// Apply Soon! // Objects 101 to 200 and Holders Revealed // Objects 201 to 300 will be revealed soon!



To seek for power, to seek for reunion, or to seek for separation. These are the three main reasons as to why people still visit this website. The site speaks about 2538 objects, but 2000 of them were lost. The remaining 538 must never come together for bringing them together will bring about disastrous consequences. The details of the reunion are so graphic that it would drive most people mad.


The stories sound way too over the top but what makes them so enticing is that they all follow a similar sequence. You go into a special institution, ask to meet a Holder, and go under a horrific test which will prove if you are worthy of obtaining the object the Holder possesses. Abilities are what most of these objects promise and that's what drives most people to continue seeking for them.

The authenticity of the stories are always at question but what's stopping you from going to this random website and following some instructions to meet a holder. You'll probably get a laugh out of it and see that is fake right?

author's note: Hi guys! This story is inspired by The Holders Series. To be honest, I posted this story idea to see if anyone would be interested in taking over this story. So if you are interested in it. Please PM me!

title: tHE
author: kezmer + ...
deadline: tba
Yes! Objects 101 - 200 are here along with their holders! Again the pictures of the idols here don't indicate that they cannot be used as a faceclaim. They are just here to represent the gender of the holder.


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