coffee and roller skates

Something Just Like This

Jisoo unnie,

How do you do? Are you adjusting well to our school?
You might not know me but this is Jennie Kim of Class 3-A.
Please don't find me weird or creepy, I just think that you are a really interesting person.
Do you think you could spare time to have coffee with me?
I could listen to your thoughts on our school and maybe I could help you in some things.
Should you decline this, I would totally understand.

Jennie Kim


Jennie cringed at herself as she remembered the contents of the letter she slipped in Jisoo's locker yesterday. She really didn't know and couldn't understand what came up to her, but she knew she had to do it or else it would bug her forever. And Jennie was tired of the things (that she never did) bugging her.

She lightly kicked a leaf on the ground and looked at her watch. 4:58pm. She might be here anytime soon.

She stood up straight and fixed her hair using her hand. She had been ready since 4pm, and she had been waiting at outside their building for an hour now. She couldn't do other things for the past hour other than wait and overthink. She couldn't believe that she's actually going on a date with Kim Jisoo.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard Jisoo's cheerful voice, yes she could hear that voice amidst the noise of rushing students.

"Jennie-yaa!" Jisoo happily skipped to her.

"Ji-Jisoo u-unnie." Her heart suddenly thumped so fast that her voice cracked.

Jisoo beamed at her. "Shall we get that coffee?"

Jennie smiled with a sigh of relief, "Yes unnie."




"So you like sweet things, don't you?" Jisoo commented as she was pouring tons of creamer and sugar on her overly bitter coffee.

I like you, Jennie thought and suppressed a giggle. "Ye-Yes. I can't stand the bitterness."

Jisoo smiled and sipped her iced americano.

"Jisoo unnie, I would like to thank you for going out with me" Jennie shyly said, her cheeks were starting to burn.

The smile on Jisoo's face widened, "It's my pleasure."

Jennie watched as she carefully took a sip of her coffee. "So how are you adjusting to our school? Can I help you with anything?"

"Uh- It's hard to adjust considering that I am supposed to be a senior now. I'm actually worried about it more than anything else." Jennie listened and watched Jisoo's thumb rub against the ceramic mug. "Right now, I'm having a hard time with literature, the English words were really deep."

Jennie's face lit up at the mention of "English". "I can help you with that!"

Jisoo was surprised yet in a pleasant way. "Really?"

"Yes!" Jennie straightened up on her seat and proudly beamed. "I used to study in New Zealand so I believe I'm quite familiar with the words you are referring to."

"Woah! That's really cool!" Jisoo said loudly, and nothing couldn't have made Jennie prouder.

"Just hit me up whenever you need help, Jisoo unnie!"

"I surely will." Jisoo smiled and continued drinking her coffee.

The passing of time seemed surreal as they talked and laughed with each other. Jennie's heart was so full it felt like it was gonna explode with rainbows and butterflies anytime soon. 




Jennie and Jisoo entered the establishment and they were hit with strange nostalgia.

"Woah, this place really took us back in time." Jisoo said while eyeing the mounted photos of pop art and the strobelights hanging from the ceiling. "Shall we?"

Jennie nervously nodded, albeit feeling hesitant. Jisoo had asked her to go to a roller skating place after their coffee, and how could Jennie say no to her. It was already enough that Jisoo didn't want to leave immediately after their coffee 'date'. She was really happy that she felt like she could fly in those four-wheeled shoes lined up on the shelves, but there was one problem.

"Jisoo unnie.." Jennie muttered as Jisoo handed her pair of shoes. "I don't know how to skate."

Jisoo stopped fiddling with her pair and looked at Jennie with amused eyes. "Omo, Jennie-ya, I didn't know." 

Jennie looked down and bit her lip. She felt embarrassed. But she felt disappointed at herself more than anything else because she spoiled Jisoo's way of having fun.

"Put your shoes on." Jisoo said as she started to wear hers. "Don't worry, you can hold my hand."

She nodded and sighed in relief.

Jennie thought that afterall, she really could fly.




But flying wasn't a piece of cake.

Jennie screamed here and there. She was worried that she might annoy Jisoo but she couldn't help it - she was so scared of falling and holding Jisoo's hand made her tremble.

She couldn't believe the moment when Jisoo offered her hand, underneath the romantic and colorful lights, for Jennie to take. Jisoo's hand felt so soft against hers, and their hands fit so perfectly together that Jennie started to think that Jisoo's hands were made just for hers. 

Everything felt so surreal.

"Hey you're starting to get it!" Jisoo said after observing her steady pace. 

"I do?" Jennie couldn't believe herself. "I think I'm gaining confidence holding your hand."

"Yes! You could let go of my hand--"

"No!" Jennie tightened her hand on Jisoo as she was about to pull it. "It's scary without your hand."

Jisoo let out a small laugh and it made Jennie's heart flutter. "Okay, okay. Hold onto my waist, I'll pull you."

Jennie carefully positioned herself behind Jisoo and her trembling hands held onto Jisoo's waist. Jisoo pulled her, pulled them closer together. Together they flew without wings. Jennie's surroundings looked like a blur of green, red, and blue. The colors blended together in harmony as they passed through a mix of walls, lights, and people.

"Is this how people in the past fall in love?" Jennie thought aloud because she herself felt like she could go back in time and fall in love, with none other than the one she's holding onto. "Kim Jisoo unnie,"

Jisoo was about to answer but she lost balance, and they tumbled on the ground together. Jisoo laughed, and Jennie followed, they were a mess of tangled limbs. 

"Are you okay?" She heard the worry on Jisoo's voice.

"It hurts," Jennie pointed to her leg. But it doesn't matter because I have you here with me, she added in her thoughts.

Jisoo gently touched her pained leg before taking out a camera out of her small sling bag. "Hey let's have a memory of this moment. That pain is a gift to our youth." Jisoo said as she positioned the camera in front of her.

Jennie clinged close to Jisoo, their faces were too close that Jennie wanted to melt. They smiled as the shutter clicked, and Jennie was so sure that the camera captured how fast and loud her heart was beating.

Jennie promised herself that she would get better at roller skating so she could follow Jisoo. She badly wanted to film Jisoo skating so expertly all around the place for Jisoo looked so cool and beautiful.

For now, Jennie stored those moments in her memory where no one could take them away from her.

Jennie thought flying was hard, but little did she know that falling was harder.



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576 streak #1
Jendeukie and Jisoo Kim ♥️
imlivingnotknowinwtd #2
Chapter 9: When you say the best christmas gift ever well i wouldn't argue with tgat
imlivingnotknowinwtd #3
Chapter 8: I just read ut and i need new updates sorry!!??✊✊????❤❤
qazedctgb12345 #4
Chapter 8: Didn’t expect this to update but I’m happy that it did. Thanks author!
Chapter 8: Oh poor Jendeuk!

Anw, thanks for this update authornim:)
KittenThief #6
Chapter 7: Cuties! All of them!
Lmao at Jennie pulling that brave face and ended up crying!
Chapter 7: "come here, baby" I SCREAMED they're soo cuteeee
Chapter 7: ahhhh- why are they so cute? :D i love this <3
Chapter 7: Jendeuk is a scary kitten hahahah
I loved this chapter Jensoo is so cute :')
Thanks for the update :D