


Pretending to be okay was getting easier.

Maybe one day he could even convince himself that it was true.


Depression was an odd thing to deal with.

People may think that being depressed meant you just laid in bed all day and cried. While that may happen occasionally, for Lee Minho depression was more being void of any emotion.

Minho found it especially hard to feel anything except numb.

He sometimes felt proud of himself for how well he could put on a mask of happiness, but that feeling would never last. He would soon feel himself slip back into the pit of feeling nothing again.

He had his moments where it seemed as though he was happy
He had his moments where it seemed as though he was sad
He had his moments where it seemed as though he actually felt something.

Those moments never lasted. Soon he would be back to the suffocating feeling of absolutely nothing.

Luckily, he was an expert at pretending as though he was fine.


a/n: short introduction to the kind of character he is currently 

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this story is also being posted on my wattpad account @ _roohyunhyuk
I'll most likely update there more regularly so check me out if you'd like uwu


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waffle610 #1
Chapter 2: I really hope that you will upload the next part of this soon~~~ Looking forwards to reading it
Chapter 2: I don't know what to expect from this story. Talking about mental health, it's an interesting theme, from the first few sentences I can see you know what you are writing about. I am kinda looking forward to this story. But I have one question. Why is Mark on the cover when this is Minsung ff?
Lee_Chin-sun #3
Chapter 2: I kinda understNd how he feels. For a long time I went off of emotions I had learned to portray while hiding my real ones