
Hex me

As the winter sun came down and the lights of the city became brighter and brighter, a beautiful sight could be seen in the sky, a mix of darkness coming through the vivid colors of the sunset, while little by little the stars took over the sky. But as the night came, this beautiful city couldn’t look any more nostalgic for her.

She has been riding the same bus from her house to the nearest park twice a day for over a month and still she didn’t feel at home at all, but somehow riding this bus was a thirty minutes escape from reality. Everytime she felt overwhelming with changes and mixed emotions, she took the bus to clear her mind, because the wind through the window and caressing her skin made her feel better with everything going on her life.

After some time listening to some music, she closed her eyes for a minute, but without realizing, she felt asleep. Thinking and talking in another language, not forgetting the process of adjusting to this whole new city, was tiring enough to make her feel sleepy more often that she wished.

It was a peaceful moment, until she felt a kind hand gently touching her shoulder. As she opened her eyes, she saw a blurry figure telling her something she didn´t understand at all. It took her 10 seconds to realize the bus stopped at her bus stop, so she ran really fast to the door before even saying “thanks” to the blurry figure next to her.

-How embarrassing… did I drool? -She whispered to herself as she touched her face looking for a trail of sober, but luckily for her she just slept -Now, 10 more minutes walking. Why I’m so tired?!

Almost at her place, in the narrow street she moved in, she felt the strong lights of a car coming closer, making her aware she was walking in the middle of the street. Looking back, she made a small gesture of apology, but all she received was a big honk from the driver of the car behind her. Surprised she jumped aside, leaving enough place for the car to go through.

As the black and luxurious car went by, she tried to look at the driver, but the windows were polarized. She waited in front of her door till the driver came down.

-What the hell? -She shouted when the door of the car opened on the other side of the path. A young man came down of the car not facing her -It wasn’t necessary to honk, you know that?

-Than, don’t walk in the middle of the street again -He looked at her intensely for a couple of seconds, before turning around and entering the small building that was in front. It was a building of just 3 floors, but each apartment was large enough and comfortable for the area, besides being really expensive.

-With that money he should take some manners education -She said as she sighed, this situation was the perfect way to end her tiring day.

-Are you okay darling? -She felt her mom´s voice behind her -I heard the noise and came outside.

-Yes mom, it’s okay. Just a jerk without manners -She turned around and faced her mom with the biggest smile she could pretend -Let’s get inside, it’s already cold here.

20 minutes later, they were sitting at the table eating dinner. The table was full of multiple delicious dishes, maybe a little too much for two, but enough to make her appetite come back after a long day. Nothing like homemade food.

-How was your day Min Seo? Still going to the park?

-You already know the answer -She laughed as she looked at her mom, but she could feel the worry in her eyes -Don´t worry, I am perfectly fine.

-You have 3 more days till the University starts, are you aware of that?

-Yes, I know

-Then? -Her mom put down her chopsticks and looked serious at her -Are you ready? Did you even take a look at your books?

-Mom, I already told you -Min Seo reached for her mom´s hand -I even received an award of excellence when I took the exam to transfer here. Studying arts is my passion and I know perfectly what I am doing, it will be fine. Trust me.

-I’m just worried darling, I know this whole change has been too much for you. You can’t lie to me when it comes to you, I know you more than anybody. I just want you to understand the reason we moved to Seoul is to be closer to our family and to protect you.

Min Seo sighed. She knew perfectly why they moved to Korea, but it’s still difficult to leave her friends, University, home.

-Why can´t I be normal?

-You are, but you have to understand you are special.

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