Chapter 4

I Choose To Love You

Meanwhile, Yul and Soo Jung went to Yoona’s office. They brought her lunch and want to having lunch together as per Soo Jung’s idea. After elevator reached level 8, They were walked out from elevator and went to Finance department. There was nobody in the office. They walked to Yoona’s workplace.

“Hmm Soo Jung, looks like your umma still in the meeting. We will wait her here okay?” Yul said while pinched gently on her cheek. Soo Jung nodded and sat beside Yul.

They were heard someone shouting for help. Yul stood up from the seat .He then held Soo Jung Hand tightly then walked to there .He then open the door and looked at someone on top of the girl while the girl struggling to release herself from him. And then, Yul see that was Yoona. He then pulled Mr Kim and punched him for several times until he couldn’t stand to fight Yul back.

“Stop. Stop. I am sorry.”Mr Kim begged. Yul grabbed his collar and punched him again. He then saw Yoona’s had bleeding on and her ripped blouse. He immediately took of his blazer and covered Yoona’s body. He then wiped Yoona’s blood with his thumb.

“Yoona..I’m here. i will protect you.”Yul then hugged her and rubbed gently on her back. Soo Jung who saw her umma cried ran to her and cried as well.

“Umma.” Soo Jung ran to her mom.

“Soo Jung.”They both hugged.

Yul went to Mr Kim and grabbed his collar shirt and punched him again and again until few of his staffs came. They have to stop Yul from punching Mr. Kim more. They were dumbfounded and shocked after looked at Yoona. Then, they know Mr. Kim tried do something bad on Yoona.

“Let’s go out from here.” Three of them walked from the room. Some of staff already at their workplace looked at them. Yul drive Yoona and Krystal to their home. Then Yul brought Yoona to her room and helped her to lay on her bed.

“Soo Jung, please take a towel.” Soo Jung ran to the other room and took a towel.

Yul always brought the first aid kit box in his car. He gave a treatment on Yoona. Yoona kept crying. Yul then called Tiffany to asking her help. Tiffany arrived there after 20 minutes, and Yul had told everything. After changed Yoona’s clothes, Tiffany went back to office and Yul gave her permission to back home early. Yoona having a fever for few days and Yul is the one who taking care of her and Soojung.

On few days later

Yoona woke up and she had fully recovered from fever even she wounds on her face slowly gone.

“Hey, Good Morning, Yoong.”Yul greeted Yoona after he saw Yoona opened her eyes and looked around.

“Morning.” Yoona responded and yawned after that. Yul came near to her and sat beside Yoona on the bed.” How do you feel today?”Yul asked while put his hand on Yoona forehead.

“Hmm I’m okay. Yul, thank you for saving me and taking care of me and Soojung. If you not came yesterday, I don’t even know what will happen to me. Thank you Yul.”

“Hey, it is okay.” Yul hugged her. “Everything has settled now. I don’t want you work there anymore. Work with me and our friends. I will take care of you. Okay? This time, I don’t want you to reject my offer.” Yoona finally nodded and agreed to work in Yul’s company.

“Umma! ” Soojung ran to her mom and Yul and Yoona release themselves from hugging.

“Umma is okay now?”

Yoona nodded. “Umma, Uncle Yul slept here for 3 days and he sent me to the school every day. Uncle Yul even helped me on my school work too.”

“Yul, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. Okay, I have to go to office now. But, I will send Soo Jung to school first. You just take a rest more okay?” Yul said then he kissed Yoona forehead before walked out from the room with Krystal. Yoona heart felt something different now, is she in love with Yul after everything Yul did for her and Soo Jung?

“Good Bye, Umma.”

“Good Bye Soojung.”

After few months

They had dinner at Grand Steak house. Yul had decided to propose Yoona. Soo Jung had stayed at home with her Auntie.

“Yoong.” Yul tried to start the serious talk.

“Yes.” Yoona gave her attention to the man who sat in front of her.

“We have been friends for years, we were had lost contact then meet again. I…I want to tell you something.”

“Okay, what is it?”

Yul took deep breath before say. ”I have told you that I had crush on someone when we were in the University. Do you still remember?”

“Hmm yeah. Have you seen her again Yul? Wow. Who is she?”

“Hmm it’s.. it’s you.”


“Yeah .It’s you.”

“b…but, you never told me that?”

“Yeah, I was about to tell you, but that time you just have relationship with Seunggi. I’m just too late”

“Oh..I never thought that your crush is me, Yul.”



“I’m not only crushing on you. But, I love you.” Yul said before held Yoona hand. He took a deep breath again before confessing to Yoona.

“Yoong. I had loved you before and until now, I still love you. C..Could you be mine?”

Yoona shocked with Yul’s suddenly confession.

“Yoong, I know you will hesitate to accept me, after your failure marriage with Seunggi. But, please give me a chance to prove it to you.”Yul tried to convince Yoona.

“But, Yul I am widower, and I have a daughter.”

“I don’t care about that, indeed I love Soo Jung as well. She is like my own daughter. I promise I will treat her like my own daughter. Yul tried to convince Yoona.

Yoona sighed.” It’s not easy Yul. Is your family will be fine with my status?”

“Yoong, okay, I give you time to think about this. But don’t take too long. Okay? Please. About my family, don’t worry about that.”

“al right.”. They both look into each other eyes.

Yoona can see Yul is sincere to her, but she still worried and thought about her broken marriage before. She and Seunggi love each other but, easily, Seunggi had changed his heart for other girl. After they had dinner, Yul sent Yoona to her house. Yul opened the car door for Yoona.

“Yul, Thanks for the dinner. Good night”

Welcome. And Good night, Say good night to my cutie Soo Jung as well ”Yul said while smiled.

Yoona nodded. Then, Yul walked to his car and started the engine before drove his car.

When Yoona entered her house, Soo Jung still awaked.

“Umma!” Krystal ran to her mom then hugged her tightly like they had separated for years.

“Omo,  my darling still awake? You should sleep now, you have to wake up early tomorrow. right?”

“Umma, Have you told uncle Yul to come tomorrow?”Soojung asked her mom.

“Omo.I forgot to tell him.”

“Umma.” Soojung whined.

“okay-okay, I’ll message him now.”Yoona said while took her phone from her hand bag.

To : Kwon Yul

Yul, sorry for disturbing you. Are you busy tomorrow? It’s like I need your help. Don’t reply me until you reach your home.

From: Yoong

“wait until uncle Yul replied okay? I think he still driving now.So,Uncle couldn’t reply the message.”Yoona explained to her daughter.”What if you brush your teeth meanwhile waiting uncle Yul to reply the message?”

“Okay, Umma.”Then they both walked to the bathroom.

After 15 minutes,Yul had called Yoona. Krystal excitedly when knew that Yul calling. Yoona who saw it how excited her daughter, passed the phone to her.

“Uncle Yul!”

“Hey, Soo Jung.. Why are you not sleep yet? it’s already late night.”

“hehe.. I will sleep later. Uncle Yul, do you free tomorrow?”

“Hmm I think yes. Why? is everything okay?”

“Hmm there wilI be a sports day at my School tomorrow. I am participating in running. could uncle come to watch me? ”

“Hmmmm…”Yul teasing Krystal

“Uncle. Please.”Soo Jung Whined.

“Soo Jung, don’t force uncle Yul. Maybe he is busy tomorrow.” Yoona said and make Krystal pouted.

.”Soo Jung, uncle is free tomorrow. So, Uncle will come to watch you running. You must win tomorrow okay? Uncle will treat you an ice cream!”

“Seriously uncle will come tomorrow? Promise?”

“Yes Soojung, Uncle will pick up you at home then we go to your school together.”

“horrey!. Thank you uncle Yul.  Soo Jung love you so much. Muah  muah  muah.”

“Hehehe.. okay, now, Soo Jung go to sleep. Then pass the phone to you umma okay. Good night Soo Jung, see you tomorrow.”

“okay, Good night uncle Yul. Umma, Uncle Yul wants to talk to you.” Soo Jung said before handed the phone to Yoona. Yoona kissed Soo Jung cheeks and said Good night to each other , then Krystal walked to her bedroom to sleep.

“Yul, err I am sorry if Soo Jung troubling you.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I am not busy at all tomorrow. So, I really want to give my support to Soo Jung.”Yul said before yawned.

“hehe.. hmm looks like someone also should sleep now.”Yoona said

“kekeke. yeah, I’m sleepy. Yoong,I will pick up you two tomorrow okay? So, what time we need to go to school?”

“you can pick up us at 8 am tomorrow.”

“Ok, Yoong. Good night.”Yul grinned

“Ok. Good night.”Yoona replied

“Wait..wait. Yoong!”


“Hmm Sweet dream and errr dream of me okay? hehehe”

“Hehe You too.”

“Me too? What? Dream of you?”Yul teased Yoona.


“Yoong…”Yul whined.

“Good night!.. Bye!” She ended the call immediately. She giggles because she got teasing Yul back.

“arghh.”Yul groaned .Then he smiled before closed his eyes and landed to the dreamland.


On the next day, Yul has arrived 10 minutes before 8 am to pick up Yoona and Soo Jung. The sports event started at 9 am.

“Ok, Soo Jung Fighting. You can do it. Uncle will wait at the finish line there okay?”. Don’t get injured okay? Yul give his support to Krystal.

“Okay Uncle Yul” she replied before hugged Yoona.

“My darling can do the best right? Umma will wait for you there. Okay? Umma love you so much.” Yoona said before kissed her daughter’s cheek.

Soo Jung and the other runner got ready on the track. After that, Krystal ran until the finish line. Nobody can beat her. She ran so fast. When arrived at the finish line, Yul had lifted her.

“Congratulations Soojung!.”

“Thank you, uncle.” Soojung hugged Yul tightly.

“Congratulations, my darling.”Yoona happily said while patted gently on Soo Jung head.

There was also game for parents, which is relay running for children and parents.

“Umma, Please?” Soo Jung tried to ask her mom to join.

“Darling, I didn’t bring my sports shoes and my clothes also not suitable for running. I’m Sorry dear.”

It was made Soo Jung pouted, feeling sad she couldn’t run with her mom.

“It’s okay Soo Jung, let’s participate running between children and father. I will join it.” Yul said

“Really, uncle?” Soo Jung suddenly happy and jumping excitedly.

“Yes, I need to change my shoes first okay. I will be back in few minutes.” Yul said before walked to his car.

They were like a happy family. Everybody who looked at them thought they are family. As expected, Soo Jung and Yul won the first place.

After the event has finished, They went to the restaurant to had lunch. Krystal was so happy when Yul fed her. Yoona could see that Yul has quality as a father for Krystal. That made her to thought about Yul proposed yesterday night.

“Yoong. Yoong.”Yul patted gently on her hand. “Are you okay? Why you didn’t finish you lunch? That chicken didn’t taste good?”

Yoona was deep thought until Yul patted on her hand. “no.. no. it taste so good.”

“Really? Can I taste a bit?”

“yeah, sure.”

“feed me please.”Yul grinned.

“Yes, umma. Feed uncle Yul. Please. Please”

Yoona groaned before fed Yul. “Ok? enough?”

Yul grinned while chew his food. “Wow, the taste so good. Maybe, because this beautiful girl feeding me. ”Yul said, and then winked at Yoona. Soo Jung who sat beside Yoona just grinned happily.

“Yul… Don’t be so cheesy here.” She glared at Yul, shows that she is angry, but actually she likes it.

Yul just laughed when he looked at Yoona. “okay..okay.”

Three of them continued their lunch until they were finished their food then Yul brought them to eat Ice cream before sent them to the house.


At night

“Soo Jung.”

“Yes. Umma”

“Do you like Uncle Yul?”Yoona asked her daughter.

“Yes. I like him. He is always making me happy.”

“Hmm , how if Uncle Yul become your father. Do you like it?” Yoona asked her again.

“Of course umma. So, nobody can say that I don’t have father anymore at school.” Soo Jung responded excitedly.

Yoona silent.

“Umma, do you love Uncle Yul.? Do you will marry Uncle Yul soon?” Soo Jung asked excitedly this time.

“I am not sure darling. I asked you because, my decision it’s only for your happiness.”

“Umma, seriously I am happy If uncle Yul become my father. He is really good man.”

Yoona in deep thought again.

“Umma, umma. Let’s go to sleep. I am sleepy.” Soo Jung patted on Yoona’s lap.

“Okay darling. Let’s brush our teeth first.”Yoona walked with Soo Jung to the bathroom.

“Should I give a chance to him?” Yoona thought

After one Week,

Yoona has started with Yul’s company under Finance department which is the boss is Sooyoung.

After being introduced to all staff in her department, Yoona has being brought to her workplace by Sooyoung’s assistant.

“Okay, Miss Im here is your place. my workplace is opposite to yours.”Minah, Sooyoung’s assistant said to Yoona while gave her smile to her new colleague.

“Minah, I told you already stop calling me Miss Im, call me Yoona instead. We are friends here,right?”

Minah just smile. “ Okay, Yoona. But, I have something to give it to you. It’s from our Big boss.” Minah said while handed the flowers to Yoona.”

Yoona smiled and she knows it’s from Yul.

“Haa Thank you Minah. Is it normal that the new staff will get flowers?” Yoona said before smell her favorite flowers.

“Nope. Only you got this. That’s why I called you, Miss Im just now. Maybe, The big boss want to flirts you” Minah Teasing Yoona.

Yoona smile shyly to her new friend.

“Don’t misunderstand, we are best friend when we were in the University. So, this is because of our friendship”

“Oh, seriously? So, Mr Sooyoung also you friend?

Yoona nodded.

“Then, I should treat you well.” Minah said

“Minah, please don’t.”

“ Haha, Okay Yoona, I have to do my task now. If you need anything just call me, okay?” Minah said before excused herself.

“Okay, Thank you Minah.” Yoona said.

Yoona look at the flowers again before put on the table. She then wants to switch on her laptop that company provide for her. Then, she saw a sticky note on the keyboard.


“Are you the sun? Because you brightens my day today” =)

“Have you received my flowers?

“I hope you still like this flower”


 Yoona smiled and feel so happy for her first day work. She look at her phone, Yul is call her.


“Hi Yoong, Have you received my flowers?”

“Yes, Thank you Yul.” Yoona said while smiled.

“Do you still like Carnations?”

“Yes, I really love Carnations until now.”

“Yoong, Actually when we were in University, I’m the one who gives you flowers bouquet.”

“Really? I thought it was Seunggi.”

“It’s me Yoong. But, when Seunggi complained that he got jealous someone gives you flowers, I stop give it to you. But, he still didn’t know that I’m the one who give that.”

“oh, that’s why he never know my favorite flowers, and didn’t like to give me flowers when we are still married” Yoona thought.

“Yoong.. Yoong are you still there?”


“Okay, I have to go now, see you in the afternoon we will go for lunch. Soo has Invited me to join it with your team.”
“okay Yul. And thanks for the flowers. It’s been a long time I didn’t receive flowers.” Yoona said.

“Welcome. See you soon. Bye” Yul said while smiled.

“Bye” Yoona smiled and continue on her work for the first day.

Almost every day, Yul will put a sticky notes on Yoona’s workplace and write some sweet pickup line.


In Their University, there is University Radio Station. Sooyoung is one of the dj.

“Soo, Please don’t tell anybody that I’m the one who gives this to her.”Yul say to his friend.

“Why, don’t you just confess to her, Yul?”

Yul sighed.. “ I can’t Soo.”

“Because of what? Seunggi likes her? Hey, they are not in relationship yet. It’s still have chance for you. Who knows she has feeling on you too?”

“I..I will confess to her. But, you need to help me. Please, Soo.”

“ Okay-okay. But, with one condition” Soo Smirked.

“Anything. Just say it, Soo.”

“You will for my meals. Hmm for 1 month.”

“okay. I agree.” Yul said

Sooyoung’s radio segment is every day. In the noon when all the students having their lunch time. So, everybody excited to listen it the message dedications. They can listen it through speakers that have put in the café. There are few dedications have been read before Yul’s turn.

“This is dedications message is from someone, but there’s no name here. But, I will still read it.

To : Im Yoona

‘ Excuse me, can you empty your pockets? I believe you have stolen my heart’

I Like you since the first day I met you.

                          From: Someone who likes you so much

And then at the café, everybody make noise, some are feeling jealous, some are asking their partner to do that too and some cheering Yoona. Yoona and Tiffany were in the café and they were listened it.

“Uwu.. Who’s that boy who gives you that pickup lines? “ Tiffany asked Yoona who sat beside her.

“I have no idea”.

“He’s must be a romantic man. Awww, you are so lucky, Yoong.”

And then, Yuri and Taeyeon came to them and took a seat in front of them.

“Boo…” Tiffany said to her boyfriend.”

“Yes, baby.” Taeyeon said before kiss Tiffany on her cheek.

“Someone gives Yoona dedication message just now. I want it that from you too.” Tiffany pouted.

“Okay baby,” Taeyeon said

“But, I want it as a pickup lines.” Tiffany demanded.

“Huh?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yes, Yoona just got a pickup line from someone.”
“Wow, really? From Who?” Taeyeon asked Yoona.

“I don’t know.” Yoona answered it . She is also curious about that.

“Yul, are you okay?”Yul seems so quiet then Yoona asked him.

“Are you jealous, Yul” Taeyeon teasing his bestfriend.

“Errr. What? Why should i?” Yul said shyly, felt embarrassed.

“Boo, stop teasing Yul. Look at his cheeks, getting red. Hahaha.” Tiffany said while pinched her boyfriend’s cheek.

“Okay-okay I stop now.” Taeyeon smirked at Yul and Yul pretending like didn’t know anything.

And yeah, Taeyeon also know that was from Yuri.

And then, they were buy the lunch and eating it before go to the next class for that day.

Flashback End


3 months later

Since Yoona working at Yul’s Company, They had lunch together with Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sooyoung and sometimes Sunny, Sooyoung’s girlfriend join them. But not for Today.

“Yoong. Sorry, we cannot have lunch together. I have to meet client with Tiffany and Taeyeon. Is it okay if you have lunch alone? Or maybe you can go with other staff? I am sorry, Yoong.”Yul said when he went to meet Yoona at Finance department, together with him were Tiffany and Taeyeon .

“It’s okay Yul.” Yoona smiled to Yul.

“Okay, I have to go now. See you later. ”Yul said while correcting his tie.

“Good bye Yoong.”Tiffany said while Taeyeon just gave a smiled to her.

After few hours,Yoona had received message from someone

From : XXXX

Yoong, This is Seunggi. Can we meet up? This afternoon? I have something to talk with you. It’s important.

Yoona had read it, after few minutes she has decided to replied. They met at the restaurant nearest to her office. Yoona arrived at the restaurant first then a few minutes later, Seunggi arrived as well.

“Hey , Yoong.”

Yoona sighed. “What do you want to talk with me?”

Meanwhile, Yul and Soo Jung went to Yoona’s office. They brought her lunch and want to having lunch together as per Soo Jung’s idea. After elevator reached level 8, They were walked out from elevator and went to Finance department. There was nobody in the office. They walked to Yoona’s workplace.

“Hmm Soo Jung, looks like your umma still in the meeting. We will wait her here okay?” Yul said while pinched gently on her cheek. Soo Jung nodded and sat beside Yul.

They were heard someone shouting for help. Yul stood up from the seat .He then held Soo Jung Hand tightly then walked to there .He then open the door and looked at someone on top of the girl while the girl struggling to release herself from him. And then, Yul see that was Yoona. He then pulled Mr Kim and punched him for several times until he couldn’t stand to fight Yul back.

“Stop. Stop. I am sorry.”Mr Kim begged. Yul grabbed his collar and punched him again. He then saw Yoona’s had bleeding on and her ripped blouse. He immediately took of his blazer and covered Yoona’s body. He then wiped Yoona’s blood with his thumb.

“Yoona..I’m here. i will protect you.”Yul then hugged her and rubbed gently on her back. Soo Jung who saw her umma cried ran to her and cried as well.

“Umma.” Soo Jung ran to her mom.

“Soo Jung.”They both hugged.

Yul went to Mr Kim and grabbed his collar shirt and punched him again and again until few of his staffs came. They have to stop Yul from punching Mr. Kim more. They were dumbfounded and shocked after looked at Yoona. Then, they know Mr. Kim tried do something bad on Yoona.

“Let’s go out from here.” Three of them walked from the room. Some of staff already at their workplace looked at them. Yul drive Yoona and Krystal to their home. Then Yul brought Yoona to her room and helped her to lay on her bed.

“Soo Jung, please take a towel.” Soo Jung ran to the other room and took a towel.

Yul always brought the first aid kit box in his car. He gave a treatment on Yoona. Yoona kept crying. Yul then called Tiffany to asking her help. Tiffany arrived there after 20 minutes, and Yul had told everything. After changed Yoona’s clothes, Tiffany went back to office and Yul gave her permission to back home early. Yoona having a fever for few days and Yul is the one who taking care of her and Soojung.

On few days later

Yoona woke up and she had fully recovered from fever even she wounds on her face slowly gone.

“Hey, Good Morning, Yoong.”Yul greeted Yoona after he saw Yoona opened her eyes and looked around.

“Morning.” Yoona responded and yawned after that. Yul came near to her and sat beside Yoona on the bed.” How do you feel today?”Yul asked while put his hand on Yoona forehead.

“Hmm I’m okay. Yul, thank you for saving me and taking care of me and Soojung. If you not came yesterday, I don’t even know what will happen to me. Thank you Yul.”

“Hey, it is okay.” Yul hugged her. “Everything has settled now. I don’t want you work there anymore. Work with me and our friends. I will take care of you. Okay? This time, I don’t want you to reject my offer.” Yoona finally nodded and agreed to work in Yul’s company.

“Umma! ” Soojung ran to her mom and Yul and Yoona release themselves from hugging.

“Umma is okay now?”

Yoona nodded. “Umma, Uncle Yul slept here for 3 days and he sent me to the school every day. Uncle Yul even helped me on my school work too.”

“Yul, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. Okay, I have to go to office now. But, I will send Soo Jung to school first. You just take a rest more okay?” Yul said then he kissed Yoona forehead before walked out from the room with Krystal. Yoona heart felt something different now, is she in love with Yul after everything Yul did for her and Soo Jung?

“Good Bye, Umma.”

“Good Bye Soojung.”

After few months

They had dinner at Grand Steak house. Yul had decided to propose Yoona. Soo Jung had stayed at home with her Auntie.

“Yoong.” Yul tried to start the serious talk.

“Yes.” Yoona gave her attention to the man who sat in front of her.

“We have been friends for years, we were had lost contact then meet again. I…I want to tell you something.”

“Okay, what is it?”

Yul took deep breath before say. ”I have told you that I had crush on someone when we were in the University. Do you still remember?”

“Hmm yeah. Have you seen her again Yul? Wow. Who is she?”

“Hmm it’s.. it’s you.”


“Yeah .It’s you.”

“b…but, you never told me that?”

“Yeah, I was about to tell you, but that time you just have relationship with Seunggi. I’m just too late”

“Oh..I never thought that your crush is me, Yul.”



“I’m not only crushing on you. But, I love you.” Yul said before held Yoona hand. He took a deep breath again before confessing to Yoona.

“Yoong. I had loved you before and until now, I still love you. C..Could you be mine?”

Yoona shocked with Yul’s suddenly confession.

“Yoong, I know you will hesitate to accept me, after your failure marriage with Seunggi. But, please give me a chance to prove it to you.”Yul tried to convince Yoona.

“But, Yul I am widower, and I have a daughter.”

“I don’t care about that, indeed I love Soo Jung as well. She is like my own daughter. I promise I will treat her like my own daughter. Yul tried to convince Yoona.

Yoona sighed.” It’s not easy Yul. Is your family will be fine with my status?”

“Yoong, okay, I give you time to think about this. But don’t take too long. Okay? Please. About my family, don’t worry about that.”

“al right.”. They both look into each other eyes.

Yoona can see Yul is sincere to her, but she still worried and thought about her broken marriage before. She and Seunggi love each other but, easily, Seunggi had changed his heart for other girl. After they had dinner, Yul sent Yoona to her house. Yul opened the car door for Yoona.

“Yul, Thanks for the dinner. Good night”

Welcome. And Good night, Say good night to my cutie Soo Jung as well ”Yul said while smiled.

Yoona nodded. Then, Yul walked to his car and started the engine before drove his car.

When Yoona entered her house, Soo Jung still awaked.

“Umma!” Krystal ran to her mom then hugged her tightly like they had separated for years.

“Omo,  my darling still awake? You should sleep now, you have to wake up early tomorrow. right?”

“Umma, Have you told uncle Yul to come tomorrow?”Soojung asked her mom.

“Omo.I forgot to tell him.”

“Umma.” Soojung whined.

“okay-okay, I’ll message him now.”Yoona said while took her phone from her hand bag.

To : Kwon Yul

Yul, sorry for disturbing you. Are you busy tomorrow? It’s like I need your help. Don’t reply me until you reach your home.

From: Yoong

“wait until uncle Yul replied okay? I think he still driving now.So,Uncle couldn’t reply the message.”Yoona explained to her daughter.”What if you brush your teeth meanwhile waiting uncle Yul to reply the message?”

“Okay, Umma.”Then they both walked to the bathroom.

After 15 minutes,Yul had called Yoona. Krystal excitedly when knew that Yul calling. Yoona who saw it how excited her daughter, passed the phone to her.

“Uncle Yul!”

“Hey, Soo Jung.. Why are you not sleep yet? it’s already late night.”

“hehe.. I will sleep later. Uncle Yul, do you free tomorrow?”

“Hmm I think yes. Why? is everything okay?”

“Hmm there wilI be a sports day at my School tomorrow. I am participating in running. could uncle come to watch me? ”

“Hmmmm…”Yul teasing Krystal

“Uncle. Please.”Soo Jung Whined.

“Soo Jung, don’t force uncle Yul. Maybe he is busy tomorrow.” Yoona said and make Krystal pouted.

.”Soo Jung, uncle is free tomorrow. So, Uncle will come to watch you running. You must win tomorrow okay? Uncle will treat you an ice cream!”

“Seriously uncle will come tomorrow? Promise?”

“Yes Soojung, Uncle will pick up you at home then we go to your school together.”

“horrey!. Thank you uncle Yul.  Soo Jung love you so much. Muah  muah  muah.”

“Hehehe.. okay, now, Soo Jung go to sleep. Then pass the phone to you umma okay. Good night Soo Jung, see you tomorrow.”

“okay, Good night uncle Yul. Umma, Uncle Yul wants to talk to you.” Soo Jung said before handed the phone to Yoona. Yoona kissed Soo Jung cheeks and said Good night to each other , then Krystal walked to her bedroom to sleep.

“Yul, err I am sorry if Soo Jung troubling you.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I am not busy at all tomorrow. So, I really want to give my support to Soo Jung.”Yul said before yawned.

“hehe.. hmm looks like someone also should sleep now.”Yoona said

“kekeke. yeah, I’m sleepy. Yoong,I will pick up you two tomorrow okay? So, what time we need to go to school?”

“you can pick up us at 8 am tomorrow.”

“Ok, Yoong. Good night.”Yul grinned

“Ok. Good night.”Yoona replied

“Wait..wait. Yoong!”


“Hmm Sweet dream and errr dream of me okay? hehehe”

“Hehe You too.”

“Me too? What? Dream of you?”Yul teased Yoona.


“Yoong…”Yul whined.

“Good night!.. Bye!” She ended the call immediately. She giggles because she got teasing Yul back.

“arghh.”Yul groaned .Then he smiled before closed his eyes and landed to the dreamland.


On the next day, Yul has arrived 10 minutes before 8 am to pick up Yoona and Soo Jung. The sports event started at 9 am.

“Ok, Soo Jung Fighting. You can do it. Uncle will wait at the finish line there okay?”. Don’t get injured okay? Yul give his support to Krystal.

“Okay Uncle Yul” she replied before hugged Yoona.

“My darling can do the best right? Umma will wait for you there. Okay? Umma love you so much.” Yoona said before kissed her daughter’s cheek.

Soo Jung and the other runner got ready on the track. After that, Krystal ran until the finish line. Nobody can beat her. She ran so fast. When arrived at the finish line, Yul had lifted her.

“Congratulations Soojung!.”

“Thank you, uncle.” Soojung hugged Yul tightly.

“Congratulations, my darling.”Yoona happily said while patted gently on Soo Jung head.

There was also game for parents, which is relay running for children and parents.

“Umma, Please?” Soo Jung tried to ask her mom to join.

“Darling, I didn’t bring my sports shoes and my clothes also not suitable for running. I’m Sorry dear.”

It was made Soo Jung pouted, feeling sad she couldn’t run with her mom.

“It’s okay Soo Jung, let’s participate running between children and father. I will join it.” Yul said

“Really, uncle?” Soo Jung suddenly happy and jumping excitedly.

“Yes, I need to change my shoes first okay. I will be back in few minutes.” Yul said before walked to his car.

They were like a happy family. Everybody who looked at them thought they are family. As expected, Soo Jung and Yul won the first place.

After the event has finished, They went to the restaurant to had lunch. Krystal was so happy when Yul fed her. Yoona could see that Yul has quality as a father for Krystal. That made her to thought about Yul proposed yesterday night.

“Yoong. Yoong.”Yul patted gently on her hand. “Are you okay? Why you didn’t finish you lunch? That chicken didn’t taste good?”

Yoona was deep thought until Yul patted on her hand. “no.. no. it taste so good.”

“Really? Can I taste a bit?”

“yeah, sure.”

“feed me please.”Yul grinned.

“Yes, umma. Feed uncle Yul. Please. Please”

Yoona groaned before fed Yul. “Ok? enough?”

Yul grinned while chew his food. “Wow, the taste so good. Maybe, because this beautiful girl feeding me. ”Yul said, and then winked at Yoona. Soo Jung who sat beside Yoona just grinned happily.

“Yul… Don’t be so cheesy here.” She glared at Yul, shows that she is angry, but actually she likes it.

Yul just laughed when he looked at Yoona. “okay..okay.”

Three of them continued their lunch until they were finished their food then Yul brought them to eat Ice cream before sent them to the house.


At night

“Soo Jung.”

“Yes. Umma”

“Do you like Uncle Yul?”Yoona asked her daughter.

“Yes. I like him. He is always making me happy.”

“Hmm , how if Uncle Yul become your father. Do you like it?” Yoona asked her again.

“Of course umma. So, nobody can say that I don’t have father anymore at school.” Soo Jung responded excitedly.

Yoona silent.

“Umma, do you love Uncle Yul.? Do you will marry Uncle Yul soon?” Soo Jung asked excitedly this time.

“I am not sure darling. I asked you because, my decision it’s only for your happiness.”

“Umma, seriously I am happy If uncle Yul become my father. He is really good man.”

Yoona in deep thought again.

“Umma, umma. Let’s go to sleep. I am sleepy.” Soo Jung patted on Yoona’s lap.

“Okay darling. Let’s brush our teeth first.”Yoona walked with Soo Jung to the bathroom.

“Should I give a chance to him?” Yoona thought

After one Week,

Yoona has started with Yul’s company under Finance department which is the boss is Sooyoung.

After being introduced to all staff in her department, Yoona has being brought to her workplace by Sooyoung’s assistant.

“Okay, Miss Im here is your place. my workplace is opposite to yours.”Minah, Sooyoung’s assistant said to Yoona while gave her smile to her new colleague.

“Minah, I told you already stop calling me Miss Im, call me Yoona instead. We are friends here,right?”

Minah just smile. “ Okay, Yoona. But, I have something to give it to you. It’s from our Big boss.” Minah said while handed the flowers to Yoona.”

Yoona smiled and she knows it’s from Yul.

“Haa Thank you Minah. Is it normal that the new staff will get flowers?” Yoona said before smell her favorite flowers.

“Nope. Only you got this. That’s why I called you, Miss Im just now. Maybe, The big boss want to flirts you” Minah Teasing Yoona.

Yoona smile shyly to her new friend.

“Don’t misunderstand, we are best friend when we were in the University. So, this is because of our friendship”

“Oh, seriously? So, Mr Sooyoung also you friend?

Yoona nodded.

“Then, I should treat you well.” Minah said

“Minah, please don’t.”

“ Haha, Okay Yoona, I have to do my task now. If you need anything just call me, okay?” Minah said before excused herself.

“Okay, Thank you Minah.” Yoona said.

Yoona look at the flowers again before put on the table. She then wants to switch on her laptop that company provide for her. Then, she saw a sticky note on the keyboard.


“Are you the sun? Because you brightens my day today” =)

“Have you received my flowers?

“I hope you still like this flower”


 Yoona smiled and feel so happy for her first day work. She look at her phone, Yul is call her.


“Hi Yoong, Have you received my flowers?”

“Yes, Thank you Yul.” Yoona said while smiled.

“Do you still like Carnations?”

“Yes, I really love Carnations until now.”

“Yoong, Actually when we were in University, I’m the one who gives you flowers bouquet.”

“Really? I thought it was Seunggi.”

“It’s me Yoong. But, when Seunggi complained that he got jealous someone gives you flowers, I stop give it to you. But, he still didn’t know that I’m the one who give that.”

“oh, that’s why he never know my favorite flowers, and didn’t like to give me flowers when we are still married” Yoona thought.

“Yoong.. Yoong are you still there?”


“Okay, I have to go now, see you in the afternoon we will go for lunch. Soo has Invited me to join it with your team.”
“okay Yul. And thanks for the flowers. It’s been a long time I didn’t receive flowers.” Yoona said.

“Welcome. See you soon. Bye” Yul said while smiled.

“Bye” Yoona smiled and continue on her work for the first day.

Almost every day, Yul will put a sticky notes on Yoona’s workplace and write some sweet pickup line.


In Their University, there is University Radio Station. Sooyoung is one of the dj.

“Soo, Please don’t tell anybody that I’m the one who gives this to her.”Yul say to his friend.

“Why, don’t you just confess to her, Yul?”

Yul sighed.. “ I can’t Soo.”

“Because of what? Seunggi likes her? Hey, they are not in relationship yet. It’s still have chance for you. Who knows she has feeling on you too?”

“I..I will confess to her. But, you need to help me. Please, Soo.”

“ Okay-okay. But, with one condition” Soo Smirked.

“Anything. Just say it, Soo.”

“You will for my meals. Hmm for 1 month.”

“okay. I agree.” Yul said

Sooyoung’s radio segment is every day. In the noon when all the students having their lunch time. So, everybody excited to listen it the message dedications. They can listen it through speakers that have put in the café. There are few dedications have been read before Yul’s turn.

“This is dedications message is from someone, but there’s no name here. But, I will still read it.

To : Im Yoona

‘ Excuse me, can you empty your pockets? I believe you have stolen my heart’

I Like you since the first day I met you.

                          From: Someone who likes you so much

And then at the café, everybody make noise, some are feeling jealous, some are asking their partner to do that too and some cheering Yoona. Yoona and Tiffany were in the café and they were listened it.

“Uwu.. Who’s that boy who gives you that pickup lines? “ Tiffany asked Yoona who sat beside her.

“I have no idea”.

“He’s must be a romantic man. Awww, you are so lucky, Yoong.”

And then, Yuri and Taeyeon came to them and took a seat in front of them.

“Boo…” Tiffany said to her boyfriend.”

“Yes, baby.” Taeyeon said before kiss Tiffany on her cheek.

“Someone gives Yoona dedication message just now. I want it that from you too.” Tiffany pouted.

“Okay baby,” Taeyeon said

“But, I want it as a pickup lines.” Tiffany demanded.

“Huh?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yes, Yoona just got a pickup line from someone.”
“Wow, really? From Who?” Taeyeon asked Yoona.

“I don’t know.” Yoona answered it . She is also curious about that.

“Yul, are you okay?”Yul seems so quiet then Yoona asked him.

“Are you jealous, Yul” Taeyeon teasing his bestfriend.

“Errr. What? Why should i?” Yul said shyly, felt embarrassed.

“Boo, stop teasing Yul. Look at his cheeks, getting red. Hahaha.” Tiffany said while pinched her boyfriend’s cheek.

“Okay-okay I stop now.” Taeyeon smirked at Yul and Yul pretending like didn’t know anything.

And yeah, Taeyeon also know that was from Yuri.

And then, they were buy the lunch and eating it before go to the next class for that day.

Flashback End


3 months later

Since Yoona working at Yul’s Company, They had lunch together with Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sooyoung and sometimes Sunny, Sooyoung’s girlfriend join them. But not for Today.

“Yoong. Sorry, we cannot have lunch together. I have to meet client with Tiffany and Taeyeon. Is it okay if you have lunch alone? Or maybe you can go with other staff? I am sorry, Yoong.”Yul said when he went to meet Yoona at Finance department, together with him were Tiffany and Taeyeon .

“It’s okay Yul.” Yoona smiled to Yul.

“Okay, I have to go now. See you later. ”Yul said while correcting his tie.

“Good bye Yoong.”Tiffany said while Taeyeon just gave a smiled to her.

After few hours,Yoona had received message from someone

From : Unknown Number

Yoong, This is Seunggi. Can we meet up? This afternoon? I have something to talk with you. It’s important.

Yoona had read it, after few minutes she has decided to replied. They met at the restaurant nearest to her office. Yoona arrived at the restaurant first then a few minutes later, Seunggi arrived as well.

“Hey , Yoong.”

Yoona sighed. “What do you want to talk with me?”

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Adrianasyahidah2413 #1
Please update
Adrianasyahidah2413 #2
Chapter 8: Yeahhh ^^ tq for update
Adrianasyahidah2413 #3
Please update
Adrianasyahidah2413 #4
Please update
♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Adrianasyahidah2413 #6
Chapter 7: Please update
kwonyy #7
Chapter 7: Why Mrs Kwon just accept yoonyul??
kwonyy #8
Chapter 6: Finally yoona knew the truth. So where the wedding we need to attend kkkkk
Adrianasyahidah2413 #9
Chapter 7: Yeahhh so many yoonyul moment right now , cant wait for the next chapter
Adrianasyahidah2413 #10
Update please