Hero's Welcome

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Joohyun is a nurse in the Korean army and gets curious about the mysterious Lieutenant Son who has a Rambo-like past.

Once again thank you so much for reading this story I hope you enjoyed it, let me know in the comments and upvotes are appreciated <3. Be sure to check out my new story !!


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Baeismine03 #1
Chapter 10: Lenan wen sangat y wkwkwk
Baeismine03 #2
Chapter 10: Baguss
1801 streak #3
Chapter 10: I miss this story ❤💙
samsoon3091 #4
Chapter 10: This is beautifully written. Right mix of everything. Snappy salute!
Came back to re-read this story XD
Chapter 10: all the chapters are amazingly beautiful and perfect the plot is also very well written not too rushed and very fitting, all chapters are really amazing, it feels like I'm watching a romance film between soldiers and a nurse who fall in love and go through various obstacles together the same even though there are times where they take a break for each other but what is certain is that they end up together and are happy with one additional member in their new family, I am very happy and enjoy it this is already the second or third time I read this story again and well it's still the same the first time I read it, thank you very much author for sharing and making this perfect story for readers, especially wenrene shipper, please stay healthy and fighting I'm really waiting for wenrene's new story from you because it will be very much awaited and awaited😻😻😻😍😍😍🙊🙊🤧🤧👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🔥🔥🔥💙💝💙💝💙💝😊😄🤗🤝🏻👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻✍🏻✍🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😄😅👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
1801 streak #7
Chapter 10: Re-reading again~
Chapter 6: Noooo T_T
Chapter 10: very domestic ending. couldn't ask for more. great story, and for a 10chaps plotline, it didn't feel like it was rushed or anything. satisfied with this masterpiece. thank you 😌
Chapter 10: Wow.. this is soo good that i finished this in a night.....