Page 15

Destined to be Apart


"Where are you going?" Bacon asks me once I open the door.

"To check out this dance studio. Would you like to come?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Have fun!" He yells when the door's one inch to closing. I smile and look at the directions on my slip of paper. I found the place two days ago, but was too lazy to even look for it. But today, I feel great so I decided to check it out.

"So I take a right and walk straight until I find- Ah!" I fall. Some idiot just ran into me. "Yah! Watch where you're going would ya?" I yell at the person. I get up on my own, and see that the other person already got up. I look up and my eye widen. 

"Mina?" He says, with his eyes widened.

"L. Joe? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME YOU MORON." I shout and hit him. He only laughs. "Look, does my face have scratches?" 

"No, you're fine." He chuckles. We both start walking in the direction I was walking in earlier. "Where you going?"

"To this dance studio. OH! By any chance do you know where this is?" I hand him the piece of paper and he takes it. 

"Mm, yeah. I'll take you, since I really have nothing to do." He scratches his head.

"No lifer." I .

"Yah! You should be thankful you have such a nice guy with you." 

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. Why is everyone so cocky nowadays?

"I didn't know you dance."

"Well I do." I smile. "Ever since I moved to America I started dancing. My aunt got on my nerves so much. Dancing's how I release all my stress." I grin.

"That's cool. Wanna know how I release my stress?"


"I like to walk with pretty girls." He says. I blush. Why does it seem like everyone's flirting with me?

"Um.. So now where do we go." I nervously say once we reach a corner. 

"We turn right of course. That's what your paper says. It's not far. We should be there in a few minutes."  

"Are you gonna stay with me?" I ask him.

"Nope!" He smiles innocently.

"Well that was mean."

"Aww don't cry. I have plans in 30 minutes with Key and Woohyun." He laughs. "Do you remember Woohyun? He wasn't with us that day you came back though."

"Woohyun? No." I frown and shake my head.

"Ah, I'll introduce you to him later. I wonder if he remembers you." He thinks for a bit. "Oh! We're here. Good luck." He waves and watches me walk in.

"Bye!" We both tell each other. I walk to the front desk and there's a lady in uniform. Way to look so professional in a dancing place. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asks me.

"Oh. I would like to sign up for a class." 

"Please fill in this form." She hands me some papers and points me to a couch. I sit on the couch and look through the papers. Halfway through filling the forms I hear the door open and people start coming in. I ignore them. Maybe the classes start right now.


"OH MY LORD JESUS OH GOD." I clutch on my heart and look up at the person. "KAI! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME." I hit him. Wow, second guy I've hit today. I wonder if I'll hit any other guys today.

"Sorry." He laughs. "Didn't mean to scare you that much." He sits down next to me on the couch. "You're signing up for dance lessons?" He asks.

"Ah yeah. To dance." I say, focusing on finishing the papers.

"Interesting. When the lady asks you who you want to teach you, pick Mr. Lee and Mr. Kim, okay?" He says.

"Uh sure. Are you here for dance classes too?" I ask, not looking up at him.

"You could say that." He laughs. "You look pretty today." I look up and look him in the eyes.

"Really?" I ask him. My hair's in a ponytail and I'm wearing a tank top with sweats.

"Mhm. You look pretty everyday." He pulls my side fringe back behind my ear. I blush and look down. WHAT'S UP WITH EVERYONE?! WHY ARE THEY TREATING ME SO NICELY?

"Th-thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I smile. He rests his hand on my shoulder.

"That's because I dress to impress a certain someone." He winks and stands up. "I'll see you in a bit." He waves and I wave back at him.

WHAAAAAAAAAT. Seriously. Is today my birthday or what. Why is everyone so nice and flirty today. I'm glad bacon sees me as his sister. If he didn't, I bet you he would be hitting on me too. Hopefully, the class I'm going in doesn't have a load of guys.

I finish the form and give it to the lady. It takes her a few minutes to check and look at them.

"Hmm. Seeing that you've chosen these dances. I would like you to chose a teacher." She gives me a other paper that I assume have all the names of the teachers. Actually, it only has Mr. and Mrs. and their last name.

Pick Mr. Lee and Mr. Kim, okay? Kai's words pop up in my head. I wonder if that's the class he's in.

I shrug and circle the two teachers, with were already pairs on the paper. I'm guessing two teachers are going to teach me?

I get up and hand the paper back to the lady.

"Oh? You've chosen Mr. Lee and Mr. Kim? Their class starts in 5 minutes, would you like to start today?" She asks me. 

"Mm, why not?" I laugh. She tells me to go down the hall and go in the 2nd door on the right. I do what she says and go in the room.

There's nobody in here. 

I sit down and look at myself in the mirror.

My ponytail is so pretty.

"MINNNNNNNNNNAAAA!" I get attacked by a bear.

"WHAT THE HELL. Get off me." I push them off. I then realize that it's Kai, again. "Kai? You're in this class?"

"Umm. Yeah." He scratches his head and after letting go of me.

"So where is everybody?" I raise an eyebrow. I look around and there's nobody. The lady at the desk said class starts in a few minutes, how come I don't see anyone? Plus, there was a bunch of people who walked in the building earlier. Did she send me to the wrong room? But then again, Kai's here and he said he's be in the same class as me.

"Oh. You see.." He let's out a nervous laugh, trying to think of how to explain this to me. "It's just gonna be us. With a maybe two or more people." He smiles.


"Well-" Kai gets cut off by someone laughing. I look towards the direction of the door and drop my jaw. It's Taemin.

"Yeah, I'll see you tonight, okay babe?" He smiles and hangs up the phone. "Sorry I'm late." He decreases his voice at the end of the sentence because he's surprised to see me here, I assume. "Well, who do we have here? Are you here to serve me?" He chuckles and throws his bag on the side of the room.

"Yah.. YAH. Why is he here?" I ask Kai while glaring at Taemin. He just stepped inside the room and he already got me ticked off.

"Say hello to your new dance instructor." Taemin answers for Kai. 

"My what- Is this some kind of a sick joke- What.. Are you kidding me- Mr. Lee?!" I look at Kai. "Don't tell me your... Mr. Kim?" I sigh.

"Okay I won't." He grins.

"So you're not?"

"No. I am." He smiles. What. Is he kidding? I didn't know these two dance. Oh my gosh. Now I'm stuck with them. Can I change teachers? 

"So.. I'll just be right-" I get up and run back to the lady at the desk. Panting, I try to ask her if I could change dance instructors. 

"Oh- Sorry. All the classes are filled. He took the last spot." The lady points at a guy, probably my age, sitting on the couch filling some papers.

"." Just my luck. Maybe I should quit and find a different studio.

Actually- what am I saying? Maybe dancing with Kai and Taemin will be a fun experience. Why do I have to make it seem so horrible to dance with them- with Taemin. But seriously, what's so wrong about it? Just because Taemin's a jerkface, doesn't mean that it'll be all that back.

Maybe I should just take a chance. 

I walk back to the dance room, still thinking about how all this would end up. In conclusion, I think it'll be fun! Maybe fate wants me to dance with both of them. Maybe- just maybe- I might because the next best dancer. HAHAHA. What am I saying.

"Why'd you run off?" Kai pouts and holds onto my shoulders, making me face him. "Did Taemin scare you?"

"Ah no. I just- needed think outside a bit. That's all." I reassured him.

"So do you want to-" Kai gets cut off by very loud music on full blast. We both turn and see Taemin already dancing.


"WHAT?" Kai yells back. I could only read his lips to know what he's saying.

"I SAID- UGH NEVERMIND." I shake my head and grab Kai's wrist. I take us to the wall behind Taemin and sit down. This way, we- I could watch Taemin dance. I wanna see how good he is.

After minutes of watching him, I realize I've been staring at him. So I shake my head and look at my feet.

"Was I that good?" Taemin says. I look up to see him smirking. "I saw how you couldn't take your eyes off me." He grabs a water bottle from the little refrigerator they have in the room. I roll my eyes.

"It's true you're good." I admit. He widens his eyes, probably because he didn't think I'd actually admit the fact that he was good.

"BUT. I'm better! Wanna see?" Kai says making me pay attention to him now. I shrug and nod my head.

"Sure, why not?" I smile. Kai gets up and turns on the music that was off, because Taemin turned it off when he finished. He starts to dance. 

First he gives me a cute little smile along with a wave, and then the next second he becomes this awesome dancer. Oh gosh. These two guys.. Who knew they can dance so well?

"Tch. I'm better." Taemin says while watching Kai. He's really close, like shoulder to shoulder close and Kai didn't turn the music up so loud, I was able to hear Taemin.

"Really? I think he's better." I say still watching Kai closely. But truth is, they're both good. I mean, they have their own styles. I can't just say one's better. 

I like them both. It's hard to choose. Kai finishes his dance and turns off the music. He walks back to me panting a bit before sitting down.

"Here." I smile and hand him a water bottle. Taemin's water bottle. They wouldn't mind right? I mean, they're best friends.

"Yah, that was mine." Taemin says and glares.

"Well too bad." I make an ugly face at him.

"Ew." He gives me a disgusted look.

"So I did good, huh?" Kai nudges me. I nod at him, and let out a little laugh. 

"When are you gonna teach me?" I ask. "And how come there's nobody in here?" I pause. "Like.. Why am I your only student?"

"Eh. Soon, I guess." He answer the first question. "Because, we actually reserved this room for ourselves. The only reason why our names were on your choice sheet paper was because I told the lady at the desk to give you the paper with our names on it." Kai grins. "Won't that be great?"

"Uh sure." I mumble.

"GROSS KAI!" Taemin shouts. Kai looks at him with a confused look. "WHY KAI WHY. Do you want me to suffer from all this?" Taemin waves his hand towards me. I give him an offensive look.

"And what's wrong with me?" I look at him.


"At least I can spell." I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on you guys. Be nice." Kai says. He then takes my hands, which makes me surprised at his sudden actions. 

"What are you-" 

"Dance for m- us." Kai says. Was he about to say 'me'? I become nervous. Why? I don't know, because I've danced in front of people before. Why am I getting nervous? Is it because I think I wouldn't be good enough for them? Because I might fail their expectations? But why do I care? There just two teenage boys. "So can you?" He looks at me with cute eyes. I slowly shale my head.

"N-no. I don't really feel good today. Maybe next time, okay?" I say.

"Aw fine." He pouts and crosses his arms. I giggle.

"Why don't the both of you dance for now?" I say, mostly to Kai, since Taemin might he tick me off even more.  

"Yeah about that.." Taemin starts off. "I gotta go. My girlfriend just texted me." He scratches his head.

"Aw look who's listening to their girlfriend. How sweet." Kai teases and pinches Taemin's cheeks.

"Stop." He slaps them away. "I hope you guys have fun then, yeah?" He stands up and grabs his belongings. Me and Kai watch him as he leaves.

"So.. You don't want to dance, do you?" Kai states the obvious. I shake my head. But it doesn't really make sense because I'm actually suppose to nod, but whatever. "I know this really cool place, let's go shall we?" He says and stands up. He stretches one arm out and opens his hand. I take it and he pulls me up.

"Thanks." I smile. "Are we walking or..?" I look at him.

"We're walking because exercising is good for the heart!" He says before turning off the lights to the room and locking it. I guess the whole room is theirs. 

"Fine." I give up. We both walk on the sidewalk. "So where are we going?" I awkwardly ask as I look around.

"The museum." He smiles. What. What did he just say? The museum? Are we going on a history adventure or something. He's kidding right? Museums are ing boring. What the heck is wrong with this guy.

"What." I say. I stop walking and turn to look at him, who stops walking as well. 

"We're going to a museum." He blinks innocently.

"Why?" I raise my eyebrows, demanding an answer. He's crazy right? I hate history. I hate fossils. I hate it. It's so boring. I think I might die because of boredom. 

"Becasue, it's fun." He grins.

"But it's history and history is stupid. Who cares." I say. Seriously, history is like my worst subject. Who the hell cares about the past? It's not like someone's gonna randomly go up to me and ask me about how Korea was established.

"History is different from museums. We get to touch the ancient artifacts!" Kai cheers.

"Are you kidding me."

"Oh no silly. Me and Taemin loves this place! We go here all the time." Oh Jesus.

"But I don't like looking at dinosaur bones and fossils." I pout.

"Come on. It'll be fun!" He says and grabs my wrist. 

"If this is your way of taking me on a date, your starting out really bad." I say. He only chuckles and ignores my words.


I don't know yet, but I might change the title of the story. So don't freak when there's an unfamiliar story to you ^^

@emrd15: Only in our dreams they'll appear TT^TT Aw thanks! Haha don't worry! It's just I've been having writers block so I don't really know what to write): Heheh. You too!

@ilovetaemin4ever: Heheh who knows? xD 

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It's been a whilesine you updated TT^TT
Sigh~ I'll be waiting for your comeback author-nim :3 (And two teenagers living together but aside from that *coughohyessscough*
<3 i was a loyal reader since ....i think chapter 6? xD don't remember o.o Me and this story gone a long way *nods*
MEMORIES /overdramatic/
Update soooonnnnnnnn~ (or now, whichever you chose <3) <3
enkhriimaa #2
Does Mina have sone kind of illness? No right author? She is not sick at all! Yeah i am going to belive that she really choked on air! Update soon
Taeminnie is a 5 year old stuck in a 17 year old body <3
That's what we love about him ^w^
You troll -_- LOOL.
They are living together. WHEEE~ *dances*
Mina and Taemin are living together!!!
Oh yeah
and Baekhyun XD

faLLenAnddro #4
update soon :))
enkhriimaa #5
Aaw so Mina will live with Taemin AND Bakon? Something will defenately happen haha. Am i going to see jealous Taemin?
loooool xD everyone is shippable(?) in exo xD, and it's okay if you can't make baekkai, I'm not forcing you xD it was just an idea(: ...and I totally love taemin>< I was like: okay, now I like Kai, though a bit Taemin, but definitely Kai...then I saw the pic and I was like: O.O my life TT~TT I HATE YOU!!! I had already settled my list >< ..
he just ruined everything. PUF! just like that...
LOOOOL xD that's my daily life with exo, shinee and super junior ><..please update soon:D:D!! ...and is it really Taemin whom I'm staying with?? OOOOOOHHHHH YESSSS~ lol, annyeong! take care! ppyong~
I bet living at ice cream street is fun -0^