
Who likes who?


"Wait, hyung. I forgot something. I'll be right back." I told hyung before I get in the van with him. He nodded before I ran back inside. I forgot to lock my room, knowing Kyuhyun he may barge into my room for revenge.

I reached my room and opened it scanning every corner. Hmm. I saw my special box and hid it carefully. I sighed in relief and went out locking my room. I ran back outside and got in the van. I saw Yesung hyung focused on his phone as usual but he gave me a slight nod. I sat back and relax as I tried to sleep throughout the ride but to no avail, Dong-freaking-hae kept popping in my mind. Uggghhh. I glanced at Yesung hyung and noticed him smiling at his phone. Tsss, must be Donghae. Oh heck what am I thinking!? Get a hold of yourself, Hyukjae! Be nice to Yesung hyung!

After minutes of scolding myself we arrived at at a certain building, I was about to get out of the van when our manager pulled me back. "Your schedule's cancelled. They said that you'll have to reschedule next week. Well this is a bummer, they wasted your time. Aish." - Manager hyung says while looking at his phone annoyed. I sighed and looked outside, I'm hungry.

"Uhh, manager hyung? If I have no schedule for the rest of the day, will you drop me off at Mouserabbit?" - Yesung hyung suddenly asked. Manager hyung nodded and told the driver to go there. "Can I come with you, hyung? Please? I'm hungry." -I pleaded. Yesung hyung nodded making me smile. At last! I'm really starving.

When we arrived at Yesung hyung's cafe, I quickly went in with hyung scanning the place. I told hyung my order and saw him went in their kitchen I suppose. I sat in a vacant table focusing myself on my phone when Jongjin, Yesung hyung's brother, spotted me and went to greet me. "Hey, haven't seen you here for awhile." - He said smiling. "Ah yeah, I was too busy." - I said looking around. There's not much customer today, weird. "I see, Jongwoonie hyung comes here frequently with Donghae hyung though. Anyways, could I get you something to drink?" - I smiled a little not minding what he said and answered  that Yesung hyung already got it. He excused himself and went on with the other customers. I sighed. Why is it that everywhere I go, Donghae manages to freaking hurt me.

"You alright, moron?" - Yesung hyung said as he placed our food and drinks at our table. "Yes, hyung. Thanks." - I muttered and started to eat my cake. "Jongjin said you visit here frequently with Donghae. How come you never bring me here often?" - I joked and pouted. He choked on his drink and I quickly handed him a napkin. "A-ah... Well... You were busy these days." - he said wiping his mouth blushing. "You're always blushing, hyung. Is it because of Donghae again or you're not feeling well?" - I asked touching his face, feeling his temperature. He slapped my hand and continued on drinking his coffee. "I'm fine. J-just a little hot in here." - he said fanning himself. When will he stop denying his relationship with Donghae, ugh.

"Hyung! Can you take over for me, I need to go run into something. I'll be quick." - Jongjin said as he got out of the cafe. "I'll be right back." - Yesung hyung said as he stood up and went to the counter entertaining the customer. I can see how the girl fancies hyung by the way she moves. Must be his fan. Hyung kept on smiling politely at her as he took her order.

Time goes by with me watching Yesung hyung work. He's fun, carefree and everything I'm not. Maybe that's why Donghae likes him so much. And it's impossible to never like Yesung hyung, with a smile like his-- "Take a picture, it'll last longer." - I was startled when Jongjin suddenly spoke making me choke on my drink. Yesung hyung noticed me coughing and went to my rescue. He pats my back while Jongjin handed me a napkin. "Ya, Jongjin-ah. What were you doing?" - Yesung hyung scolded Jongjin while I'm here coughing the life outta me. .

"What? I didn't know he would be so shocked to see me, gosh." - Jongjin said laughing. "Get back to work, Jongjin-ah." - hyung hissed at him. "I'm fine hyung, thanks. I was in a daze so I was erm..."-I trailed off not knowing what to say. "Yeah, I could tell." - he simply replied and noticed his cheeks were red again. "Are you sure you're not sick, hyung? Let's go home so you can rest a bit more." - I said collecting my stuffs then held his hand to lead him out his cafe. "Bye Jongjin-ah! Thanks for today!" - I shouted in behalf of Yesung hyung and we went home.


I looked at our hands intertwined while Hyuk's dragging me out of our cafe. I felt my cheeks heated up again and looked away. He was staring at me back there while I was working and I'm trying so darn hard to prevent myself from being clumsy. Has nobody told this monkey that it's freaking impolite to stare?! Aish.


I texted Donghae hyung that Jongwoonie hyung and Hyuk hyung went here together and I saw Hyuk hyung staring at my hyung. Donghae hyung's right. YeHyuk is starting to sail!!!





I'm sorry if I took so long to update. Comments will be highly appreciated! Hihi

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My chapters are really short. I'm not that good in writing long chapters because I might change the flow and it worries me. I seek for your understanding. Thank you for reading! <3


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407 streak #1
Chapter 7: I miss you!!! T_______T Where are you babe?
K_Chaeri298 #2
Chapter 7: Please continue this author-nim🥺 this is really reallyyyy good
Lunayaa #3
Chapter 7: Plsss writeee agaiiin
407 streak #4
Chapter 7: hei beib~ it's been a while, how are you? hope you are okay~ If you have time, please continue this, I love your story <3
Chapter 2: Authornim....comeback🤧 we really miss this! Ah you got a job? Wow! Adulting is really hard🥺
Chapter 7: Gosh I just read this and it's super fun, I didn't think I would like it as much as I do but I love it! The relationship between them is so fun to read and I like yehyukhae hehe ><
Thank you for writing, I hope you can continue~
And congrats on your job, I hope it's going well for you! :3
myeolchi5424 #7
Chapter 7: Hi dear. Congratz for ur new job. With the current state, hope u take care of urself :)

Although i subs, i dun think i hv read yet... So, I read from the start... this is really an enjoyable fic to read.
Liza_Blessedx2 #8
Chapter 7: I'm enjoying this love triangle, and looking forward to the next update :D
PathxX #9
I'm still here waiting for this fic. I really enjoy reading this. Hope you come back! :D
Alyblankspace_281507 #10
Chapter 6: Omg I just happened to stumble on this and I can't stop mentally face-palming myself of Yesung, Hyukjae and Donghae's stupidity and obliviousness. And I can't stop crackling with Donghae and Kyuhyun XD
Continue this story please authornim ㅠㅠ