━☆⌒* CT24

Under The Lights


Raised Curtain

“Rise and shine, my lady!” Soonyoung’s loudness fills in every nook and cranny of Shinyoung’s bedroom. Good-naturedly, the boy even slides the girl’s curtain apart to let the sunlight brighten up the room. Groaning at the morning alarm, she turns her body away from the light and brings the blanket over her head. “Turn it off.” She mumbled.

“Sorry, can’t do that. You got that final assignment to send on eleven. Why are you not awake yet? What were you doing last night?” He asked and sits on the edge of her bed. Seeing that she has no plan of properly waking up, he pulls the blanket off her. “It’s already ten minutes pass ten.”

“For real?” Shinyoung immediately springs up, eyes already open wide and Soonyoung laughs at the way her short hair seems to stand up in a very strange manner. She looks like an alien with antenna. Once he is done (that is after he catches her glare), he nods his head over to her bathroom’s door which she breaks into a sprint seconds after.

“Hey, Shin,” The boy knocks on the door when the girl barely starts to wash up. Hearing her replying with a short yes, he speaks, “I made you coffee in the thermos. Bring it with you, okay? I’m heading to the performance hall for the morning technical rehearsal. Your file is on the counter as well.”

“Alright. Thanks Soon.” She yelled to beat the shower fallen onto her head. “Will you wear the production’s shirt?”

“I will wear them later. Why?”

“Just asking. Take care.”

“Will do. Be careful on your way to SIA. Don’t want anything bad to happen now do we?” Soonyoung kindly reminded. It is an uncommon thing to say, he recalls quietly but he feels the need to do so. The statement makes him sound a bit too caring and he does not want the girl to get the wrong idea. When she is not saying anything, his lips tighten awkwardly before making his leave.



“Myungho! Can you come here for awhile?” The Chinese boy spins on his heels only to meet with the theatre’s assistant director on his chair with what he assumes to be the final script in hand. “Are you planning to sing live for tonight or do you want to lip-sync?” Minghao ponders at the choice given to him all of the sudden but what is more intriguing is why Wonwoo asking him in the midst of him polishing his singing parts?

“Ah, I know that face.” Wonwoo said after looking up from the manuscript before continuing, “Wrong timing right? I’m just asking to know if you’re comfortable singing live on the first night.”

“Well, I am prepared to sing them live. Seungkwan and Sujeong taught me a couple of techniques in between practices. I’ll do just fine, I think.” Minghao answered in confidence for the first couple of sentences before reaching the end. The co-director bobs his head. “Good because you might as well get your body mic tested. You’re the lead for tonight after all.”

“Will do.” The younger fellow instinctively bows which causes Wonwoo to hold in a short laugh. “It has been months, Myungho. Stop being so formal.” Minghao scratches his nape and smiles sheepishly.

“I’m still getting used to work in a production this huge. And I respected you for being here longer than I do. I hope you understand my view.” He honestly spoke and the older fellow nods once again.

Wonwoo knows the feeling. He knows how it feels like being in Minghao’s shoes though instead of being there as an actor, he remembers the day he first joined RQS Production as a part of the Set and Props department. Back then, he too literally bowed to almost everyone in the production mainly out of respect and he did not know which ones were his seniors and juniors. He learned being his quiet self would not help him much.

Fortunately for him, he got Junhui. The same-aged fellow had been in the production a month ahead. Also he was lucky to join in one of the production’s most lenient play under Hyunsik’s direction. It was that time he caught the sight of Shinyoung being in the same team as his too. But let’s just say they did not hit it off well.

“You’ll get use to it eventually. This will not be your last show judging on how well you’re doing throughout the practice sessions. You even have friends like Mingyu, Jungkook, and Seokmin to help you out. They are all good people to hang on to.” Wonwoo expressed and surprised to hear Minghao’s next statement. “Like how you got Shinyoung to hang on to?”

“Shinyoung and I…we’re not exactly on good terms before.”

“He’s right but do you have to stick to the past? I thought we cleared that.” A very recognisable female voice randomly popped into the conversation, shocking not only Wonwoo but Minghao included. Releasing his breath for a quick second, the assistant director glares, “Do you have to do that, Shinyoung?”

“I feel like I have to whenever I heard my name? But that’s not the point. I’m here to let Myungho know that I submitted our assignment already. Ms Han is impressed.” Shinyoung reported casually. “She watched it that instant?” Minghao asked. It is not often for a Film professor to review their students work as soon as they e in. Usually they preferred viewing them at their own pace or displayed in class to other students to judge as well.

“She did and she showered you and Jungkook with lots of praises that I barely catch up. She mentioned Mingyu and me too but you know, the usual ‘I’m glad theatre kids are interested with film these days-’ bla bla bla. I literally shut that part off because I already memorised her words by now.”

Minghao chuckles. That is very Ms Han, he spoke in his mind.

In the midst of the friendly exchange, Wonwoo cannot help but to feel a bit left out. Maybe it is because of ‘work’ that she seems to talk a lot with Minghao. Maybe that is her reason. Yet there is her light and cheery vibe radiating that he rarely witness whenever she talks to her male friends. Nonetheless, he figures that makes sense. Minghao is a good kid. There is no wrong with him.

There is nothing wrong seeing the boy smiling at every single thing coming out of the girl’s mouth. The way she would roll her eyes brings amusement to the boy as he attempted to calm her down before he himself burst into a laugh. Is he that easily entertained? Or…

Can it be he finds a new rival aside from Soonyoung?

“Alright you two. That’s enough. Get to work.” Wonwoo sighs in relief when Junhui hollered over at Shinyoung and Minghao who appear to be gotten a bit carried away from their simple chat over assignment. Bidding a short goodbye, the pair parted ways and Junhui chooses to stop by his friend.

“I feel bad for you to witness that.” Junhui voiced, genuinely concern on how the fellow keeps his eyes on the script once again and he can see how Wonwoo turns the pages harshly on the ones with Minseo which are on most of the pages. “It is that obvious, isn’t it?”

“What is?” The stage manager questioned. “Myungho. He likes Shinyoung, isn’t he?” Wonwoo threw another question as a reply. “Well, Shinyoung is likeable once you know her on a personal level.”

“But honestly,” The Chinese halted, trying to figure out a phrase that makes sense to the Korean fellow. “I have a feeling that it is all one-sided. Her crush on-”

“Have you seen Seungcheol? Where is he? Why is he not here yet? The call-time is eleven and it’s twelve already.” Wonwoo jumps from his chair and walks away from Junhui who shrugs at the treatment. It is a common response from the fellow and Wonwoo should be glad to have an understanding friend at this rate.



And that is it. The Choreographer sneaks in time to check on his dance ensemble as soon as he is very sure the lighting department is running well. There is no wrong in leaving Yein for a while since the girl already used with being on her own. Besides, her friends are there with her if there is anything happening on the second floor. The walkie-talkies were distributed too so he has one on the back of jeans.

“Hey, Seungkwan, how’s the head doing?” Soonyoung questioned the younger boy who he found prepping his stomach with lunch. “It’s fine. All I have to do is avoid Chan and it’ll be Gucci.” The dancer laughs at the fancy sentence and notes how the actor genuinely going to prevent the same event repeating itself during the actual night.

“Where’s Myungho? Isn’t he supposed to be here too getting ready?”

“Myungho?” Soonyoung bobs when Seungkwan said the name in a questioning tone. “He’s out by the stage area. Probably doing an early mic check or something. He did want to try and know how he will sound tonight.”

With that said and done, the older male instantly makes a turn on his feet and heads towards the mentioned area. Seungkwan is right. Minghao is out and about yet he not doing exactly what he predicted.

‘She got here quick.’ Soonyoung thought when he catches the sight of Shinyoung and Minghao chatting, being all giggly under Wonwoo’s supervision. Even from a distance, he can detect the uncomfortable vibe coming off the assistant director. He can see how his gaze briefly looks on the two before returning back to his script. Junhui separates the pair soon after and oh my, Wonwoo does not look so friendly.

For obvious reason, Soonyoung knows whatever Wonwoo is thinking. The fellow appears dejected and distracted lately. The dull expression often comes by whenever the lead Chinese actor has to act his turn. As much as he resents Wonwoo’s intention to fix his relationship with Shinyoung, only then he is able to confirm the other’s feelings towards the girl he has been chasing as well.

Seeing it in a better view now, from behind the stage curtain, Soonyoung wonders about a new possibility of the entire ordeal.

“What are you doing here, Soon?” The boy cranes his head back where he finds Shinyoung’s confused face occupying his line of sight. “Uh, I was from backstage with the dancers.”

“Sure, but that doesn’t explain why are you leaving Yein all alone. I know that there’re more members in the lighting department to accompany her but she needs her leader to be there too you know.” Shinyoung explained before locking her eyes with the lad, wanting straight answer from him.

Interesting fact: Soonyoung hates it when Shinyoung pulls out her production member aura. It is usually scary and her strictness is showing at its maximum level. It does not help that it is technically the show night so she cannot afford any members under her wings to fool around. She is good at separating work and personal life.

However, it is not fair.

It was only moments ago she is laughing happily with Minghao. Maybe she is being nice to him as it is his first time yet as jealousy takes over, he does not see that as the case. Finally standing up properly, he looks back at her with the same serious expression. Though it feels a bit funny to be in that mode with her, he has to do so and shortly apologise.

“Wait,” He called out when Shinyoung is about to continue with her job. She halts and puts her focus on him again. “Is the fog machine remote with you?” A randomly generated question but has to be done. Might as well since she is already here.

“It is. Since we don’t have a technical special effect team, I’ll be the one activating them on all nights. Why are you asking?”

“I just wondered who is in charge of it for the same reason. Anyway, I’ll head back to my station.” Soonyoung curtly nods and they part ways.



Seungcheol has his eyes closed for the past few minutes. The chaos happening in the backstage is completely ignored and he becomes better at shutting off the world around him for that brief moment. His brain needs all the calmness he can get and surely enough nobody seems to allow him to have it.

Hyung, I’m scared.” The director heard one of his actors spoke to him and he senses the mentioned emotion. Stage fright is normal, he would say to them whenever he was the assistant director. Everyone would be feeling the same and it is understandable for the boy. It is his first time after all and no one seems to care about that fact.

“I believe in you, Myungho. You can do it.” Seungcheol ensures the fellow once he opens his eyes. His words are the truth. He does not have the heart to lace them with lies for the time being. He can be an optimist too if he wants although his realist side takes over most of his mind.

“Once that curtain is raised, you’re Shin Minseo. Just be that character and there is no wrong in the things you’ll do on stage. It’s in you. You said that once before, right?”

“Yeah, somehow there is Shin Minseo in me.” Minghao smiles a little after frowning for the last minutes. “There’s Shin Minseo in everyone. Especially in the play’s writer.” Seungcheol informs out of the blue and Minghao bobs his head.

Because other than Xu Minghao, the next best person to be Shin Minseo is no other than Jeon Wonwoo himself.


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Chapter 6: this should have more views and upvotes srsly this is really good!!!!