Just One Month

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"Hey, will you be my friend for a month?" A raven haired girl with a cute mole next to her left eye had tapped me on the shoulder and was looking at me with a pretty smile. I couldn't help but wonder who this beauty was and why she was asking me to be her friend.

"What?" I mentally slapped myself at my stupid question and tried to hide my red cheeks by burying my face into the book I was reading.

"Pretty please? Just for one month, I promise!" She seemed too cute to deny her proposal but at the same time it seemed suspicious that she'd ask me.

I lowered the book from my face and looked into her dark eyes. She didn't seem to be lying, or at least that's what I thougt.

"Yeah, sure." I simply agreed, shrugging a bit and wondering what would happen now.



I hope you enjoy this 2jin story!

Honestly, I had this idea based on something I thought of doing myself (weird, right?) but I'd be too embarrassed to ever do that.. So why not write a story about it?

Hyunjin (imo) suits the role I gave her really well, and in most of the Loona fanfics I've read Heejin is cool, calm, sometime bxtchy or annoying and I don't like it! So I decided to use the personality 'I' think matches with her the most :D

Again, please enjoy!.





P.S.: Updates shall be sporadic.


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Whaa I'm excited to read this already!! Seems interesting :D I'm a big 2jin thrash, I will be - there-waiting for this!