We're Not Friends Anymore

It's Always Been Different


No they weren't friends.


They never were. They've never been. People would speculate that Taeyeon and Tiffany were the bestest of friends. Especially in front of the camera when they would laugh and sit or stand beside each other, or talk a lot with each other. Almost glued to one another. In a sense, they were. But that's the case for the both of them.




Would you call someone a friend if they cuddle and sleep on your bed late at night when everyone else is sleeping? Gives you those freaking butterflies when they smile and leave you breathless? Gives secret smiles which only the both of you understand when you make eye contact? Sets your skin on fire with every touch? Gives you gifts on all special occasions and almost everyday not just in a material sense, but in the form of hidden kisses and special affection?


No they weren't friends, they were already past that stage. They're also in a league way higher than just bestfriends, but at the same time, they're not lovers. They're not friends with benefits as well (hell no, Taeyeon may be a erted little creature, but she respects Tiffany too much to even try and suggest that).


So here is Tiffany, crossing out a bunch of labels, names or any other kind of stereotypical callings and try finding out what she and Taeyeon are. She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, a little migraine making its way in her skull.


Friends? Nope. Mutual understanding? Too shallow. Crush? Too high school-ish. Soulmates? Too vague. Partners? Too formal. It's complicated? Not really. Frenemies? What the hell is that. Lovers? She never really knew.


She sighed and closed her notebook, laying down on her (actually Taeyeon's) bed with a 'plop'. She massaged her temples, feeling even more confused than before.


Taeyeon is relatively a sweet, caring, and loving girl. Although she might have some social anxiety issues, she's lazy and she doesn't like going out of the house, also she's as awkward as . But nobody's perfect anyway so Tiffany loves her, her quirks, her flaws, her best and worst side just the same.


(She swore to herself once that she would not fall in love with someone who's favorite color is not pink... Eh, she decided to make Taeyeon an exception. Plus blue and pink makes the most awesome combination.)


She's better than any kind of men out there, a better gentleman (or gentlewoman), a better cook, sings great lullabies at night, makes Tiffany smile and laugh (no matter how corny she is) and probably the best kind of lover. But both of them never really took the initiative to talk about it with each other (she's a coward she knows, don't slap it in the face).


What really shocks her though, is that Taeyeon, told her that she never does this with anyone else, nobody else but Tiffany Hwang alone.


"Huh? Really? Why?"


"I don't really know Ppani-ah, but it feels really comfortable, and it makes me very happy when I do this and that for you."


Now this is just plain annoying. It's like they know but they don't know (or probably they're in denial) and someone's just stupidly dense to even say it. Sure the 'I Love You's' were already spoken but none of them didn't do anything about it next. Just like Sooyoung, Jessica, Sunny and almost everyone calls them,


'Stupidly Blind and Ms. Stubbornly in Denial makes the perfect couple.'

Tiffany ruffled her hair in frustration, groaning loudly and pounding her fists on the bed (poor bed). Then there's also this issue in public relationships for being both girls. Don't get her started on those, oh my gosh, that's another pain in the if you ask her. Not that she has any problems with that, she's an American citizen so technically, she can be gay if she wants to.


California is pretty much a liberated country where you can do whatever you want, even drugs (just don't get caught, the cops are pretty nasty). So yeah, y'all homophobes, she'll be gay and you can't do anything about it (bless America, Obama or whoever passed it on to let homouality okay in probably the entire continent).


The real dilemma is with Taeyeon, she's KOREAN, in citizenship and nationality. And the fact that they're in KOREA doesn't help a bit. It makes Tiffany wanna rip her hair off and whisk Taeyeon away it L.A so that they could change whatever that needs to be changed. And they'd be happy, free and gay for the rest of their lives.


But even she, is not that selfish to ruin the shorter girl's entire career (Jessica is uhh, in another level of that, ask Yuri. But it's not really a problem now, since they're married and all that cheesy ). She loves Taeyeon just like that. So even if her insides are currently warring against each other, she'll be willing to hold off her plans of insanity just so she can let the Taeyeon succeed in what she built on her entire life.


As she screamed and whined on the pillow (poor pillow getting beaten up for nothing), Taeyeon walks out of the bathroom, freshly bathed and properly clothed, with a towel draped across her shoulders to dry off her dripping hair. The older girl then lays on the bed beside her and hugs her from behind.


"What's the matter sunshine? You seem upset." Worry can be evident on the tone of Taeyeon's voice, her hold on Tiffany also becomes firmer, but still as gentle as it always is.


Taeyeon's scent alone brings comfort to Tiffany's chaotic state of mind, her frustrations dissipating as the latter's warmth envelops her.


"It's nothing Tae. Just random Fany issues here and there." She laughed a bit, trying to pass it on as a joke.


No matter how hard she tries though, Taeyeon knows. She knows Tiffany just as much the younger knows her. They're both like an open book to each other or knowing something like the back of your hand. So hiding anything doesn't work cause someone or the other way around would know.

"Ppani-ah, tell me? I wanna know what's happening in that pretty little mind of yours."


Tiffany turns around and is met with a gentle kiss along with a soft knock on her forehead.


(Taeyeon never fails to make her heart flutter with every sweet gesture.)


The silence went on for what it may seem the world's longest five minutes, before Tiffany burst the bubble and asked the million dollar question.


"What are we Taeyeon?"


The older girl seems to be taken aback by the question. Taeyeon loses her composure for a moment before clearing to answer in the best way possible.


"I don't wanna put a label on us but friends," she nuzzled on Tiffany's neck, inhaling the younger's scent. "because if we're not friends, someone else might love you too. And if we're not friends, there would be nothing I could do. So I'm sorry Tiffany, if I can't be courageous enough to try to make you mine." Taeyeon blinks away the tears forming in her eyes. 


(Even though Tiffany already feels it, the warm but painful sting, tugging at the strings of her heart.)


"Sometimes you're really dumb aren't you?" She flicks the latter's forehead. "How can you say that when I've been wanting to be yours the entire time? Stupid Taetae. You're too unfair." She smiles and puts on a brave face just so she wouldn't cry. She promised Taeyeon she won't ever cry.


 "Friends just sleep in other beds, and friends don't kiss me like you do," Tiffany adds in, "and I even though I know that there's a limit to everything. But my friends will never love me like you."


Without saying anything, Taeyeon kisses her gently, but with passion and a promise. A promise that she'll stake her claim. A promise that she'll do her best to make this, them work.


(Honestly, it still feels like the first time.)


"Hello Ms. Kim, my name is Stephanie Hwang and it's a pleasure to know you." She kisses Taeyeon again, briefly but just as special as the ones before.


"Greetings to you too Ms. Hwang, and I would love to be your girlfriend."




A/N: Yeah pretty much so this is it. But I'll upload another story, also TaeNy of course :)

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17 streak #1
Chapter 1: I like the side tracks and monologue .. Hahhaha
Chapter 1: Cuuuute^^ You used the lyrics from the song didn't you ;)
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sweet and cute :) Well written. Thank you for the hard work author shi ^^