
“Do you seriously expect me to be able to convince people to live in this hole?!”


looking for and accepting applications!

Hi! The name is Han Woori! I'm a third year student studying at Hanyang University, and I am currently looking for people to live with at the Hwangmok House!

LOCATION: located on the outskirts of Hanyang University, but still near enough for you to be able to walk to College everyday! Enjoy a more peaceful life, too!

HWANGMOK HOUSE PERKS: (that the other houses should definitely be jealous of!)

1. Friendly and lenient RA, yours truly! I'll let you guys sneak extra dining hall food into your rooms at midnight if you apply here! I'll also let you bring home your boyfriend or girlfriend and I'll pretend it never happened. Just make sure not to do anything funny. I can't just pretend that you guys are clapping your hands in the middle of the night!

2. Absolutely free WiFi access! WiFi Name: WendysWifi. And no password, too! Isn't it great? Just make sure to step out the house for better WiFi signal!

3. Hungry? No problem! There's a Wendy's restaurant a few blocks down!

4. Communal bathroom that is regularly cleaned, so no worries! (Residents are tasked to clean it. So it's definitely guaranteed!) Not to mention, there's two communal baths!

5. Enjoy a beautiful view! The leaves surrounding the vicinity makes it look like it's permanently the season of Fall!

6. A fan of vintage? This is the house for you! The house radiates a classic and antique 80s house vibes!

7. Extremely cheap rent, with 50% downpayment! An additional 20% discount if you're willing to do manual labor to help in making the house much more presentable than it already is! Payment method perfect for working students!

For further information regarding the house, contact the following number: +82 XX XXXX XXXX

"Which university did you say you transferred from?" The Faculty Dean, Kang Wonchul, asked Woori as he guided her throughout the campus, heading towards her assigned House building.

"Jinju University, all the way from Jeju," the said girl replied as she looked around her surroundings in awe. The University campus was a lot bigger than she had imagined. Not to mention, the air was so much more polluted compared to where she lived back then. Woori couldn't wait to finally settle down and just sleep.

The Faculty Dean looked Woori at woori in shock, "That's... rather far from here. What made you decide to transfer?"

"Well, my grandmother was actually an alumni of this school," Woori's expression turned gentle, almost as if she were reminiscing her past. "I also heard that she used to dorm in the Hwangmok House, the same house I'm staying in! Apparently it was the best house around here."

At the mention of Hwangmok House, however, Wonchul's expression turned sour. Unconsciously, Wonchul muttered under his breath, "well, it was the best house."

"Oh, I'm sorry?" Woori turned towards her guide, thinking she had heard him say something, but was not exactly sure. "I didn't catch what you were saying."

Wonchul almost felt bad for her. Woori seemed like a bright girl who's got an equally bright future ahead of her when he first met her earlier. But apparently, she was not bright enough to check the current status of the houses.

"Listen," Wonchul started, although not quite sure what to say, "...a lot of things can change over the few years."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, don't be surprised when we arrive," he thought maybe he should have said more, even clarify her mistake, but he just ended up clamping his mouth shut.

"Of course I won't!" Woori practically screamed at his ears. "I've pretty much prepared myself for this day! I know the luxurious Hwangmok House may be a little too extravagant for a lowly commoner like me, but I'm mentally ready!"

Wonchul groaned inwardly. I take it back, she's not bright at all, he thought to himself.

"By the way," Woori looked around her surroundings once more, noticing that they were almost outside the premise of the University. "Where are we going? I heard the Hwangmok House was located at the center?"

"Like you said, it was located at the center. The building's location changed," he sighed. "I told you, things can change over a few years. And unfortunately for the Hwangmok House, it... changed for, well, not exactly the best."

She was about to ask another question when the Faculty Dean suddenly stopped. Woori looked at where they were and she was absolutely horrified at the sight. A large building stood in front of them, but it was not the luxurious building she was expecting. The building was obviously rundown, and it didn't seem like anyone lived there for, well, years. It looked like it came directly out of a horror movie.

Dried up and dead leaves were scattered all over the place. The coat of paint on the walls are almost completely washed out. The leaky tin gutter that ran along the roof streaked the walls, too, making it look a lot more unappealing than it already is. Her nose also felt itchy, probably due to the amount of dust which accumulated over the years. If the outside already looks this bad, she doesn't even want to think of stepping inside. She can't help but imagine the creatures lurking within.

"Full offense, but why did you bring me here? I thought we were going to the Hwangmok House?" Woori looked at the building in disgust.

"We are at the Hwangmok House," Woori turned towards the Dean, hoping that he was joking. He can't possibly expect her to live there! Not to mention, alone. She's watched enough horror movies to know that living in a house like that is a horrible idea. Unfortunately, there wasn't the slightest bit of humor in Wonchul's eyes. The guy was dead serious. Woori felt her heart drop.

Hanyang University consists of what are called the upperclass Houses. These Houses are subdivisions run by the administrative staff of the College and serves to provide living accommodations to mainly financially struggling students. There are currently four known established Houses, namely: the Dokgo House, the Moobon House, the Namgung House, and the Hwangmok House.

The founder of the school created the Housing System in order to make the students feel more comfortable, considering that the learning environment of the College was already stressful and daunting on its own. That being said, all Houses were given a lot of student facilities to enhance their learning and living experiences.

However, as the years went by, things began to change. In each house, there were those who consistently excelled in their academics and extracurricular activities, and there were those who failed miserably. This isn't to say that those who failed were stupid, since one of the requirements to be able to reside in a House is to have an excellent academic performance in the previous years. But these students were not able to handle the high demands of the College for whatever reason, resulting to their failure.

Those who excelled complained that it was unfair for the inferior students to be given the same opportunities as them. As a result, the administrative officers decided to implement a new Housing System. The system states that the House which is able to produce the highest number of notable alumni will be given the most perks and facilities, whereas the House with the lowest number will be given the least.

At the moment, the Hwangmok House is currently ranked last, with a total of zero tenants.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: so basically this story is gonna be about woori and the other chosen characters (# of characters chosen is undecided as of now) as they try to revive what was otherwise known as the best house in hanyang university by attempting to climb up the rank. by ranking #1, they could also get rid of the system as a whole. this means they're gonna have to get extremely good grades and excel in all of their extracurriculars, all the while dealing with their own personal problems. and of course their interactions with other housemates will be shown, and is one of the crucial parts of the story. the students will also be the ones to encourage and help each other throughout the journey.

1. Please subscribe. This way, I'll know how many applicants to expect. Upvoting is not required, however it's much loved.

2. If chosen, or when posting teasers, please try to comment as much as you can. Maybe every other chapter. (I know we're all busy) As an author, feedback is really important to me since it's one of the things that keeps me motivated.

3. I hope you guys enjoy the story! This is my very first applyfic, and I'm honestly quite excited about it!
UPDATE 09/02 - It's been quite busy for me so I haven't been able to update. I'm actually done with @msdaisydork's teaser, but I haven't posted it yet since I want to finish @sugalgi's first. Expect it by Wednesday since I'm extremely busy for the next two days!


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Chapter 4: Hiii. It's okay. We all have our own life outside aff so just take your time ~ o u o
@feed it's okay bub!!! don't pressure yourself and just take your time < 3
Chapter 2: hii, are love interests optional?
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: whew, it's been a busy week BUT THIS TEASERS THOUGH, they definitely made up for everything! like i mentioned before, it's so nice reading these and getting to know all the characters through short snippets. woori mistaking yihyun as a high school student had me guffawing! and she seems like such an enthusiastic girl dsdfdkdsdl IMAGINE HER, ghost hunting on the daily. wild!

oh, and yul's teaser? AMAZING. i love how you brought him to life through his interactions with his friends. plus points because i never expected the whole gang to appear in the teaser, i'm legit super thankful to see the whole day6 here AAAAAAH CRIES. and his interaction with woori too, maybe if i didn't know any better, i might lowkey ship them, hah!

anyway, good job on another round of teasers and looking forward to the next ones!!!! <3
Chapter 4: omg i'm sorry for the late comment but!!!!!!!!!
i absolutely loved the way you portrayed yihyun, she's definitely just like that hehehe
i'm giggling at the part where woori mistook her for a high school student though LOOOL
but omg i love this teaser of her, she's exactly how i envisioned her to be HAHAHA

also i was so shook when i was reading yul's teaser and the girl tuRNED OUT TO BE WOORI
like ok that was a plot TWIST
but she was so sly about it HAHAHAHA
i love the day6 cameo tho, they're so cute!!!
Chapter 3: Thank you so much for the heart flutterimg review o u o When I finished my app, I was actually worried if the way I wrote sanha and her life was realistic enough to reach my goal of creating a character that seems like she actually exists. I actually don't know what I am saying more. Thank you once again for the review. Btw, I love your writing style it's so light and interesting.
Chapter 3: omfg okay so i at math rip i'll def take your suggestion about banryu's father helping to design the latest building of hanyang!! also thank you so much for loving him and accepting him < 3