
Major Lost

The rain slid down the shoulders of Major Lost, the bronze statue of a soldier that stood on the rough end of Seoul. In front of it was a run-down tattoo shop, currently empty. The screen door on the front of it banged in the wind.

Then a tall, tough-looking teenager burst through the door and shoved someone to the floor.

'There you go, pretty boy,' he sneered. 'I brought you home like you asked.' He threw a parting punch to the younger boy's jaw and left.

Oh Sehun collected himself from the floor and dragged his feet over to the sink to clean up his cuts.

He was fairly used to this, and he did see why the bullies always attacked him. What kind of vulgar teenager wouldn't want to beat up a starving goth-like boy in makeup?


He lay huddled in his bed that night, listening to the rain falling. Every time he went out, the bullies got him and beat him up.

His father, the shop owner, was in jail and Sehun thanked the heavens for that. He had even more scars from his father's beating than he did from the bullying.

He was jerked out of his thoughts by the sound of running footsteps on the porch, followed by the door banging shut. He heard panting, and the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor.

He pulled himself our of bed and cautiously tiptoed to see the intruder. Unfortunately, he peeked out just as the other person turned.

Sehun cowered against the wall and tried not to cry. 'Please don't hurt me.'

The other boy looked shocked, but he replied, 'Of course I won't. But why are you here?'

'I own it,' Sehun whispered. 

'But you're just a kid!'

'I'm eighteen,' Sehun said quietly.

Now the strange boy looked all sorts of emotions. 'You're so small.....'

'I know. I don't get much to eat....' Sehun said hesitantly.

'Don't you have a good job? Who are you?'

'I'm Sehun and my only job is as a makeup artist... but no one ever comes here, and I have to live off stealing.' Seeing the other's suspicious expression he added, 'I won't rob you though, don't worry.'

'I'm Luhan.....I'm a ballet dancer. I can help you if you want, but I only have twenty dollars on me right now...'

'I......' Sehun was in awe at the thought. No one had ever truly wanted to help him. He had never known kindness. This was a new experience. 'Twenty dollars is a lot-'


Luhan's heart swelled at the boy's awed expression, and he felt it breaking when Sehun said almost inaudibly, 'Twenty dollars is a lot.'

'It's nothing,' Luhan protested. 'I'll pay for food- and you need new clothes. I can afford it, it's fine. You can go get some new stuff tomorrow.'

'I can't go out,' Sehun said softly.

'Why not?'

'I just got beat up today. I don't want to get hit again tomorrow.'

'I'll go with you.' Luhan's heart was really shattered. This poor kid was starving and alone, and had almost no money at all. And if that wasn't sad enough, he was scares to leave his home because of bullies. 'I won't let anyone hurt you."

'Thanks,' Sehun murmered, them ducked his head and hurried back to his room. 

Luhan slept on the shop porch that night. The bronze statue of the soldier, Major Lost, stood guard over the shop in its silent glory. 

And on that night, a love story began.


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Beansprout11 #1
I can’t do character death sorry
naimiestrella #2
Chapter 3: Whaaa
naimiestrella #3
Chapter 2: I'm ready for the tears
naimiestrella #4
Chapter 1: Uhhhhhh interesting