Chapter 5

A Pack's Story

"You know," said Changkhyun as he was hanging out on the back deck with Kino who was lying down on a bench with an arm behind his head. "Hm?" Asked Kino. "There is an obvious leader in you but," said Changkhyun. "Why aren't you leader of the pack?" He asked.

"A lot of people had asked me that," Kino said with a bitter chuckle. "I simply can't," he said. "Trust me, I've tried but I can't," he said. "How so?" Asked Changkhyun. "Well, the alpha of a 'shifter pack is determined by genes as you've probably heard," said Kino as he sat up. Changkhyun nodded. "I don't have the right genetics," said Kino. "I guess you can say I'm like the betas with your kind," he said. Changkhyun hummed, nodding.

"It's not a bad thing though," said Kino. "I never wanted to be the alpha of a pack of 'shifters anyway," he said. "My douche bag image kinda ruins it, I'd drive everyone away," he said. "Is it a front you put up?" Asked Changkhyun. "No, well not exactly," said Kino. "It's more due to the fact that I get easily jealous over the little things," he said, looking away. "And I'm very perceptive," he said. "I'm a tracker, trackers aren't made to be leaders," he said.

"Tell me then," said Changkhyun. "If you're so perceptive then what have you noticed while you were here?" He asked. "Everyone is tense, probably because of my pack's presence," said Kino as he turned back to Changkhyun. "Kangmin was it? Jeongin has a crush on him," he said. "Jungkook and Jeno are very close, and yet Jeno doesn't get jealous when you want your time with him, your love is shared," he said. "Hoseok is... He is lonely, though I imagine he already found one of his mates," he said. Changkhyun nodded.

"Jungwoo is happy to be here, but he misses someone," said Kino. "Probably Jaemin," he added. "Hohyeon is jealous of Kangmin and Jeongin's friendship, though he tries to hide it from Kangmin," he said. "He has a crush on Kangmin but he knows that Jeongin does too," he said. "Kangmin is oblivious to it all, and I think that's it," he concluded.

"You noticed all that within the span of a day?" Asked Changkhyun. "Again, I'm really perceptive," Kino said with a shake of his head. "Though I'm sure that if your other pack members return while I'm here I'll pick up on the little things they have," he said.

"Your youngest, he's in school?" He asked. Changkhyun nodded. "University," he said. "He's stressed," Kino said suddenly. "Probably due to all the work but," he said, scratching the back of his head. "He's perceptive like I am it seems, whatever field he's going into he'll do a good job in," he said. "I'm going to guess a nurse or something," he said. "Yes," said Changkhyun. "Nailed it," said Kino as he chuckled some.

"Having fun?" Asked Shinwon as he came outside. "Ah, just taking in the little things," said Kino. "Like usual," said Shinwon as he chuckled some and went to sit down next to Kino. "You two are mates then?" Asked Changkhyun. Kino nodded. "We try not to make it obvious but," he said, sighing a bit. "More due to Jinho and whatnot, he seems to think he's become the third wheel," he said. Changkhyun hummed.

"Where did he go anyway?" Asked Kino. "He went to get some food, it seems we'll be leaving tomorrow," said Shinwon. "Nothing against you or your pack," he added. "We want to scope out the cities before going to see Jaehyun and his pack," he said. Changkhyun nodded. "You'll have our decision by tomorrow then," he said. Kino nodded.

"I'm going for a walk," said Shinwon as he stood. "I'll go with you," said Kino. "Don't go too far north," said Changkhyun. "There's the lake and the rest is part of another territory," he said. "Okay," said Kino as he stood, walking off the back deck with Shinwon and heading to the lake.

"So," said Kino. "What have you noticed?" He asked. "With everyone?" Asked Shinwon. Kino nodded. "About the same as you," said Shinwon. "Though, there's a hidden sadness through everyone," he said. "I could see that too," said Kino as they reached the lake.

"Wow," said Shinwon. "I think Changgu would've loved this place," he said. "There's a graveyard here too I think," said Kino as he went to find it. "Here it is," he said, bending in front of one of the crosses. Shinwon walked over and looked at the names. "There's always flowers here," he noted. "Yes," said Kino. "It looks like they really cared for these people," he said, moving away to find some flowers before coming back with some and handing a bunch to Shinwon. They then put the flowers down in front of each cross to pay their respects before going out to the lake, going to sit on the boulder.

It was a few hours later when they were joined by Jinho and Hohyeon. "Want some dinner?" Asked Jinho as he went to stand beside the boulder. "Sure," said Kino. Shinwon nodded. Jinho handed them a bag of take out and sat down with Hohyeon sitting beside him.

"What brings you out here?" Asked Kino. "Ah, well," said Hohyeon. "It's more out of habit, we're here for the weekend so," he said, shrugging. "We'll be heading back to the dorms tomorrow," he said. "I see," said Kino. They sat out there for another few hours, enjoying the silence of the night.

"You know," said Kino as they started to head back. "If you don't mind me trying to meddle in your love life but," he said, turning to Hohyeon. "I don't think Kangmin's ready for a relationship yet," he said. "There's something there, he might or might not tell you or Jeongin, I guess we'll see," he said. "How so?" Asked Hohyeon.

"I think what Kino means is that Kangmin isn't into guys?" Asked Shinwon. "I don't think he's bi or straight either," he added. "But I don't want to push him into telling you," said Kino. "Something like that is only for him to say," he said. "I've noticed it too," said Jinho. "But, again that is for Kangmin to tell you," he said.

After getting back to the house and throwing away the bags of takeout they went to sleep, Hohyeon going into Jeongin's room and Jinho, Shinwon and Kino setting up in the livingroom.

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Chapter 21: just let me know when you post the new story
Chapter 21: awww how sweet really
Chapter 20: this ended beautifully I might cry T.T
Chapter 18: this is so sweet
even though Kino is stubborn and sick he's somehow bringing everyone together that's kinda cool
Chapter 17: yeeeeees ♡♡♡
I'm still worried about Kino though
Chapter 16: how did they get the cure in the first place ? they should have asked that and moonbin should find out what it is made of so they'll deal with the other cases in the future if any
Chapter 15: now that's so sweet ♡♡♡♡♡
why did he keep his real name to himself though ?? sad past events ?
Chapter 14: Kino.Kino.Kino
oh my bb
why wouldn't he take the cure ??? now they have it
Chapter 13: oh no ... oh my Kino poor bb
and who's Jisung??? NCT? Wanna One ???? why what does he want ???
Chapter 12: I agree the tension was stupid hhh but I'm glad they sorted things out