
The Man In The Shadows
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Kang Areum heaved into the paper bag.

She knelt on the glittery black floor and rested her cheek against her knee — her matted dark hair bunched in her fist at the nape of her neck — waiting to see if she was going to actually throw up last nights takeaway. While her stomach thought about it, Areum stared dully at the words scribbled on the compartment.

Love is murder of the soul.

Of course. How delightfully befitting.

Being a TV crime reporter was thrilling, but the sight of blood made Areum sick. After three years of gory murder scenes she’d had plenty of opportunities to perfect her emetic technique.

Today’s was plain chaotic.

She hadn’t been able to see a thing from the busy streets of Haeundae because of the one-way glass, so after doing her piece to the camera she had sneaked in through a side door manned by a newbie policeman, who had been no match for her combination of threats and wheedling — a technique her cameraman, Kim Jungkook, called “threedling.”

The policeman had let her in, and Areum almost wished he hadn’t. The body had been removed, but the blood alone was enough to feel as though someone had body slammed her to the ground.

Before her stomach had twisted over on itself, Areum had registered the sheer shocking quantity of it. Splatters up the glass walls, and a wide, calm, maroon lake, as if someone had gripped the young woman in giant hands and squeezed her like toothpaste until she was empty. And from one edge, a trail of red footprints, where the killer had climbed out of the lake to dry marble land and walked out the front door.

Areum dry-heaved into the bag again at the memory and then laid her forehead on her knee again, gasping and trying to think about sunshine and ponies. That wasn’t easy when she worked on what everybody but Human Resources called “the red black”. An endless show of red stains and black bags.

She was twenty-four years old, but on days like this she felt forty. Already she had an ulcer that flared at moments of tension. Probably an ulcer. She hoped it was an ulcer, because she didn’t have the time to let a doctor find out for sure.

“You okay?”

A man’s voice outside the door.

Areum lifted her head long enough and high enough to give her the strength to sound pissed off.

“Do I sound okay?”

She laid her face down again and felt the cold sweat drying on the back of her neck.

Kim ing Taehyung.

She hated people knowing that she was squeamish. You had to be tough in this business. If you weren’t tough you were locked off and brought down like a wounded wildebeest. Especially if you were a wounded female wildebeest

Areum her dry lips and grimaced at the floor. Her stomach had apparently decided to call it quits, so she clambered slowly to her feet to straighten her blouse, then opened the cubicle door.

Kim Taehyung from News 24/7 was checking his eyebrows in a mirror ringed by bright, showbiz worthy light bulbs.

Areum rinsed to rid of the dryness and washed her face, then pulled a paper towel from the dispenser.

“Sick, isn’t it?” Taehyung asked, eyes still focused on his thick brows.

Areum gave her reflection a cursory glance before giving him a sharp glare at the demeaning comment. “I’m not an ‘it’, so I’d rather be called by my name, thank you.”

He grinned slyly and jerked his thumb at the door. “I’m not talking about you. I mean, whoever did that to the poor woman. S

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Chapter 7: You’re so GOOD. What the hell? How are you so good? You’ve managed to give us a peek inside the mind of a psychopath, and as expected it wasn’t pretty. No mental illness is. Good Lord how I’ve missed your writing
Chapter 7: This was written so deep and dramatic, it's like reading from a novel or something, like, I really felt it bruh (´∀`)... And why do i find a psychopathic jin really hot(・∀・)
Chapter 7: 69 comments do I really wanna ruin that?

LOL okay so this is not Jin x OC? Because I was (am?) really wondering how we were gonna get from A (killer vs possible victim) to B (loooooooveeeee) and I was like how in the world
Chapter 1: and this is only the prologue. tense much T^T
Chapter 7: I think I picked up on the title and Seokjin. “Ordinary” while Seokjin is just anything but that lmao, a juxtaposition like him!

Love love love this chapter, because this is the gritty direction I see this story going towards. Seokjin is no romantic figure because he’s mentally unstable, and right now he’s spiralling down the rabbit hole thinking Areum is somehow calling him into his life.

Okay if you hadn’t explained the heart but I would have been lost, because I was stumped at the “alien” bit, but that’s just because I’m dumb lol. I love this and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next!
tiffany_gunawan #6
Chapter 7: This is so good, probably the best thriller fanfic i've ever read! Seokjin' character reminds me of lee sung hoon of duel
Chapter 7: I like her relationship with Taehyung it’s a funny one, I like knowing what’s on Jin’s Mind and how is he thinking And lastly I like that Jungkook is involved in this story cause he is my bias <3
Chapter 7: Seokjin is all types of bad news and bish yes, I’m here for when we go more in depth to his issues
Chapter 7: I love everything about this chapter. I love the way you described the cigarette (idk lmao it was just so easy to picture this), the furniture being a dead giveaway that he hails from an incredibly wealthy family, the way you make it seem how Seokjin almost hallucinated the transplanted heart coming out of his body and omg yes this such a rare fix and I’m living for it.

Seokjin is honestly such a juxtaposition! If you think about it, he’s doing all the things that speed up the race towards death, but at the same time he really doesn’t want to die. He’s living on borrowed time, and he knows this, and I’m wondering if it’s this knowledge that has an influence into why he’s killing all these people. He doesn’t care if he gets caught because he’s going to die anyway!

Okay I’m going out on a limb here with my extra af comments lmao, but honestly, I’m so happy you’re back. This fic is unconventional and a 180 degree turn from your previous works as Serendipity, and I’m living for this.
Chapter 7: Jin is so interesting, holy . So his dad was an . At least that's what I picked up on. His mom, not so much and they all obviously came from money. And the babysitter bit...either Seokjin was a babysitter and did something or he had a babysitter that did something. Oof. Ohmygosh, this chapter has my mind going too fast for my liking. I literally just woke up like a few minutes ago and my mind is still groggy as hell xD Was a babysitter the reason his parents died and Seokjin had to get a heart transplant? Or was his heart transplant because of a birth defect or illness? Anyways, you already know that I ing loved this chapter like YAAAAS!!!!