
Who likes who?


This . I'll consider this as a huge slap in the face and stop this madness. My madness. Being inlove with a person inlove with someone else and completely oblivious is gonna kill me. Just you wait, Donghae. I'm gonna be so over you in no time. Uggggghhh, who are you kidding, Hyukjae?! I slapped my face softly and crashed at my bed. 

I suddenly heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in." - I said lazily having my arm rest on my face. I heard my door open then closed softly. I was waiting for the person to speak but seems like he will not. I removed my arm and looked at him. I'm too surprised that he's here, I failed at composing myself so I grabbed a pillow and hugged it close to my face. "What do you want?" - I said kind of pissed making me want to smack the life out of myself.

"We have a schedule together later, so I wanted to clear the air between us. Is there a problem? H-hae thinks we're uhh awkward." - Yesung hyung asked. I automatically blushed thinking of Donghae. My-supposed-to-be Donghae. Good thing he can't see my face because of my pillow. I heaved a sigh and calmed myself down before facing him. "There's no problem, Yesung hyung. Why would you think that?" - I scoffed proud of myself that I can look so convincing. "W-well.. the way you act lately is somewhat distracting for Hae." - I distract Donghae? Well that's a first.

"What do you mean distracting for him?" - is Donghae eyeing me lately!? If they didn't had this morning I will probably be so happy. I tried to fight my blush and managed to look down. "He's worried about you looking so awkward towards me. I can feel that too and it kind of gets to me so he wants me to talk to you about it. I don't want problems with my donsaengs. Did I do something wrong?" - he asked also looking down. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. Yesung hyung didn't do anything wrong to be honest. Even Donghae. They're oblivious of what I feel, they didn't hurt me intentionally. I'm so stupid, I'm only thinking of my own feelings and blame them as if they're aware of it. 

"I'm sorry, I just.. My thoughts are a mess nowadays, hyung. Sorry for troubling you. I'll be fine, we'll be fine. Thank you for worrying about me, both of you." - I said smiling sincerely. He sighed and looked at me smiling brightly. "I just hope you'll put yourself together just fine. I won't cause you trouble, I felt really relieved that you're not mad at me or anything." - he said ruffling my hair. His smile. It's so bright just like Donghae's. It makes me feel fine too. I smiled back and can't help but think that Yesung hyung really is lovable. I can't blame Donghae for this anymore.

"You better get ready, Hyuk-ah. We only have an hour left." - he said touching my cheek then got out of my room. I smiled at hyung's gesture and began getting ready.


Hyukjae smiled at me before I left his room. I smiled at myself thinking how relieved I am. "You're creeping me out." - My smile turned into a frown and I glared hard at this evil brat who's looking at me really weirded out. "Shut up." - I said coldly and went to my room so I can get ready. Stupid, brat. Ruining my mood as always.

After I got ready, I went to get Hyukjae when I heard Kyu say "Have I told you that you look like crap?" at Hyuk who looks like he just got finished getting ready. "Yes and you're just jealous because I have a schedule with Yesung hyung!" - Hyuk said hugging my arm making my face heat up. "I told you stop being gay in front of me." - Kyu said irritated making me smack him hard. "Stop messing around you impolite brat!" - I scolded and dragged Hyuk out of our dorm. This is gonna be a looooong day.


"MINNNNIIEEEE!! MONKEY BOY STOLE MY YESUNGIEEEEE!!!" - I shouted irritated. Eunhyuk's stealing my favorite hyung! I WANT A SCHEDULE WITH YESUNGIE TOO!!!!! WHERE IS HE!?!!?! Yesungie's so much fun to tease actually. HIS GLARE IS MY FAVORITE! And the fact that he gets pissed easily is a real jackpot. Minimum effort, maximum satisfaction. 


"Stop shouting! And my Yesungie hyung's not yours!!! STOP ACTING LIKE HE'S YOUR PROPERTY!" - greeeeaat, the fish heard me. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm telling Minnie!" - I said frustrated. 

"You do that crybaby!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"STUPID FISH!!!!!!!" - I shouted then ran back to my room. 









​​​​​​This chapter is so random. Hehehe

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My chapters are really short. I'm not that good in writing long chapters because I might change the flow and it worries me. I seek for your understanding. Thank you for reading! <3


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406 streak #1
Chapter 7: I miss you!!! T_______T Where are you babe?
K_Chaeri298 #2
Chapter 7: Please continue this author-nim🥺 this is really reallyyyy good
Lunayaa #3
Chapter 7: Plsss writeee agaiiin
406 streak #4
Chapter 7: hei beib~ it's been a while, how are you? hope you are okay~ If you have time, please continue this, I love your story <3
Chapter 2: Authornim....comeback🤧 we really miss this! Ah you got a job? Wow! Adulting is really hard🥺
Chapter 7: Gosh I just read this and it's super fun, I didn't think I would like it as much as I do but I love it! The relationship between them is so fun to read and I like yehyukhae hehe ><
Thank you for writing, I hope you can continue~
And congrats on your job, I hope it's going well for you! :3
myeolchi5424 #7
Chapter 7: Hi dear. Congratz for ur new job. With the current state, hope u take care of urself :)

Although i subs, i dun think i hv read yet... So, I read from the start... this is really an enjoyable fic to read.
Liza_Blessedx2 #8
Chapter 7: I'm enjoying this love triangle, and looking forward to the next update :D
PathxX #9
I'm still here waiting for this fic. I really enjoy reading this. Hope you come back! :D
Alyblankspace_281507 #10
Chapter 6: Omg I just happened to stumble on this and I can't stop mentally face-palming myself of Yesung, Hyukjae and Donghae's stupidity and obliviousness. And I can't stop crackling with Donghae and Kyuhyun XD
Continue this story please authornim ㅠㅠ