Chapter 2

[BLACKPINK - JENSOO] Can't Buy Me Love

It was a few days before school and here Jisoo was, spending her day again in Ms. Kim's apartment. But here she was with a reason, she had offered to tutor Ella again but instead decided to go on a mini play date. Ella was close enough to be Jisoo's friend and the younger one didn't mind having another older sister--at least one who actually paid attention to her. Despite the siblings' resemblance, they were polar opposites; Jennie was (in other's eyes) mean and cold, while Ella was adorable and jovial. Jisoo didn't mind babysitting or playing with Ella because it meant she could help Ms. Kim in some type of way.

The older girl groaned, holding her stomach as Ella repeatedly attacks her with aggressive tickles. "S-s-stop!" Jisoo let out in between giggles. Her reaction only fuelled Ella to continue, sending roars of laughter to echo throughout the condominium.

"Ella honey, make sure to give her time to breathe. We wouldn't wanna kill off one of your favorite people right?" Her mom exclaimed, setting down the groceries on the kitchen counter top. Immediately, Ella pulled her hands into her pocket, smirking at me with a glint in her eyes. Somehow, it just told me that I got away with it this one time.

Ms. Kim came over to the living room where Ella and I sat across each other in a playful staring game. "You guys are so weird..." She commented. Just then, Jennie stormed into the condo with two other girls trailing behind her. They ignored our presence as Jennie lead them into her room, attempting to close the door behind her before Ms. Kim grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the narrow hallway.

"Jennie, you know what I said about uninformed guests," The older woman whispered in an aggravated manner. I craned my neck closer to the hallway, earning a judgmental expression from Ella.

Sigh. "Mom I know, it won't happen again." A soft-toned voice sassed.

"Why can't you be more like Jisoo?"

Jennie scoffed and a moment of silence was heard. She definitely did not like that. "Mom, if you like her so much, adopt her." She said before heading into her bedroom, followed by a loud slam.

Ms. Kim sighed, walking back into the conjoined kitchen-living room. She headed straight to the refrigerator and grabbed a green bottle, quickly chugging half of the liquid inside the bottle. She set the bottle down on top of the counter along with her elbows which support her distressed head. It wasn't the best sight to see but truly a concerning one.

I walked over and sat on one of the chairs in front of her, "Are you okay? Ms. Kim?"

She let out an exasperated sigh, "I don't know where I went wrong with her." She disclosed.

I clasped my hands together, my fingernails digging into my knuckles, "She's just a teenager. It'll be fine."

"I'll hope so."

-----JENNIE'S POV-----


"What was that about?" Lisa asked as she laid on her stomach atop Jennie's bed.

The angered brunette walked over to the black bean bag on her floor, arms crossed. "My mom is comparing me to that loser Jisoo."

Irene who sat across from her, turning pages of a Vogue magazine laughed. "That's hilarious. Your mom would rather have a geek for a daughter than the city's most beloved Jennie Kim."

"Shut up!" Jennie snarled.

"Okay...Anyways, I've got a surprise for you. Search up 'Rising back up dancer' on YouTube." Lisa interrupted.

As told, the young girl followed. Before she even opened the video, the thumbnail practically gave the surprise away. "Oh my god! Is that Nayeon?! On Buzzfeed?" Nayeon was Jennie's current significant other. She had recently graduated and moved to America after being offered a contract as an official back up dancer of Roc Nation--the agency housing the most popular artists of the Western music industry. This meant, Nayeon could be sharing the same stages as Rihanna, Jay-z, and even fellow Korean, Jay Park. It was a life-changing moment for Nayeon, and nothing, not even Jennie could hold her back. They promised that even though they would be miles apart, they would still remain together and that Jennie would join Nayeon right after she graduates this year.

The blondie on her bed laughed, peering over Jennie's shoulder as the three of them watched the video. Throughout the video, a question stood out to Jennie, "What's the one special thing you miss most about back in Korea?" Immediately, Irene and Lisa looked at Jennie, a smug grin plastered across her face. If it's something special, it should be Jennie, right? That's the only obvious answer.

Nayeon answered, "Do you mind if I get a little bit personal?" Her eyes darted to the camera for the first time in the video, Jennie clenching harder on the phone in her hand. "What I really miss most about the dance studio." The brunette's muscles loosened, the phone dropping to the ground right after.

Jennie stood up from her seat, looking back at the girls who reflected the same disappointed expression as hers. She forced a smile to appear on her face, "Guys it's alright. You understand how it is over there. Do you know how much crap she would get into if she revealed her ual orientation?"

"You're right." Irene agreed, grabbing Jennie by the shoulders to console her.

The ebony-haired girl glanced at her watch. "Hey girls look, let's go before we're late for practice."

-----JISOO's POV-----

After departing from the Kim household, Jisoo rode her bike to school to meet up with her best friend, Chaeyoung. As her wheels freely move around the dirt path, she comes to a halt in front of the dance room where Jennie and her friends practiced their choreography. She sat there, feet planted on ground as she gripped onto the handles of the bicycle. Right then, she experienced an epiphany. What would it be like to be a popular girl? Why didn't she free herself from her comfort zone and tried out something new? She's lived her past 2 years of high school being a nobody and now in her graduating year, she has realized the absence of her rebellious teenage years; the partying, the drinking, the dating. She has missed it all.

She found herself lost in her thoughts and plotted an idea to change her resolutions for her senior year.

"HEY! JISOO! I thought we were going to meet up in the library!" A familiar, chipmunk voice called out.

Jisoo turned around to match that chipmunk voice with its chipmunk face. The brunette smiled at her best friend, so innocent and so fragile. 

"Did you buy your guitar yet? You're gonna be sorry if you miss that final sale," she yelled as she drew nearer.

Chaeyoung stomped on the brakes of her bike, "What are you worried about? You've got a concerning look on your face."

The pale-skinned girl smiled, "Nothing...just thinking about the popular trio."

Chaeyoung lifted an eyebrow and brought a finger up to the bridge of her glasses, adjusting her specs. "Why are you thinking about the trio? They're certainly not conscious of us."

Jisoo turned her head back to the glass window that enclosed the dance room, "That's the point. Wouldn't you like to be like them? Or hang out with them?"

The red-haired girl laughed, and strolled over to the bicycle mounts, Jisoo following her, "You've been hanging out at Jennie's living room for the past... 5 years?"

Jisoo doesn't respond.

"I bet she doesn't even know your name," Chaeyoung pressed on with a hint of laughter. "I bet you got a crush on her, most organisms do but too bad she's way out of our league, and it's better to stay that way."

The silent girl clicked her bike lock closed. "That's soon about to change," she mumbled to herself before following Chaeyoung into the brick building.

A/N: Yay updates!


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Chapter 16: " just got real" moment
qazedctgb12345 #2
Chapter 2: This have been in my bookmark for the past few months I’m glad that i found it again! really enjoying this fic!
Chapter 19: Yay! Wenrene!
Chapter 19: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Love the movie and I’m excited for this story