water. He must be thirsty after that battle (which I WON =D)


"Oppa, where's the bathroom?" I asked. He looks like he's formulating a plan of some sort.


"Go to the hall, first door to your left." he said and smirked. I wonder why...Maybe it's just a habit of his. But, to be safe, I should watch out for him.


I followed his instructions and went to the first door to the left. I knocked on the door. No response. I checked if it was locked or not. Not locked. Okay coast is clear...




I quickly apologized and shut the door. My innocent eyes! Waaaah! And I shrieked...So not in character >:(


I don't feel like peeing anymore...Not after what I saw. *shivers*



Kyuhyun's POV

"Oppa, where's the bathroom?" my 'nemesis' asked.


Yesung hyung is showering right now...Aaaand he doesn't usually respond to knocks.








"Go to the hall, first door to your left." I couldn't help but smirk. She left and followed my instructions.


I wonder what her reaction will be. I feel sorry for her but--


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" my thoughts were cut off by a girly, high-pitched shriek.



Revenge is oh-so sweet >:D


So Park Minjoo, I guess it's a tie

Minjoo:    1

Kyuhyun: 1



Minjoo's POV

I went back to my spot. Gosh, this girl is unbelievable. She even slept through my shriek...Which is sooooooooo not me.


Kyuhyun's gonna pay...and baaaaad.


After the horror I saw, I'll make him suffer. You just wait and see Cho Kyuhyun, I have a LOT of tricks up my sleeves...



*knock, knock, knock*


"Hyungs, we're baaaaaaaack!" the person at the door said. Oooh, they have visitors. I think the others are asleep...Might as well answer it for them.



"Annyeong, the oppas are asleep--"


"A stalker fan! We have a stalker fan in the dorms! Zhou Mi, call the others!" I was cut off by a screaming chubby-cheeked Chinese (I think) shaking his other Chinese companion. His companion is pretty tall, quite a fashionista if I may add. 


They had panick written all over their faces. Why?! They suddenly came in and pinned me to the wall. Are these guys crazy?!


"Who are you people?!" I practically screamed.


"We should be asking you that!" chubby cheeks yelled


With all the noise we created, the oppas rushed in  holding different "weapons." Let's see: a game console, a stuffed pink bunny, a pillow, a turtle plushie, a spatula, a baseball bat, a rubber duck, a bible and chopsticks(A/N: guess who's bringing what xD)



These people -_-



Henry's POV

Oh man, oh man, oh man...We have a stalker fan inside the dorms! I looked at Zhou Mi and he seemed to have received the message. We came in and pinned her to the wall.


"Who are you people?!" she screamed. The nerve!


"We should be asking you that!" I retorted. Suddenly, I heard the others rushing here. Finally! When I saw them and their choice of weapons...*sigh;facepalm*




That's Super Junior for you...


"They're our guests Henry, Mimi" Teukie hyung said. Oh...


As I was about to let go of her, I felt myself being flipped. Ow! Zhou Mi received the same fate.


"That's what you get for messing with a black belter." she said, smirked, and sat on the couch. I noticed that there was another girl there, but she's sleeping...


They dropped their weapons and busted out laughing...except for Kyu.


"First Kyuhyun, now Henry AND Mimi?!" Teukie hyung said said in between his high-pitched laughter.


I looked at Kyu and he turned red. Did our visitor flip him too? I'd pay to see that!


I didn't notice that I was still on the floor until Zhou Mi offered his hand. I took it and pulled myself up.


"Explain. Now." I said while facing them.



They told me everything about Minjoo and Minra, who they are, how they ended up here, what had happened when they were with the hyungs.


"She beat Kyuhyun in StarCraft?!" Zhou Mi and I asked simultaneously and laughed. This is REALLY big news. Kyuhyun scowled and threw his gaming console at us. Lucky Zhou Mi ducked but I guess Lady Luck is not on my side today. My heeeeeaaaadd! Aigoo it hurts!


Kyuhyun grumbled and slammed his door shut. I'mma make him pay later...



Sungmin's POV

Pretty, cute, can beat Kyuhyun, AND a black belter?! Does a girl like her even exist?


Aish Sungmin, what are you saying?!


And...What is this warm and fuzzy feeling right now? I've been with other girls before but no one ever made me feel this way. She's...different. I wonder if she does aegyo as well.


Ugh, whatever. Sungmin stop it! You're arguing with yourself. You sound crazy.


"Yes, yes you are." Huh? Who said that?


"Babo, it's me." I turned around and saw Ryeowook. Did he just read my mind?!


"No, I didn't. You were speaking your thoughts out loud." he said. Even that Minjoo part?!


"Yes hyung." and his smile wdened. "Minnie hyung, are you having a crush on Minjoo?" he looked at me with expectant/pleading eyes.


"N-no I d-don't" I lied terribly. Why did I stutter?!


"Don't deny it hyung. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me." he said, winked, and left.


I just stood there shocked. I went back to reality when Zhou Mi introduced himself.



"Hello, I'm Zhou Mi. I'm a member of the subgroup Super Junior M. Sorry about what happened earlier." Zhou Mi said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.


"Park Minjoo. Oh, and it's okay. I'm sorry that I flipped you." she said and smiled. Zhou Mi nodded and smiled back, to let her know that it's alright.


"Hi, I'm Henry. I'm also a member of Super Junior M." Henry said, puffing his cheeks. I rolled my eyes.


"Awww, how cute!" she said, stood up, and pinched his cheeks. What?! Aegyo KIng here! And I'm waaaaaay cuter than him for goodness' sake! Wait...He's blushing?! How dare that Mochi blush!


"Hyung, you look like you're gonna rip someone's head off. Are you okay?" Donghae whispered.


"Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine. See?" I said and did my thing(yes, for all you people, AEGYO). But deep down I can feel something else...



Like I don't want seeing Henry with Minjoo...



Am I...













And the way Minjoo made my heart beat faster, with her just staying with us...



The way her smile makes my heart flutter....



The way she gives me that warm feeling inside...





Is this what they call...

















A/N: Sungmin  Minjoo = MinMin


Kyaaaaaaah, I'm a MinMin shipper already!!! Anybody here who supports MinMin? No? Only me :( ? 




No silent readers :P 

you, comment and/or subscribe or else I won't update...I'll update even more if you really show me your support ♥


Thank you for all the support. I love you all ♥♥♥


BTW, the ending will be based on the result of this poll...and yeah, I am winging it :D



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Story update either tomorrow or the day after... ._. I haven't typed the n


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Chapter 25: hahaha . . . minnie , mochi and kyu is so adorable , , shouting NO and then asking themselves if someone heard it . . hahaha of course everyone heard it . . hahaha . . . i can imagine their blushing faces . . . hahahahaha . . .
EuniceElaine #2
Chapter 24: yehey!! ^^
Chapter 24: ohh so that their story . .

ohh i think i know who answered NO when siwon asked if kibum can kidnapped/look after minjoo . . hehehe . . i smell jealousy . .

Chapter 24: I love this chapter <3 I bet it will be more interesting now that SHINee are in ^^ not that it wasn't interesting it will just be more than it originally was ^^I'm an elf so don't get the wrong idea :D ok I talked too much so I'll shut up now :X
please update soon author-nim :) ^^
EuniceElaine #5
Chapter 23: Update soon,, wahh.. ='(
Chapter 23: whoa . . . SHINee , , yaya . . this will be fun and interesting to watch . .

hmmmm looks like another one will fall for minjoo . . . yay ! ! !

EuniceElaine #7
Chapter 23: Wahh.. yeye will leave in the 6th ., =(
Waeyo?! Anyway I love Key too., his not my bias in Shinee . My bias is Minho next is Key *grins* nice update..

I'm kinda feeling somethinf fishy with Key..,,
Hmm.. wonder what he'll do.. =)

Update xchuun~ (soon) !! =D
EuniceElaine #8
Chapter 22: Pleeeeeeeaaaaassee update as soon as possible.. I missshh this story already.. Love it much! I hope it's between Henry or Sungmin.. Henry would be better xD no offense minne and kyuhyunnie.. I love you all don't worry.. :)
Chapter 22: AWWWW I miss heechul so much *sobs silently in the corner*
anyway, I like this chapter so much
please update soon author-nim o.o *looks at author-nim with cute puppy eyes*
EuniceElaine #10
Chapter 22: Ahhhh!!! *blush*blush* yiee... I love my Mochi...
Omo! Minjoo is blushing... hey there Minjoo..
Love my Mochi as much as I love him , arasso?
Heechullie~ Nice Job!!
HenMin for the Go!!
And to our dearest,loving author...
The chapter is really, I mean Really lovely..
My mochi was too shock., hey Mochi, shut your mouth., your jaw dropped because of pure awesomeness you just saw.. xD