The Fun times... And the painful

The love between us

Me and Sora used to be the best of friends, Until Sora got the courage and asked me out. Of course, I said yes to him. We would hang out everyday together, walk to school together, literally do everything together... Until we almost got to high school.

Sora started to "distance"  himself from me, at first i thought it was because it was high school, and everything would be different, but we barely talked, barely hung out, and barely even walked to school together...

Sora started to be the popular boy in the school, having girls around him, sitting in the "jock" table. I was so hurt by his actions. I really thought there was something between us.

But One day, Sora came up to me and gave me a teddy bear, and just walked away. I smiled. Maybe he really did love me.

Everyday, whenever he came across me. he would give me a bear...

As my 16th birthday came, I waited for  Sora's call....But as the clocked ticked by, The only thing that there was silence, until suddenly at 2...


I jumped up. And grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I asked

"Come outside....I have something for you....." Sora said

As i walked outside, I saw Sora holding another teddy bear.

He handed it to me... I toke it, And he started to walk away.

I grabbed his wrist... "Wait..." I said

"What?" He answered

"D-Do you remember what day it is today?" I asked

"Uh....No...." He answered..

Tears wanted to pour down my cheeks, but i closed my eyes and looked away. "Never mind, Sora... Go home." I said


The day of the prom came, And I was so anxious for  Sora to ask me to the prom. but rumors said that he already asked another girl. Really, I though there was nothing between us.

I walked to the prom, And I waited for my partner to show up, Suddenly, I saw a girl giving a doll to Sora. How could he?! He gave me the dolls that some random girls gave him?! He is so ...

I charged out the door, Letting tears run down my cheeks. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my wrist.

"WHAT?!" I shouted

"I...I'm sorry." He said


He handed me the doll, and threw it across the street.

"I'm not gonna be your storage anymore..." I said

Sora started to go out to the streets, Suddenly, a car came charging by...

"SORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted.

I waited at the hospital. For Sora's recovery.

Finally, Late at night, The doctor came out with a look on his face.

"I'm sorry.... Your friend couldnt survive, He had very serious internal bleeding, and his bones were broken to pieces.... I'm so sorry.." The doctor said, then he handed me a doll. "He said he wanted you to have this."

I took the doll, and walked out the hospital doors.

I sat in my bed, mourning for sora's death... Holding one of the dolls Sora gave me.... I gave it a squeez.

"I love you" The doll said

I was shocked, and pressed the stomach again.

"I love you" The doll said again.

I went to my storage, and toke out all the dolls Sora gave me. One by one, I pressed their stomach.

The room was filled with I LOVE YOU sounds...

Finally, I pressed the one that was stained in Sora's blood.

"Um.....Hey... Rin...I'm sorry for being so shy...but.. I LOVE YOU RIN!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" Sora's voice came through the doll.

The tears streamed down my cheeks... I started to count how many dolls sora gave me...


Me and Sora were in love for 376 days.... and yet I didn't realize..... I felt a guilt in my heart, for my last words to him... But these dolls, these dolls to me symbolize.... The Dolls of Love...

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Animechic #1
Awww this is so sad but the sweetest story in the world awesome job
Byoleta #2
This one-shot should be placed in the 'Saddest, and, romantic oneshots of asianfanfics' at freaking Number 1.
I even bookmarked this. Amazingly done. I love it. <3 I'm sure to read this fic again in the future. This really gave me another look at romantic and sad stories. :-D Thanks a lot.
Aznxrock #3
Thank you so much :D
OMG!! dude this is such a good oneshot!! 0_0 awwww sooo sad! gosh i thought it was gonna be a happy ending but akdjflkjdf!!! NOOOO!!! awwww gosh ur good at writing! :D
Aznxrock #5
Meh.... I have to emotion... or it'll just be hard to understand.
Byoleta #6
You think so? I think you are good, because you write on your own way and it's still readable. :) You sure know how to give the emotion in your writing, and that's something to be proud off! For me, you don't have to change things or your writing style, neh? :)
Aznxrock #7
Thanks :). I'm not that good of writer..... :\
Byoleta #8
Even though there are just 2 sentences in the description, you sure made me curious with those lines. ^^ And I felt my heart sink when I read it. That sure was sad. :-( You really did a great job with writing! I subbed, so that I can enjoy it again somewhere in the future. :-D