Chapter 0.1: The Dream


It was a Sunday morning, The birds are singing, The sun is rising, and-- *Alarm Buzz* 

Yeonwoo gently takes her alarm clock and throws it like a monster, and whispers

 "I'm Hungry"

.She gets out of bed and heads straight to the kitchen to find herself a meal to fill up her monstrous appetite. Yeonwoo checked the fridge and found absolutely nothing but a half eaten apple, and rotten cheese. Yeonwoo's stomach started to cry out for help... or should I say food.

"Shhhh it's okay i'll find you food don't worry" Yeonwoo says to her grumbling stomach.

"Thank you Yeonwoo Unnie". Said the Stomac---

wait what the

"What the ". Yeonwoo exclaimed. Yeonwoo immediately takes her wallet to buy some food, and heads to the nearest place with fried chicken.

*30 minutes later*

She finally reaches ChickenLand Home to the best fried chicken in the whole worldddd!!11!

The smell of freshly fried chicken drives yeonwoo bananas, and immediately crashes through ChickenLand with no hesitation.

"Give. Me. Chicken!!". She screams

"Coming right up!!" The cashier says

Yeonwoo notices something pleasant in that cashiers voice, it's like she can feel her cheerful demeanor just by looking at her.

*Yeonwoo violently stares at the angelic cashier*

"Is there something wrong ma'am?". The cashier asks,while holding a bucket of ChickenLand's freshly fried chicken.

"OH ABSOLUTELY NOT" Yeonwoo screams with a nervous tone in her voice

"umm I just wanted to know what your name was" she whispers but the cashier hears her anyway.

"Oh my name is Nancy". The cashier says with a smile

*Yeonwoo blushes so hard her eyeballs start turning red*

"MA'AM YOUR EYES ARE--" Nancy gets interrupted

"no it's fine. The sight of this bucket of chicken is just making me realy happy, Thank you Nancy". Yeonwoo says after taking the bucket from Nancy's hands 

"Oh if that's so then I hope you enjoy your bucket of ChickenLand's Fried Chicken!!" Nancy replied in a bright and gleeful tone.

"Did the chicken really make you blush that hard" Said stomach

"No. It was... her smile that made me turn into a-- Why the are you speaking" She replied

"Eat the chicken and you will find out" Said stomach

Yeonwoo takes a piece of chicken from the bucket and manages to take a drumstick

*She takes a huge bite and--*.

It was a Monday morning, The birds are singing, The sun is rising, and-- *Alarm Buzz* 

Yeonwoo gently turns the Alarm Clock off and whispers

"That was a weird dream".

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