
Your Love is The Greatest Gift

Yoongi hears the alarm dings and he opens his eyes. He looked at the clock and it says 8:45 am. Yoongi sighs, "another boring day in the hospital" he thought.

He grabbed his sling and slowly stood up to go to the bathroom and wash his face. He walked slowly to not hurt his cemented leg. 

After washing his face, yoongi slowly went back to his bed. As he was walking, the room door stumbled open revealing a panting boy with sweat on his forehead. Yoongi was so shocked that the sling slipped on his hands causing him to fall on the floor. but Yoongi remained motionless and the boy's chuckle can be heard. The boy leaned his ear to the door to find some noise and when he didnt hear anything he locked the door and went to Yoongi and tried  to carry him.

Yoongi looked at the boy and the boy gave him a wide smile. Yoongi's eyes widen as his heart thumps. Its like there are sparks on the boy's face. " he's cute" he thought. Yoongi didnt believe in love at first sight but he would be lying if he didnt feel it right now. He was so focused at the boy's face that he didnt even notice that the boy is trying to carry him. Wlhen he noticed the boy leaning down he became red. "MIN YOONGI YOU GAY STOP HIM RIGHT NOW."Yoongi mentally slaps himself and swats his hands away.

The boy tried to carry him again but this time Yoongi is aware and he spoke. "I can get up by myself. I dont need your help" he said. He said in a venomous voice, trying to scare the boy but the boy just smiled. Yoongi was so distracted looking at his smile that he didnt sven notice that the boy has already carried him back to his bed.

When Yoongi snapped back to reality he was already on his bed. He gave the boy a angry look. "Didnt i say that i dont need your help! And who the are you and what are you doing in my ing room!" Yoongi tried to sound angry but the boy doesnt seem affected. has really no efect at the boy. Unlike others, the boy doesnt seem to be afraid at him. He just laughed at him.

"You liked it anyways." The boy grinned then  Yoongi's face and ears turned red. He was annoyed and embarassed at the same time.

"And.........about why im here ill explain that later.

"Also, you look like a tomato." The boy teasingly says. Yoongi shot him a glare.

"Please dont do that, you look like my grandpa." The boy is almost crying from laughter. Yoongi finds it adorable but gives a "Shut the up" look.

"What is your name?" The boy asks

"Why would i tell you? I dont even know you." Yoongi raised his right eyebrow

"My name is Park Jimin, 23 years old. I was born in busan on October 13, 1995. I love to sing and dance. " Jimin finally introduced himself 

"Can i know your name now?" Jimin asks

Yoongi tries making excuses.

"I dont trust others and i hate talkative people." Yoongi stated trying to look serious

"But You like me." Jimin grinned

"No i dont." Yoongi denied

"Yes you do. Your heart eyes for me is very obvious" Jimin teased

Again, Yoongi became red. If this was the normal Yoongi, he would not feel embarrasment and Blush but the boy seems to have control of him. The boy is good at making yoongi flustered.

"Awwww the tomato is back again."
Jimin makes a awe face as he looks at yoongi with teasing eyes.

Because of that Yoongi became more red. He looked away to hide the blush.

"Dont hide that beautiful face." Jimin said as he tilts yoongi's face on his direction.

Yoongi looks straight at jimin's smile. He grinned. "How cute" he thought out loud. 

Jimin chuckled."Yes im cute" he stated, not removing the smile on his face.

When Yoongi realized that he had said it out loud. He became embarrased. "Oh " he mouths and Jimin must have noticed because he covered Yoongi's mouth.

"Oh Shine" Jimin said like hes teaching Yoongi

"What?" Yoongi asks

"I dont like hearing people curse so i replace the curses with good words." Jimin stated looking up.

"Thats stupid" Yoongi said giving a unamused look

"No its not, cursing is bad. Your mom will slap ur if you curse." Jimin pouts

Yoongi chuckled. Yoongi's mom cannot live without cursing at least 30 times a day. Jimin is lucky with his mom

"By the way....." jimin speaks up, making yoongi look into him."You didnt tell me your name yet." Jimin says

This time Yoongi tells Jimin his name without argue.

"My name is Min Yoongi, 26 years old. I love to make songs and rap." Yoongi shyly introduces himself. 

"Wow! thats cool!!!!! I love listening to rap. You should make me listen to your songs!! Jimin excitedly says 

Yoongi is happy that someone would finally listen to his songs. He felt excited to show the younger the songs that he made.

"Ummm............maybe next time." Yoongi says, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.


Jimin then explains how did he end up being on Yoongi's room and Yoongi couldnt help but listen at his long ing explanation . "...........and thats why i ended up being here." Jimin finishes his explanations. Yoongi sighs. "He finally shuts his mouth" 

Jimin said that his hyung was chasing him because he didnt finish his food. Yoongi is unamused of his reason but he finds Jimin cute.

Yoongi looked at Jimin. "He seems perfectly fine, but why is he here i?" Yoongi is curious. Jimin doesnt look like he had a problem or a illness. Then why is he at the hospital?

"Maybe he's rich and just went for some normal checkups." Yoongi thought.

Jimin was about to say something but is cut by a voice yelling 

the voice is so loud that they can clearly hear it even if the door is closed.

Jimin looked straight at Yoongi's and held his hands tightly. 

"Remember, the Jimin that will come to you when you see him is me. Were different. He will be the one ignoring you and i would be the one coming to you. Ill promise ill return."

A long silence sorounded them before Jimin speaked

"Will you promise that you'll wait for me?"
he asked with sincere eyes

Yoongi didnt really get what he was saying but still gave a yes

Jimin jumps in excitement as he wrapped Yoongi in a tight hug. Yoongi was so surprisdd that his muscles cant even move. Finally, Jimin pulled out to exhale some air.

Thank You Yoongi ahh"
Jimin grins wide, his gums showing

Yoongi couldnt process what just happened and why Jimin hugged him. So again, he remained shocked and motionless.

"Ok i gotta go see you!!!" Jimin made his way to the door. When his hands are placed on the doorknob he took one last look at Yoongi and mouths a "saranghe" with his hands forming a heart sign

When Jimin was finally out of Yoongi's room he smiled.

"I could never forget you Min Yoongi."

I hope youre still the same...

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