Fans Come First

Birthday Gone Wrong

Jiu was lazing around in the dormitory as her girlfriend and Yoohyeon went out to look around L.A. She didn’t like the blistering heat they found themselves in once they touched down onto American soil. It was the worst heat wave they ever experienced even if they trained for hours nothing could ever compare the heat she was in. Jiu turned up the AC as the day was just becoming hotter. Siyeon came up beside Jiu and offered her an ice cream which Jiu gratefully accepted.


“Jiu, have you looked around L.A. yet? Siyeon questioned as she bit into her ice cream and nodded her head as she was becoming cool from the nice cold ice cream she recently took out of the fridge in their hotel. Jiu shook her head as she didn’t want to think of exploring the city in this weather.


“I’ll explore it when the sun decides to turn down its waves a good 5 degrees or more,” Jiu complained as Siyeon noticed Jiu was sweating a little bit. Siyeon finished her ice cream before walking away to go grab a towel to wipe off Jiu’s sweat knowing that it might stain the bed sheets and make it smell. She knew first hand from experience about it.


Siyeon gave Jiu a towel when she came back and Jiu thanked her for it. It became quiet after that knowing that if they talked they would just make the room more warmer than it already was. That was until a couple hours later the rest of the members came crashing into the room to talk about what they were going to do at the fan signing event that was taking place tomorrow.


Yoohyeon and Sua were looking through the photos they took of each other while roaming around the downtown area. They kept commenting on which one was nicer since they took too many of the same photos just to compare it later when they got back to the hotel. Jiu was resting her head on Siyeon’s lap as she was too tired to do anything in the blistering heat. Sua looked at her girlfriend’s interaction with Siyeon and frowned at it but she shook it off as Yoohyeon squealed at a photo that was nicely taken by Sua.


The other members were discussing secretly on how to surprise Sua for her birthday since it was tomorrow. They kept plotting down the good areas where Sua might enjoy it. They were using Yoohyeon as a distraction for Sua since Sua is usually the observant one in the group, as well as the mother of the group. All was going well until Dami voiced her wonder to the whispering group instead of inside her head.


“I wonder what Jiu is planning for Sua’s birthday? Maybe it’s revenge for her birthday since Sua did fool her during the birthday fan meeting.” Dami thought as Handong and Gahyeon wondered as well since the leader would always do something special for each member but since Sua was a different kind of special they thought that Jiu must have her day planned out already. To reassure their wonders Dami went up to Jiu and asked quietly.


“Hey, Jiu Unnie about tomorrow-” Dami was cut off as Jiu said in a sleepy voice.

“I got it all planned out tomorrow, don’t worry your pretty little heads off,” Jiu said smiling as she snuggled into Siyeon’s lap. Dami looked to the other two and put the thumbs up giving them the okay the Jiu had something planned for Sua already. While Yoohyeon bolted out the door as the girls looked at Sua for the reason why.


“She found a cute yet y picture of herself in a remote area and wanted permission to post it on twitter,” Sua explained as she was scrolling through Yoohyeon’s photos to see if she could do the same, yet she also wanted a distraction of her girlfriend who was almost asleep on Siyeon’s lap.


The distraction wasn’t enough for Sua as she was scrolling through Yoohyeon’s phone fast and decided enough was enough. She gave the phone to Siyeon and without looking at Jiu she left the room.


“I’m going to retire for the night guys. Knock on my door if anyone needs me.” Sua said as everyone knew that Sua was most likely sulking at the fact that she let her emotions for Jiu get the better for her. Once, she entered the room she plopped herself on the bed not caring if she changed her clothes or not. Sua let out a breath as she felt her frustrations get to her which made her angry and sad. “I know they are just friends, but I can’t help but feel jealous whenever they are together.” Sua whispered to herself as she rolled onto her side and hoped that the feelings would go away soon.


Gahyeon entered the room a couple minutes after Sua left the room to return her phone as Yoohyeon got permission to post the picture on Twitter. She was sharing the room with Sua as the staff unnie’s didn’t want the couple to be in the same room fearing that they might have too much fun for themselves and forget their original plans while being in L.A. She walked into the room and found Sua sleeping in an uncomfortable position. She decided to help the girl out as she knew Sua would do the same if their roles were reversed. When Gahyeon was finished moving Sua around she also retired for the night as they had a big day ahead of them.


Dami and Siyeon just finished putting Jiu into her bed and quietly closed the door. They went back to the group and started talking.


“Sua became jealous of you again, Siyeon.” Handong started out as Dami and Siyeon just sat down on the couch. She wanted to state out the obvious as they didn’t want Sua to be sad on her birthday. They also didn’t want to make any mistakes for tomorrow. Siyeon pouted knowing that she made her Unnie go to sleep while being sad.


“It’s okay, Siyeon, you have tomorrow to make it all better.” Yoohyeon side embraced Siyeon as Siyeon let out an alien ‘umph’ to confirm what she was planning next. Siyeon returned the embrace while Dami was thinking of a way to surprise Sua before Jiu could take her away.


“Guys, I think Handong and Gahyeon should distract Jiu on her morning run, while the rest of us prepare Sua a cake and give her our presents before Jiu could steal her away and go to places that Sua might want to go to.” The three nodded at Dami’s plan.


“Oh, maybe me and Gahyeon could wake Jiu extra early and go on a long run as the mornings aren’t that bad.” Handong suggested while everyone was ‘ooohing’ at the nice idea Handong has suggested.


“I’ll go to Sua’s room and make sure she doesn’t see Jiu.” Siyeon said as she nodded at her perfect plan. “Dami and Yoohyeon could ask the staff Unnie’s to help buy a cake that suites Sua’s tastes…. Oh! Also, have them go grab the props of Sua to decorate it.” They all looked at Siyeon and smiled.


“Sounds perfect. Mission separate Jiu and Sua is in motion. It starts at 5 in the morning sharp.” Dami tried to order her Unnies which led to them groaning at how early they have to wake up. Handong just laughed at their reactions as she stood up from the couch and said.


“If we are waking up that early then I guess we should all sleep right now.” Handong looked at Yoohyeon who was known for sleeping late cause of her nightly gaming habits. Yoohyeon laughed a little as Siyeon swung her arm around Yoohyeon.


“Don’t worry, I’ll get this one to sleep in no time. You can count on me.” Siyeon nodded as she saluted Handong to make sure she followed the mission.


Morning came and Handong woke up first before everyone as she started getting dressed for her morning run. She then proceeded to go to Gahyeon to tell her about the plans which she reluctantly agreed until Handong mentioned how Jiu planned something out for Sua. That got Gahyeon right out of bed since Jiu always knew how to take up people’s time. Which also led to not that much interaction with the said person. They walked over to Jiu to wake her up for the morning run with the excuse that they wanted to run before the sun started tanning their skin to the point that they needed to get a white tan when they go back to the dorms.


When they left the dorms, Siyeon sprung right into action as she slipped into Gahyeon/ Sua’s room. She quietly walked into the room only to find Sua cuddling with an elephant. Siyeon decided that since she made Sua jealous by having skin ship with Jiu she would do the same to Sua. She crawled into bed with Sua and wrapped her arms around Sua’s torso. Siyeon pulled Sua lightly until Sua’s back was touching Siyeon’s front.


“Happy Sua Day, you get some cuddles from the wolf,” Siyeon whispered hoping that she didn’t wake Sua up.


Dami and Yoohyeon were busy with the Unnie’s making the cake for the fan signing that was taking place in 6 hours. They were in a hurry since they didn’t know how much time they need before either Jiu and Sua would go down to spot it. Yoohyeon tried helping out until she thought that she was supposed to mix all the ingredients then add food coloring to make it extra special. It resulted in her sitting on the couch separating fan letters for all of them and her cake batter in the garbage since she did it wrong. Dami was listening to the instructions as she was hurrying to get everything into the oven.


Handong and Gahyeon were challenging Jiu to see if they could go over 40km before going back to the hotel since the weather was perfect to go on a running marathon. Jiu accepted the challenge as Handong and Gahyeon were teasing her about how Jiu wouldn’t make it when the sun starts shining. When they finished their running all three of them were tired and Jiu wanted to shower first which was totally fine with them. When Jiu closed the door to the bathroom they both bolted to the other room to see if they started yet.


Once they entered all they saw was a messy whipped cream Yoohyeon while Dami was smeared with chocolate. The air was filled with flour as the bottles and boxes were either poured on the table or on the ground. They looked at the staff unnies who were busy cleaning up the mess as quietly as possible.


“What happened here?” Gahyeon questioned as she really wanted to know how such a simple task was made into a war zone.


“I believe there is a reason why we let only Sua into the kitchen.” Yoohyeon pointed out as the staff unnies nodded their heads in agreement. One of them showed them the somehow unscathed cake that was perfect for Sua and put it into the fridge.


“I saved the cake before Yoohyeon made the chocolate bottle explode,” Dami said as she glared at Yoohyeon.


“Hey, I’m not at fault that these things don’t come in labels. How am I supposed to know that if you squeezed too much, chocolate is going to spurt everywhere?” Yoohyeon tried to defend herself but no one was buying it. Siyeon texted Handong and asked if everything was ready. Handong replied back saying that it's safe for Sua to come out but not into the kitchen.


Siyeon go the text from Handong and finally started waking Sua up. She nudged her head on Sua’s shoulder and wondered if she was crossing any lines at the moment. The thought was quickly dismissed when Sua just mumbled something incoherent as she swatted Siyeon’s head. Siyeon huffed and decided that it was time for Sua’s hits for the day. She opened and bit Sua’s shoulder. That resulted in Siyeon being pushed off the bed as Sua cried out in pain for at least 3 seconds. She looked at the culprit and raised her eyebrow, as she wondered why she was bit by Siyeon of all people.


“I was sleeping you know?” Sua said as Siyeon just looked up at Sua and shrugged her shoulders.


“The Unnies told me to wake you up since you’re needed.” Siyeon ad-libbed as she didn’t know what another excuse she could have said to get the birthday girl out to enjoy her time with the members before going to her girlfriend. Sua narrowed her eyes at Siyeon but didn’t argue back.


“You know, there’s a better way to wake me up to other than to bit me,” Sua whined as she placed her hand on her shoulder.


“You’re due for the hits so might as well use one of them.” Siyeon quietly said as she didn’t want to ruin the surprise. “Oh!” Siyeon remembered. “You need to get dressed as well.” Siyeon added as she grabbed Sua by the arm and pushed her to her suitcase.


Finally, Sua got dressed after the constant nagging of Siyeon to put something on instead of her pajamas. Siyeon dragged her once again to where the others were as Jiu was somehow still taking a bath. When they reached the targeted area, everyone popped something which made confetti spew all over Sua and Siyeon in the process.


“Happy Sua Day!” The members said as they all cheered towards Sua who was crying from all the care she was receiving. The members all cooed at the elder girl who was crying now.


“Thank you, guys, you are all the best.” Sua fanned herself to try and stop the tears as they were going down her face. They gave her their presents which Sua gladly accepted with a huge smile on her face. She went to her room to put them away with care as she admired them. She was smiling as she hoped that her girlfriend planned something for her birthday as well.


Sua left her room as the other members were telling her on how they were going to spend a couple minutes with her each before handing her off to Jiu. Sua smiled at the consideration of each member and finally, Jiu came in.


“What’s all the ruckus about?” Jiu said as she was drying her hair. She noticed the confetti mess but didn’t say anything else. Everyone including Sua looked at Jiu as if she just murdered someone. She didn’t? Did she? All of them thought as they hoped it wasn’t what they thought.


“You do remember what day today is right?” Yoohyeon approached the subject carefully as she nudged Siyeon to get a hold of Sua if their thought was about to come true.


“Yeah, it’s the fan signing as well as a mini concert with the fans. I’ve come up with the perfect fan service that might make everyone love Dreamcatcher even more.” Jiu said it proudly as she smiled at what she was going to do in a couple hours.


“A-anything… else for today?” Sua said weakly as she felt someone touch her. She walked into that touch knowing that it might be the only thing that is going to protect her at the moment.


“Probably going to tour around the city with Dami or something. Either that then there isn’t anything special going on today. It’s just an ordinary day just like every other day.” Jiu said honestly as she added. “By the way, did you guys celebrate coming to L.A. without me?” Before anyone could tell the truth to Jiu, Sua interjected as she felt as if she wasn’t worth Jiu’s time anymore.


“We were, you know you usually take such long baths that we couldn’t help it.” Sua laughed it off as the other members were glaring at Jiu for forgetting something important like the day her girlfriend was born. They were also questioning why Sua wouldn’t tell Jiu the truth, but they remembered the time where Sua confessed to not wanting to burden their leader with her own problems. She didn’t want to be too selfish to Jiu knowing that they were in the music industry. Sua was about to cry but Yoohyeon rushed in to grab her and Siyeon just accompanied Jiu as she leads them to the staff unnies.


Once Yoohyeon brought Sua to a remote place, Sua just broke down in Yoohyeon’s arms as she felt a crushing weight hurt her heavy heart.


“It hurts so much, Yoohyeon-nah.” Sua heaved as she started pounding on her heart hoping that the pain would lessen for even a fraction of a second. “She doesn’t care about me.” Sua cried out as she started punching the wall because her heart was in so much pain and hitting her own chest wasn’t working. Yoohyeon stopped Sua before she could harm herself any further. They fell down as Yoohyeon had a hand on Sua’s wrist while the other one was on Sua’s eyes as she felt the hot tears run down. “She… she… she doesn’t find me important enough. She cares about the fans more than me.” Sua whimpered out as Yoohyeon could only listen to her Unnie break down from the very recent events. I’m going to make sure, you have a beautiful birthday with or without your girlfriend. Yoohyeon thought as one of the staff unnies came to pick up Sua to get her to the sight first. Yoohyeon nodded as she offered to go along with Sua which they agreed as Dami came along with them.


Once they were at the sight, they were exploring the rooms and Sua had calmed down from her breakdown and tried not to think about what had just happened. They met some fans who were there earlier than the actual time and started taking pictures. They noticed Sua’s eyes were red and puffy but didn’t say anything as they all said happy birthday to her and congratulating her. Sua started smiling towards the fans excitement which made her temporarily forget about everything.


While Sua was going ahead of Dami and Yoohyeon they started telling the fans that once they get inside not to yell out happy birthday to Sua since they had something planned out for her. They also told them to spread the word, so the surprise would say safe. The fans were confused about it, but all agreed since it was their celebrities request and they would do anything for them just to have fun.


Once the fam meet started, Siyeon found Sua with a sad expression and decided to give her a back hug. Siyeon put her chin on Sua’s shoulder that she bit but before laying on it she gave it a kiss which got the fans cheering. Sua only laughed at Siyeon’s weirdness as she placed her hand on Siyeon’s cheek and placed her cheek on the other side. Siyeon tottled off with Sua around the tables showing off their closeness to the fans as much as possible. Finally, she shouted to the crowd but not before covering Sua’s ear that was closest to .


“I love you, Sua!” Sua became embarrassed as she hid in Siyeon’s neck. Siyeon only laughed at Sua’s childish side. “Come on, what’s your Suanswer?” Siyeon teased as she rubbed her thumb on Sua’s hip.


“I love you too.” Sua giggled and the fans were going wild.


After the little incident, they started dancing and Jiu was putting extra effort into the fanservice which the fans hungrily ate up.


Once that was finished Jiu got the microphone and started talking.


“Everyone, did you enjoy today?” The fans started shouting in response which made Jiu and the rest of the members happy. Yoohyeon went up to hug Sua who was slowly distancing herself from Jiu. Yoohyeon started whispering something into Sua’s ear and Sua only nodded but the fans noticed Sua’s odd behavior. “I enjoyed it as well.” Jiu continued. “But sadly, this is the end of the fan signing.” Jiu put on a sad smile as she truly was sad to leave their fans. “We’ll see each oth-” Jiu was about to say goodbye but Dami interrupted her as she took the microphone.


“We have a little something special to do first.” Dami said as Jiu looked at Dami confused and Dami just glared at her. “We told you fans not to say anything and you guys remember what today is right?” They all said yes with a huge smile on their face. “Well on the count to three you guys sing with us okay?” Dami said and Jiu didn’t understand what was going on. “One… two… three.” Dami said as the fans and other members expect for Jiu and Sua started singing happy birthday. The staff unnie came in with the cake and Sua was surprised while crying in Yoohyeon’s arms.


Once the song finished and everyone was saying birthday wishes to Sua, Jiu went up to Siyeon and asked.


“Today’s Sua’s birthday?” Jiu looked at Sua who was playing tricks on the candles as the fans laughed.


“Yeah, of course, it is. You also made her cry on her own birthday too you know.” Siyeon coldly said and left the leader to think about her actions as Siyeon went in to go grab some whip cream and put it on Sua’s face.


“I have to make this right,” Jiu said as she stared at her girlfriend who didn’t look at her once during the fan sign.

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This may be rushed but I had no other ideas how to make this flow so well. If there are any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me and I'll try to fix them


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Chapter 2: The poor girls ears are going to be bleeding by SuA’s loud
moa —
Dadison #2
Chapter 2: oh my i loved it
lala_mcshipper #3
Chapter 2: Not sure what I was expecting from this chapter, but I'm happy with what you delivered :)
Great work
Chapter 1: I can't wait for part 2!!!
Chapter 1: Part 2, Part 2, Part 2!!! please :v
lala_mcshipper #6
Chapter 1: Can we get a part 2 where Jiu makes it up to Sua???? Plllleeeeeaaaaasssseee?? :)