The father's list

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,,Love our boys like you loved me."

,,Make them smile like you made me."

,,Don't yell at them like you never yelled at me." 

,,Don't cry for me like I am crying now."

,,Smile like I will never smile."

,,Forgive me like I will never do."


Hey ho!!!!! I had some time so I wanted to write this one shot with Sehun and Kai....

It's inspired from a movie called ,The mother's list."And if u are sensitive and don't like dramas dn't look at the movie or read the story.... have fun......^.^ love u all so much.


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Oneandonlysekai #1
Chapter 1: I couldn’t stop crying for a while. I knew it’s not going to be happy ending, but .. this is really beautiful. I could feel how much they loved each other. Thank you for beautiful story. I really liked your writing style also. It’s written mainly by their conversation.
Gracegesang #2
Chapter 1: I stumbled upon your story..and it really made me cry. Now I'm gonna follow your stories.
Chapter 1: Why are you making me cry!!!!!! But thanks authornim for this SeKai story! I know its a sad ending but its beautiful... you well written a love that Jongin had for his boys and Sehun... this story has a beautiful meaning and im glad to capture it.... xoxo
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 1: So tragic TT^TT
taejihan #5
this movie is soooo sad, i like happy endings, but this history will not have a happy ending, right?
I hope it's not unhappy ending....