Post #2

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A/N: italics = flashbacks

Post #2

“You know, once I’ve worked and I have enough money, I’m going to break these ugly glasses into two,” Donghae growled, taping up the bridge of his glasses – again. He huffed once it was done, sliding it over his eyes.

Next to him, Hyukjae chuckled, “Hey, finals are done. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to keep wearing it at school.”

“I run into poles and misstep enough even with four eyes. Imagine with just two!”

“Take them off and I’ll be the other two. Free of charge.”

Donghae scoffed.

“Besides, your eyes are too beautiful to be hidden behind them.”

It happened again; a moment that left Donghae feeling as if there was no air for him to take another breath. Hyukjae was looking right into his eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. And Donghae found himself not only out of breath but also unable to turn away.

He forced himself to, the heat rising up from behind his neck killing him with embarrassment. He chose to change the topic.

“So, you’ll perform tonight at the farewell party?”

Donghae noticed that, though his cheeks were back to normal temperature, Hyukjae’s face only kept getting redder.

It sounded a bit forced when Hyukjae chuckled, his hands clasp together tighter, “Y-yeah! I’m the second act. Honestly, it’s good that the student council organized this thing but what’s worse is that few of us have to represent the council. And it’s just the worst that I chose the short stick when we were deciding.”

“You’ll do great. And if not, you’ll be entertaining and remembered.”

Hyukjae rolled his eyes, “Geez, Hae! Thanks! Now, you better be there and support me. I won’t be with you for the first twenty minutes or so but after that…” the word stretched on and Hyukjae bit his lip, almost hesitating before he continued, “I’ll be with you.”

Only once the party was over did Donghae know that Hyukjae did not pick the short stick. Instead, he had volunteered.

It felt kind of lonely when Donghae entered the hall alone, dressed in a rented gray suit. For the past two years, he had not really warmed up to most of those from his years, as he had never been one who approached anyone, hence he only had friends he knew since he was a child – meaning he no longer had any since his friends all had forgotten of him after he moved.

Donghae had been joining Hyukjae’s circle during breaks – and even in that group, he hadn’t been close enough to anyone except Hyukjae. So, he got himself a drink and plastered himself against the wall opposite the stage just as the wallflower he was.

He smiled at anyone who waved at him. One girl from the class next door even invited him to her table but he declined, fidgeting with his glasses. He was more than happy when the first act ended, and the MCs came back on stage to welcome the second performance. He perked up, anticipating Hyukjae’s performance since he had been rather secretive about it, and walked closer to the stage, placing down his empty glass on a table.

The lights were off, and he could only see shadows as a few people took their places on stage.

A spotlight shone right in the middle of the stage, on one person dressed in a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, topped with a gray vest. There were glitters on the boy’s styled up hair and when he looked up, locking eyes with Donghae in an instance, once again Donghae felt his breath was taken away.

“I need you boo, I gotta see you boo,

And the hearts all over the world tonight

Said the hearts all over the world tonight.”


The whole stage was then, illuminating everyone on the stage but Donghae only had his eyes fixed on one.

“Hey little mama, oh you're a stunner,

Hot little figure, yes, you're a winner,

And I'm so glad to be yours,

You're a class all your own


It was a dance performance with Hyukjae singing and dancing and Donghae swore it felt as if Hyukjae was staring only at him though it felt too good to be true.

“Oh little cutie, when you talk to me…”

Donghae felt himself blushing when Hyukjae gave a wink.

“I swear the whole world stops, you're my sweetheart,

And I'm so glad that you're mine

You are one of a kind and…”

It might not be true that Hyukjae was singing to him, but Donghae wanted to dream he was. He still could not point out when was it that he started to be attracted to Hyukjae, but right then, he wanted him.

“Oh, I'm into you,

And girl, no one else would do,

'Cause with every kiss and every hug,

You make me fall in love,

And now I know I can't be the only one,

I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight,

With the love of their life who feels,

What I feel when I'm

With you, with you, with you, with you…”

They had gone karaoke before and he had heard Hyukjae sing but a dancing Hyukjae… Donghae had never thought of it, but, with how Hyukjae rolled his body and his suave moves, he knew what he would see in his next dream.

When the next verse started, Hyukjae suddenly jumped off the stage, making Donghae’s heart stutter for a moment. The spotlight followed Hyukjae as he walked through the crowd, and Donghae could not look away now that he was sure Hyukjae’s eyes were on him.

“Hey, little shawty, say you care for me,

You know I care for you, you know that I'll be true,

You know that I won't lie, you know that I would try…”

In a matter of seconds, suddenly Hyukjae was right in front of him and he placed a hand on Donghae’s waist before wrapping it around him and now, Donghae was flushed against Hyukjae. Gently, his glasses were pulled off him.

“To be your everything, yeah…”

Hyukjae swayed him gently before he pressed his forehead against Donghae.

“'Cause if I got you, I don't need money, I don't need cars

Girl, you're my all and… oh.”

Donghae encircled Hyukjae’s neck with his arms, slowly as he was feeling hot all over, knowing if the room had been any brighter, everyone could see his red cheeks. Yet, at the moment, he did not care. He smiled shyly and closed his eyes, pulling himself closer against the one person he had ever fallen so deep for even without himself realizing.

“I'm into you,

And boy, no one else would do,

'Cause with every kiss and every hug,

You make me fall in love,

And now I know I can't be the only one,

I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight,

With the love of their life who feels,

What I feel when I'm

With you, with you, with you, with you, with you, oh

With you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you

Only with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, babe yeah…”

The soft kiss they shared right as the song ended was applauded by everyone in the room, and Donghae did not even hear them.



The glass walls were pelted with rain, making the whole air-conditioned building colder and Donghae had to pull on his cardigan to keep the chill at bay. There were still a few hours left and a small stack of documents that needed to be gone through and updated before he could go home – not that he anticipated eating alone once again like every other night in the past month.

It was how the days passed; work, eat, sleep. There was the occasional lunch with his brother and a couple of times where he made an effort of joining his colleagues for a night-out – which kept ending with him wishing he was somewhere else because everyone talked about their love-life and paid no mind to him. Worst, and he hated it, was the part where they did give him some attention and asked how it was going, between him and Hyukjae. Not because his relationship was not doing well – it was fine, although there was less talking and Donghae just could not stop missing Hyukjae – but because how they seem to be waiting for him to break the news that he no longer had a boyfriend.

Donghae had learned a long time ago that there were two things that kept the office inhabitants entertained; a break-up story – about anyone, so he tried not to take things personally – or a romance blossoming.

Like thunder, someone shouted, “Hoon and Ryejin are getting married!”

A chorus of ‘what’ and ‘really’ erupted, everyone in the office who was from Yeo-gang High School – which was almost half of it, perks of working close to his house – responding to the sudden news.

“They just made the announcement on their Instagram!”

Donghae looked around him and saw his ex-schoolmates scrolling through their phones. He picked up his as well and searched for Hoon’s account, who was in the same year as him. Ryejin was a grade below.

“I’m not surprised at all,” said Yunhee, a classmate of Donghae, “They’ve been sharing photos and videos of them together since forever.”

“True!” shouted Kyunghee from across the room, “I don’t think I’ve ever opened my Instagram without them appearing on my timeline. Crazy if they don’t end up married.”

Hera, a senior in the office but was not from their school, snorted, “That’s how a relationship is validated these days; post it up for the whole world to see.”

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1455 streak #1
Chapter 3: Awwww. why i only found and read this one?? :) will it be updated??? ;))
Chapter 3: I can feel lots of love from them... This make me feel loved ...Looking forward to the next update ❤️
Achichi #3
Chapter 3: I feel more lonely because of how sweet they are hahaha

I'm waiting for their wedding, so his office friend can off by looking at the ring in Hae's fingers.
1638 streak #4
This is so damn cute. My heart feel heavy with Hae and all those people around him waiting for their break up. Wanna huge him T\\\T Hope he can prove them all wrong and made this es shut up.
Baby Hae needs comfort Hyuk!!!
Thank you for writing so far and sharing your thoughts❤️
Akshahae #5
Chapter 3: When we are gonna get next chapter
Chapter 2: im liking it rightaway!!!!
Chapter 3: I wanna hug Hae so bad!!
Chapter 3: Love it
lee_eunjae #9
Chapter 3: Crying legit tears *sobs*
Chapter 3: AAAAAH i miss this so much thank you for the update!! They’re so cute asdfghjkl