Post #1

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 A/N: Italics = flashbacks ^^


Post #1


"You must think that I'm stupid... You must think that I’m a fool…”

His earphones in and with his head pressed lightly against the bus’s window, Donghae hummed to the song, singing the words he knew just under his breath. The bus was nearly vacated entirely with a couple of girls seating at the front and a guy with brown hair – Donghae assumed it was a guy since he could only see his mop of hair from where he sat right behind him – napping with his head lolled to the side. Still, Donghae did not think it was appropriate to sing his heart out. Besides, the tranquillity going on felt nice after that hectic first day at his new high school.

“I'm never gonna let you close to me

Even though you mean the most to me

Cause every time I open up, it hurts…”


He probably should have been more open with people instead of constantly having his earphones plugged in, but Donghae was not up to making friends yet both due to how everyone already seemed to have their designated group although the new school year just started a week ago, and because he himself felt was not up to befriending anyone at the moment. Not after how quick his old friends seemed to forget about him once he moved.

“But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry,

And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry,

And every time you walk out, the less I love you,

Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true…”


If only he was as good as them... if only Donghae could ever be good at saying goodbyes…


Sighing for probably the thousandth time in a matter of a week, Donghae fixed his glasses that nearly fell off his face when the books tumbled all over him. He knew he had two left feet but it was insane how he kept stumbling over nothing in the school corridor.

The hallway was already empty that Donghae’s own breathing seemed to echo as he squatted down and begun stacking up his books. Everyone was always so quick to leave every time the final bell rung, which was a good thing for Donghae’s current situation.

He began grumbling, “Can’t even walk straight without falling over, as if no one knows you’re gay already. Good job, Hae. Go ahead with the stumbling over nothing and never getting anyone falling for you because why? Because they can’t even see your stupid, ugly face because you keep giving attention to the floor!”

“You’re not ugly, though.”

Donghae was so startled that he fell back on his bum, hard. It smarted quite badly, but, Donghae’s gaze was on the blurred figure in front of him. He noticed the red lips immediately and squinted to try to ease off the blurriness.

His round glasses were placed gently on the bridge of his nose and Donghae could finally zero in on the soft smile the boy in front of him had. He was transfixed on it. Then, the lips started forming words and Donghae blinked rapidly so he could hear what was being said and not make a fool of himself.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you but… I really can’t stop myself from disagreeing with you.”


When the boy with the dusty brown hair chuckled, Donghae felt himself blush and bit down on his lip, cringing at how he could sound so stupid with just one word.

“I said you’re not ugly. If you say you are, then something must be wrong with me.”

Donghae cleared his throat and averted the other’s eyes, going as far as pushing himself up instead of taking the boy’s offered hand. He brushed his hands on his pants before chancing a glance at the boy again, trying to sound defiant as he said, “Then, something must be wrong with you.” He bent down and picked his stacked up books and papers, not expecting anymore respond from the other boy – which meant less chance on embarrassing himself.

Just as Donghae was about to walk away, though, the boy said, “I guess, since I find you adorable with your crooked tooth and sparkling brown eyes but sadly, you don’t.”

The heat was rising rapidly on Donghae’s cheek when his eyes snapped back to the boy and it felt as if he was in a trance as they stared at each other. They were so close that Donghae had to tilt his head back.

“What are you trying to do?”

It was a small win when the boy stepped back and turned somewhat sheepish all of a sudden, rubbing his nape and eyes alternating between the floor and Donghae. A bigger win was when Donghae noticed the other was turning red from the neck up.

“Just trying to be friendly? You’re the new kid, right? I saw you and figured you might need some help.”

“Well, you sounded more flirtatious rather than friendly, Mr.…”

“Hyukjae!” the boy said, a grin wide on his face until Donghae could see his red gums – which he found cute. “Lee Hyukjae. And you are?”

Donghae hugged his things closer before playing with his backpack’s strap, “Not telling.”

Hyukjae only laughed, letting it die slowly as he nodded, a hint of a smile still lingering on his lips after when he said, “Well if you ever feel like telling, or have anything to ask or a friend, you can come to me.”

“And why would I do that?”

“Because I’m a member of the student council and what use would I be if I’m not always ready to help the students around?”

Donghae was already weirded out by that statement as he had never seen nor heard of anyone in student council in any school ever being so generous a

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1455 streak #1
Chapter 3: Awwww. why i only found and read this one?? :) will it be updated??? ;))
Chapter 3: I can feel lots of love from them... This make me feel loved ...Looking forward to the next update ❤️
Achichi #3
Chapter 3: I feel more lonely because of how sweet they are hahaha

I'm waiting for their wedding, so his office friend can off by looking at the ring in Hae's fingers.
1652 streak #4
This is so damn cute. My heart feel heavy with Hae and all those people around him waiting for their break up. Wanna huge him T\\\T Hope he can prove them all wrong and made this es shut up.
Baby Hae needs comfort Hyuk!!!
Thank you for writing so far and sharing your thoughts❤️
Akshahae #5
Chapter 3: When we are gonna get next chapter
Chapter 2: im liking it rightaway!!!!
Chapter 3: I wanna hug Hae so bad!!
Chapter 3: Love it
lee_eunjae #9
Chapter 3: Crying legit tears *sobs*
Chapter 3: AAAAAH i miss this so much thank you for the update!! They’re so cute asdfghjkl