First Impressions

First Impressions Are Overrated

A/N: Hi everyone, this is an idea I had for joyri with lyricist Yeri being asked to work with idol joy to create a song for her album. Only Yeri is not looking forward to meeting Joy, and even worse doesn’t have the best first impression of her. I really like this idea a lot so I hope you guys will too.


When Kim Yerim was informed that she would soon be working with popular idol Joy. Her initial reaction was quite honestly annoyance. She has heard of Joy. Everyone knows the bright, bubbly, always on singer and actress. She had once been a part of a hugely successful girl group, and took off on her own as a solo artist. The thing that Yeri didn’t understand was why her company asked for her to work with Joy. Surely, someone as famous as her has tons of songwriters.


“No,” Yeri answers while sipping her strawberry-lemonade.


“Yeri, please reconsider.” Her CEO speaks. “If you work with Joy, and it turns out successful. This could mean other opportunities in the future.”


The young, 23-year old does understand. Their company isn’t as well known as Joy’s, but they are know for their quality lyricists, and it could present future partnerships between their respective companies. Yeri has been in the business since she was a teenager. She actually tried out to be an idol once, that dream never became a reality. It’s why Yeri poured her energy into songwriting, composition, music, instruments, and studied many aspects of the behind the scenes elements of the music industry.


Through her hard work she ultimately became one of the most in demand songwriters. She’s not even limited to South Korea, and has had opportunities to go overseas to work with other artists. The day she met and wrote a song with Ariana Grande was such a dream come true for her. She even proudly shows off the photo in her office. Yeri doesn’t think meeting Joy will be one of her proudest moments.


“Yeri, please think about this. Joy is one of the biggest idols around. She’s actually personally requested for you.”


“I don’t care who she has personally asked for. I don’t want to work with her.”


Yeri has dealt with idols like Joy. They’re such well crafted dolls for their companies. They smile too big, say all the right things, and are too fake to be real. Yeri might have had to work with these types of idols before, when first starting out. She’s more financially stable now, and can pick and choose the kind of jobs she wants. Yeri doesn’t want to work with Joy. At the same time, she does understand how important this can be for her company. It’s why she agrees.


“Okay, set something up with her people.”


“We will, and we’ll let you know when she’s ready to start meeting with you.”


Yeri nods and turns back to her empty page. She’s been working on lyrics for a week now, and it’s just not flowing like she needs. Normally, she would get out of the busy city during these times. That looks like it will be put on hold, as now she needs to start working with Joy.


“I already feel a headache coming on.” The blonde sighs, and runs her fingers through her hair. She didn’t know just how right she was until meeting the idol. Yeri was actually in one of the studios, back turned to the door, and strumming some chords of her guitar. When she hears a loud, boisterous, excited voice.


“Hi, I’m Joy! Are you Kim Yerim? It’s so nice to meet you!”


The blonde flinches and runs her fingers over wrong strings. She turns to see Joy standing there in a white sweater and dark jeans. Her long dark hair flowing down her shoulders, and Gucci bag in her hand. Yeri has seen pictures of Joy online, and she has to admit the woman is beautiful. She is even more so in person, but her being beautiful is the least of her concerns.


“Yes, hi. Have a seat and I’ll be right with you.” Yeri gestures to the couches. Joy nods and takes a look at the shorter blonde. She has done all of her research on Kim Yerim, or Yeri as she also goes by. Joy wanted to work with some of the best on her latest album. According to sources Yeri is one of the best songwriters. The idol just wasn’t expecting for her to be so young looking. There wasn’t any pictures attached to her bio, so the dark-haired woman didn’t know what to expect. Yeri puts her guitar away and turns to join her on one of the opposing couches.


“Aren’t you a little young to be writing songs?” Joy questions seriously.


“Excuse me?” The blonde raises an eyebrow to her. Joy smiles in an apologetic way. She didn’t mean to sound like she was judging in anyway. Yeri just looks awfully young to be a songwriter.


“I’m sorry, how old are you?”


“Is that any better?”


Yeri isn’t over here asking Joy how old she is, even though the singer herself looks quite young too. Joy can see she’s offended the songwriter, and smiles again in apology. The last thing she wants to do is offend Yeri. The idol really hopes this will be the start of a good partnership. Maybe, if it goes really well there will be future collaborations.


“I’m sorry. Let’s start over, my name is Joy. I look forward to working with you.”


The blonde doesn’t return her smile or warm welcome. She just pulls out her notepad so she can start writing down some notes. Yeri is already having a bad first impression of Joy, and she doesn’t see it going away. The first meeting ended up being unproductive. The dark-haired woman had to stop several times because her phone kept ringing. She also kept asking Yeri questions that didn’t have anything to do with the songwriting process. Yeri was honestly getting annoyed and wanted to tell Joy to get out many times.


“We’ve been sitting here for an hour, and you haven’t told me what kind of song you’re trying to write.”


“I’m sorry,” Joy admits with a slight smile. “I am still unsure about so much in regards to the album. I just know I want it to be different from my other albums. Have you listened to any of my songs?”


Now, here it comes. Yeri was wondering when Joy was going to start talking about herself. She’s just like any typical idol, and the blonde purposely zones out when Joy starts talking more about things she’s not interested in. It’s safe to say this first meeting is a disaster. Joy can feel Yeri isn’t all too thrilled about working with her. That’s why before she leaves the idol pulls her to the side.


“You don’t like me very much, do you?”


“No, you don’t say?”


“Well, Kim Yerim. I will change your mind about me. You’ll love me soon enough.”


“Goodbye, Ms. Park.” Yeri closes the door in her face. Joy is deeply offended in that moment. She has never met a more rude person in her life. The idol doesn’t know why Yeri has something against her, but she will do her best to make a better impression next time. It’s why she shows up on their next meeting with bread, pastries, and tea. Yeri looks up from her desk with a curious gaze.


“What’s this for?”


“We got off on the wrong foot I think. I brought you a peace offering. Would you like one?” Joy offers her a pastry. Yeri looks hesitant to take the offered dessert. She is hungry though and does accept. That doesn’t mean she’s suddenly a fan of the idol. In fact, Yeri doesn’t even want to be working with her still. The lyricist has made a commitment, and this is also her work. She’s never backed out of a job before, and she doesn’t intend to start now.


“Okay, how about today we try to get started. Did you think about what sort of song you want for your album?” Yeri questions.


Joy hasn’t had the time to truly think of what she wants. She just knows that she doesn’t want a similar sound to her other albums. It’s part of the reason she convinced her company to strike the deal with Yeri. She doesn’t write typical pop songs. A lot of her songs are full of emotion and have an edge. Joy wants to branch out and thinks Kim Yeri would be the perfect person to help with that. The idol just needs to get her to like her.


“Can I ask why you don’t like me?”


“What?” Yeri blinks. She has no idea what that even has to do anything. It shouldn’t matter whether she likes the singer or not. They don’t have to like one another when this is merely a work arrangement.


“It doesn’t matter if I like you or not. This is a working arrangement. We just need to work together on this song.”


Joy doesn’t agree entirely. It’s always better to have a friendly working environment, as opposed to a hostile, or an uncomfortable one. It’s her hope that the shorter woman will at the least open up to her.


“I would prefer if we could have a comfortable working environment.”


Yeri honestly doesn’t care what the idol prefers. She just wants to write this damn song so she can move onto the next job.


“We don’t need to like each other, this is a job. Can we please get started?”


“If you listen to some of my songs or watch any of my videos I’m sure you would fall totally in love with me!” Joy says cheerfully, and it makes Yeri cringe.


“Listen to me, I am not one of your annoying fangirls. I don’t care about your music. I honestly don’t even care to know you. This is just a job, and a job I want to get done.”


The taller woman looks stunned for a moment. She knew the lyricist didn’t like her, but she didn’t think it was anything like this. Yeri doesn’t look like she will apologize either. The blonde thinks that she’s screwed. She has probably already ruined the potential partnership before it’s even begun. Her boss will surely let her have it.


“Stupid, Yeri. You’re being stupid!” She mentally sighs. This has to be it. Joy will go complaining to her company about how she offended her. While Yeri is so busy mentally kicking herself. She doesn’t notice right away that Joy has taken a hold of her hand. The blonde does notice when she feels someone gently caressing her knuckles though. When Yeri looks Joy is really caressing her knuckles and smiling at her with that idol smile.


“What are you doing?” Yeri demands to know.


“You know it’s okay if you’re actually really attracted to me, and are being like this big, tough tsundere because you’re scared to admit it.” Joy has that certain bright smile on again. It’s an idol’s smile if Yeri has ever seen, and that’s why she yanks her hand away from the dark-haired woman. Joy is certainly very full of herself if nothing else.


“You need to get over yourself. I’m not attracted to you, and I’m not one of your fans. If you’re not going to be serious and work, then we can end this deal right now.”


Joy doesn’t want for the partnership to end. She also can’t help but to mess with Yeri a bit. There is something refreshing about someone not hell bent on kissing her . Sure it’s nice to have lots of fans who adore her, and tons of people who generally do show her love, but it’s also full of yes people. The kinds of people who won’t tell you what you need to hear, but the stuff you want to hear. It’s clear that Kim Yerim isn’t the kind of person who will tell her what she wants to hear, but the things she must hear.


“Okay, I promise I'll be good.”


It doesn’t even matter at this point if Joy will be good. Yeri is over the idol, and she wants nothing to do with her. The rest of the session is just as uneventful as the first. They still don’t get anything done and that’s because Joy doesn’t seem to know what she wants. In fact, Yeri becomes so frustrated by her she demands that the next time they meet the singer must have some sort of game plan.


“Well, today wasn’t so terrible, hm?” Joy smiles cheerfully.


Yeri is looking at the dark-haired woman like she must strangle her soon. She wants to give her a slow and painful death before Joy kills her first.


“Are you being serious? You must be living on an entirely different planet, Ms. Park! This is truly a waste of time, by now I’d have at least some song lyrics to play with.”


Joy isn’t saying anything and that makes Yeri stop her rant. She wouldn’t mind if she knew Joy in real life and insulted her, but Yeri has to keep in mind that this is a job, and who knows what the singer could go back and say to her company.


“You know, I don’t think today was bad at all.”


“Excuse me?” Yeri blinks in disbelief. She has no idea what Joy’s problem is, but she isn’t about to stick around to find out.


“Goodbye, Ms. Park.” She collects her belongings and starts to make a swift exit.


“Sooyoung.” She hears the taller woman say.


“What?” The songwriter stops and turns around to look at her.


“Sooyoung, my name is Sooyoung.”


Yeri doesn’t know what the hell that’s supposed to mean. Is there supposed to be some sort of difference between Joy and Sooyoung, and if so why does she think the songwriter cares.


“Is there a difference?” Yeri wonders, and doesn’t miss the sudden serious look that flashes across the dark-haired woman’s face. It’s a look that Yeri hasn’t seen from her neither time she has met the singer. The look makes the blonde pause.


“There’s a difference.”


After that things get tense, or at least they do for Kim Yerim. She feels like she needs to walk on eggshells now with Joy, but it doesn’t seem the idol has gotten that message. She shows up with cheerful smiles and bright energy. Joy insists on playing her certain tracks from previous albums, and brings her all sorts of pastries and breads. When Yeri asked why all the pastries and breads? The only thing the idol replied to her with was.


“Oh, well I noticed you seem to really like bread.”


It should have creeped Yeri out when Joy said that to her. It didn’t actually creep her out. The behavior that creeped her out officially was all of Joy’s flirting. Such as the time when Yeri was wearing a sleeveless shirt, and the idol kept commenting on how muscular her arms were.


“Wow, you’re like a mini hulk here, huh? I wonder if you could pick me up.” Joy teased, but there was a flirtatious tone in her voice with it.


“I pick you up and we both die.” Yeri thought she muttered under her breath, only the singer heard her and cracked up in loud laughter. The flirting wasn’t limited to comments either. There had been times of random kisses being blown to the lyricist, suggestive stares, and other nonsense Yeri didn’t have time for. Soon it had been more than two weeks of this, and Yeri can’t help but to notice they still have nothing done. It’s why she confronts the singer one morning.


“It’s been two weeks, Joy. Two weeks of absolutely nothing. I don’t even have any sentences to work with, and you’re just playing around. What’s going on?”


Joy doesn’t speak for a moment. In fact, she is staring into her phone with a semi-worried expression on her face. Yeri wonders briefly if there is anything seriously wrong, as she has only seen Joy with a few modes, and worried hasn’t been one of them.


“Nothing, I told you I just don’t know what song I want for the album.”


“No, you’re stalling. We should have had something by now. Why are you trying so hard to make this last longer.”


“You know…” the singer begins. “There are times when being an idol takes so much away from you. Sure, there are a lot of good points, but what about the times where it takes so much from you that you find it difficult to want to get up out of bed.”


The conversation is turning more serious than even Yeri thought it would be. The lyricist supposes she hasn’t quite thought about it from the idol’s POV. It’s also a well known fact that her company is known for using people for everything they have, and then throwing them away when they’re no longer of use to them. Yeri can’t imagine how sad that reality must be.


“I’m sorry?” The blonde says slightly awkward. It makes Joy smile some.


“Don’t be. I chose this life for myself because I wanted to sing, now y, how about we get to writing!”


Yeri groans, and bangs her head down into the table. She nearly felt sympathy for the dark-haired woman, and then she turns on the idol again.


“I’m going home. I’m done for today, and honestly I’m sick of you.”


“Sick of me?” Joy repeats.


“Yes, because in honesty all of you idols are all the same. Some of you are just a little better than others. Have a good day, Ms. Park.” Yeri leaves in a hurry and practically slams the door behind her. The sudden noise startles Joy.


“My name is Sooyoung, Kim Yerim, and I will show you that there is a difference.”


Yeri gets invited to her older friend’s house for dinner that evening. It’s a married couple she has known since she was a high schooler, and they have been together for as long as she could remember. Kang Seulgi and her wife Joohyun, are also both in the entertainment industry in different ways. Joohyun is a quite famous actress and print model, and Seulgi had started out as an idol, and is now next in line to take over one of the biggest entertainment companies there is. Seulgi will deny that she’s going to be the next CEO, but Yeri knows much better, that and Joohyun already acts like some proud wife of a CEO anyway.


“Unnie, she is driving me crazy!” Yeri complains to the older raven who has just finished putting plates of food on the table.


“Who, the singer you’re working with?” Joohyun wonders.


“Yes! I want to strangle her sometimes, I swear!”


After Yeri admits that, Joohyun is heard laughing, and that makes the blonde look over to her with a questioning gaze.


“What’s so funny?”


“Yeri, are you sure you’re not just a little bit attracted to her?”


Yeri looks disgusted when she hears Joohyun question her with that. Of course, she is not attracted to Joy. She wants nothing more to do with the idol than what is contractually required.


“No, she’s just making my life and job so much more difficult.”


“Well, I’m just saying there were times when I wanted to strangle Seul too, but more than that I really just wanted to kiss her.”


The blonde rolls her eyes at what Joohyun is claiming. Seulgi and Joohyun are a bit different though, as anyone with eyes could see they loved each other.


“You and Seulgi-unnie are different though, who didn’t know you two were a thing. It was always obvious, and speaking of Seulgi-unnie, where is your bear?”


“Ah, she’s at the office. It’ll be announced soon that she’ll be the new CEO.”


“Duh!” Yeri sighs. “I mean, it’s really the worst kept secret. Are you happy for her? It’ll mean she’ll be even more busy than usual.”


Joohyun is looking at Yeri with this sort of soft, but proud wife smile on her face. It’s a look the younger girl has seen quite often. She may love to older friends, but she does also recognize their genuine love, and knows couple goals when she sees them.


“I’m very proud and happy for my wife. We’re still going to be a team, Yeri. She supports me in everything I do, and I’m of course going to be right there with Seul for what she needs too.”


“I’m happy for you both, unnie. Now, please pray for me that I don’t murder Joy at work.”


The raven laughs again and punches her cheek. “Why don’t you try getting to know her? You know it’s not easy being an idol.” Joohyun thinks back to all the struggles she watched her wife go through from her trainee days and beyond.


“She’s an idol, unnie. They’re all the same.”


“Seulgi was an idol too, Yerimie.” Joohyun gently reminds her. The way she says it silenced the blonde. It’s true that Seulgi was once a popular idol too. She is still well known in the industry too. Yeri just feels it’s different.


“Yeah, but Seulgi-unnie didn’t have any persona. She was still Seulgi no matter what. It’s not like she was sometimes Seulgi, and sometimes a totally different person.”


The older woman does understand what Yeri is referring too. It’s true that as an idol you have to adapt a certain persona. Although, this is not always the case.


“You’re not entirely wrong, Yeri. However, is it fair for you to judge Joy all because of her idol persona? Why don’t you take the time to get to know her, as who she is outside of Joy.”


It’s then that Yeri remembers how Joy swore there was a difference between Joy and Sooyoung. Perhaps, the blonde just needed to get to know Sooyoung, whoever she was. When the lyricist gets home that evening she watches some of Joy’s performance videos. It’s true that the idol is an incredible singer. Her voice is honestly so soothing to the ear, and brings about a sense of calm. Yeri also notices that if she listens close enough to the ballads, there is sadness in them, or rather a sadness within Joy.


Yeri also watches some of the idol’s radio appearances and music show moments. Joy is such a well rehearsed idol, and she knows how to turn on the act when she must. With that being said the blonde has watched a few videos now, and somewhere in between that megawatt smile, and her charming persona is something else. Yeri is starting to wonder if maybe Joy is right. Perhaps, there is a difference between Joy and Sooyoung after all. The big question is who is Sooyoung really, and what makes her so different from Joy?


It’s a few days later when Yeri is going to the studio when she’s getting a phone call from a number she doesn’t recognize. Yeri has half the mind to not answer. Then again, it could always be work. It’s why the blonde chooses to answer the phone. It’s work indeed, just not the person she thought it would  be.




“Hi, Yeri-ah.” She recognizes that cheerful voice right away.


“Ms. Park, how did you get my number!”


“It’s Joy, now I would like for you to meet me at the airport.”


“Um, what?” Yeri blinks.


“Come meet me at the airport. We’re going to fly to Jeju, bring your notebook. Oh, and I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to bring an overnight bag. I’ll see you soon, Yeri-ah.”


“Hey, but wait…”


The only thing Yeri hears is the phone being disconnected. She’s going to let Joy have it when she meets her. For now she supposes that she will be heading to the airport. She packs a quick overnight bag and her notebook. Yeri hopes that today they will finally get some work done. When Yeri shows up at the airport. Joy is already waiting with her own small duffel bag.


“There you are. I’ve been waiting here forever it seems.”


“Hey, you’re the one who randomly told me to meet you at the airport. Why are we going to Jeju anyway?”


“It’s a surprise.” The dark-haired woman beams. Yeri groans and is about to turn around to go home. The blonde doesn’t get very far because the taller woman has a hold of her.


“Relax, Yeri. We’ll have a great time. Don’t you trust me at all?”


Yeri doesn’t trust Joy, not truly. She decides to go on ahead to Jeju since for one she’s already here, and for another thing. They still do need to get something done. Joy happily drags her to get a plane ticket.


“God help me that I don’t kill Park Joy!”


The flight itself was without a doubt one of the worst flights. This was because the idol would not stop talking to her.


“Do you know Rose from Blackpink?” Joy says happily.


“I do.” Yeri nods, as she is familiar with many singers.


“She’s so sweet. We did a duet together, and I really did almost marry her.”


“Wait, what?” Yeri stops zoning out because what the idol says sounds quite ridiculous.


“Haha,” Joy laughs, “I knew that would grab your attention. I hope you’re ready to spend the day getting to know me.”


It makes sense now to the lyricist. Today is about getting to know the idol on a personal level. Maybe today is the day she will find out the difference between Sooyoung and Joy. If there is even a difference at all?


“Am I going to find out the difference between Joy and Sooyoung?”


“Yes.” Joy nods. “There is a difference, and I hope today you’ll see that. Maybe you’ll find you like Sooyoung, and see that Joy isn’t so bad after all.”


“Alright?” The blonde shrugs. She is already here and will just give the singer a chance. Joy continues to talk to her through the entire flight. She briefly tells her about how she first auditioned for her company. The dark-haired woman explains how nervous she was for her debut stage, and how terrified but excited she was when she first ventured out on her own from her group. Yeri listens and she supposes Joy sounds like a regular person here, and not so much like the idol she has grown to know.


When the flight lands Joy tells her they will go to her beach house here. The idol also tells her that she is originally from here. Before they make the trip to where Joy’s beach house is. The singer offers to get some groceries or takeout.


“I would really like some sushi or fried chicken.” Yeri admits. The second she says fried chicken she feels Joy immediately hug her.


“Oh my god, get off!” The blonde complains and pushes her away.


“I love fried chicken! We should get some, see look Yeri-ah, we have something in common. I wonder what other things we have in common.” Joy says absentmindedly. Yeri wants to point out that just because they like chicken, which is something many people have in common. It doesn’t mean that they have other things in common. The blonde reminds herself that she is going to give Joy a chance. Her first chance of getting to see Joy outside of the idol persona she has adopted is at the grocery store. Yeri notices how Joy moves from aisle to aisle with purpose.


She is actually quite cute as she grabs trays of chicken, and snacks. There is also tons of breads she puts in their cart too.


“Am I seeing Sooyoung or Joy?” Yeri wonders out loud.


“Right now, you’re seeing a woman who is starving and picking out food! Do you want any fruit, some grapes maybe?”


“Grapes are good.”


“Grapes are delicious.” The dark-haired woman gives a flirty wink. After that she skips merrily along to buy more fruits. Yeri shakes her head, but also smiles some. Joy can be adorable too, and she knows the woman is certainly older than her. It’s similar to how Joohyun is. She’s can be very adorable, although the woman is definitely older than her. After they purchase everything. Joy drives them down what is a very nice beach home. It’s not as overly elaborate as what Yeri expected. It is nice, two story level home with garage level cars, beautiful balcony that you can see the sights, a downstairs level that leads to the outdoor pool, and must have certainly cost a pretty penny.


“Welcome to my house. I don’t have very many people here, so you should consider yourself very lucky.”


“Ms. Park?”


“You’re going to have to start calling me Joy at least.”


“Joy, I get that you want for me to get to know you, but did you really need me to come see your house?”


The taller woman is looking at her with a smile. It’s not the rehearsed idol smile. Joy seems to be smiling at her with a genuine, but soft smile. Yeri notices she still has a very beautiful smile, and this one even more so since it’s not so megawatt, and extra manufactured by her company.


“How else do you think to know me if you don’t spend time with me? Also, we could finally start working on some lyrics.”


It’s what Yeri hopes for at least, not that she doesn’t appreciate the sort of vacation to a nice beach house. She just would also like to get some actual work done too. Joy first shows her to a room so she can place her bag down, and tells her they should probably eat first before doing anything else. By the time Yeri does go to put her bag down and rejoin Joy. The idol is moving the food onto plates and pouring drinks into glasses. Yeri watches her for a few moments. Joy looks like such a normal person right now. She isn’t all glammed up in makeup, dressed in designer clothing, or getting ready for a busy day. She is causal in a red sweater and denim jeans. When she turns a certain way and the light hits her face. Yeri finds she is just stunned for several long minutes.


It’s true that Park Joy is a gorgeous woman. It’s not like Yeri is blind or anything to that. Now she’s going back to watching those videos of her. She must be zoning out because Joy is waving her hand over her face.


“Yeri, are you alive in there?”


“Huh?” Yeri snaps her attention to her.


“Are you okay? You were just standing there zoning out.”


“Oh, sorry. I’m fine, let’s eat.”


The two do sit down to eat. For awhile there is no conversation, until Joy talks first.


“Don’t you have any questions for me?”


Yeri wonders if she does have anything to ask her, other than the obvious ones about song lyrics, or the whole Sooyoung versus Joy thing. The blonde decides to ask something else entirely.


“Can I ask why you personally requested my help?”


It’s a logical question, and one Yeri feels she should have asked already. Joy looks amused by her question.


“Isn’t it obvious?”




“I like to know all I can about any potential business I venture in, and you’re a well known lyricist, and I know you’ve written some amazing songs. I just wanted to explore different music this time around. I just want for my fans to get a glimpse into me, who I am as a person, and not just their idol Joy.”


When the lyricist hears this it makes sense. There is nothing wrong with Joy wanting to be herself more, or as much as she can giving the fact she is an idol, and there isn’t but so much freedom.


“I understand. Well, I hope I can come up with something good.”


“We will.” Joy says with a certain determination. “What, you didn’t think I’d let you do all the work, right? This is a partnership, yes?”


Yeri nods, and it’s refreshing to see this determination. She had this idea about Joy in her head, and she is beginning to learn that it’s not all there is to her. Yes, Joy is an idol but she’s showing much more than just that part of her. Another incident of there being more to Joy is when she gives the blonde a tour of her house. There’s a room that has a lot of red. Everything from the curtains, carpet, paint on the wall, and outside of the comfortable bed, there isn’t a whole lot else here.


“Red is my favorite color.” The dark-haired woman admits.


“You don’t say.” Yeri says in a deadpan voice.


The singer chuckles. “What’s your favorite color?”


“Pink.” The blonde admits, and that makes the singer laugh. For as many times as she has seen the songwriter she has worn nothing but dark clothing, or plaid clothes. She hasn’t seen not one trace of pink.


“What’s so funny?”


“You don’t seem like you really like pink. Anyway, this room is sort of where I come when I just want some down time. I’ll put on some music I like and just tune out the world.”


“Your life has to be very hectic and you probably don’t feel like you get that much time for yourself.”


Joy gives her a look and nods. Yeri sounds like she’s speaking from some sort of experience, but from her research she doesn’t know of Yeri ever being an idol.


“Have you been a idol?”


“I tried out once, but it didn’t work out like I thought, so I poured my energy into the business side of the industry. I have some idol friends though, one of my closest friends is Seulgi, well maybe you know…”


“Seulgi!” Joy cuts her off suddenly. “Oh I love Seulgi. She was one of the best singers, and her dancing!” The taller woman fans herself some. “What is she about 40 now, hell I don’t care I’d marry her!”


Yeri rolls her eyes and pushes the dark-haired woman some. Joy sounds like she is joking, or rather Yeri hopes the singer is joking.


“You better rethink that, her wife Joohyun isn’t about to let anything like that happen.”


Joy laughs in such a way that it nearly makes Yeri laugh too. For some reason seeing the singer as carefree and unrehearsed is making Yeri feel like she can be more herself too.


“I’m kidding, I know she’s married. Seulgi is hot and all, but not exactly my type.”


Against her better judgement Yeri asks her what is her type. Joy smiles at her with another flirty look in those pretty bright eyes.


“I like women who challenge me, and spark something within, so that when the two of us get together it’s…” Joy leans down to her lips as if about to kiss her. Yeri remains frozen for a few seconds, but Joy pulls back.


“When we get together it’s magical.”


“You’re a tease, Joy. I could see that from your television appearances.”


“Oh, so you do watch me. It’s okay if you’re attracted to me.”


“Ah, I wouldn’t go that far!” Yeri denies and turns slightly red in embarrassment because of the idol’s teasing.


“You’re very cute, Kim Yerim. Anyway, what do you do when you start to write song lyrics? Is there some sort of specific process?”


“Not usually. Sometimes it can happen at random, like if I’m waiting for a flight, or even in my hotel rooms. A change of scenery too might spark something. Then there are times where I’m just sitting in my apartment with my guitar and…”


“You can just hear the words and music?” Joy finishes for her, to which Yeri does nod in agreement.


“Um, are we having some sort of moment?” The blonde questions.


“Haha!” Joy laughs so hard she’s about to start wiping tears out of her eyes. “Yeah, I suppose we are. Come on, let’s go out to the backyard where we can sit and discuss some song lyrics.”


Yeri nods and follows her out to the back where there is a setup of comfortable chairs, tent, a small fire pit that looks perfect for roasting marshmallows or making s’mores. Joy gets comfortable on one chair, and Yeri pulls out her notebook and pen for when she needs it.


“I love singing and performing, but like I said before it does take so much away.”


“It can.” Yeri knows as she has personally seen some of her own idol friends struggle with so many of their own personal demons. She has also seen how being an idol had affected Seulgi and Joohyun too in ways.


“I just want to make a song that’s more me, and personal. I’m sure you can help me with that.”


“I’ll do my best.”


“I think you’ll be fine. I have a good feeling about you, Kim Yerim.”


“Yeri.” The blonde tells her. “Most people call me Yeri.”


“Ooh, I can call you Yeri now! We’re making progress, so next I can officially call you Yerimie?”


The lyricist makes a slight scowl at the taller woman. She only really lets few people call her Yerimie. The blonde doesn’t think they’re quite at the point of that, but she does feel like maybe she has misjudged Joy.


“Don’t call me that.”


“Not there yet?” Joy smiles knowingly.


“No, but I do want to help you with your song. Let’s see if we can at least come up with something.”


For hours afterwards she and the singer sit down and talk. They talk about all sorts of possible song lyrics, and topics Joy would like to avoid. It’s here that Yeri learns more about the dark-haired woman. She is more than just the idol the songwriter thought she was. It’s true that Joy is a very good idol, but she had opinions, hopes, dreams, and feelings like anyone else. When the singer tells her about a particularly rough time she had when she first ventured out onto her own, and how not all the fans were so accepting of her leaving the group. She had spent many a night in tears and questioning the decision. Yeri had felt for the first time a genuine compassion towards the idol.


“You got through it, and now you’re one of the most successful soloist around.”


“Thanks.” Joy smiles, although it doesn’t fully reach her eyes. “Wow, it’s nearly 11 pm. We should probably get some sleep, how about we work on this some more in the morning?”


“Sure, have a goodnight, Joy.”


“You still won’t call me Sooyoung, huh?”


“Sooyoung?” The blonde repeats.


“Yea, I’m Joy all the time. There are few people I can just be Sooyoung with, and I was hoping that…” the dark-haired woman stops. “Never mind, I’ll see you in the morning.”


Yeri wants to stop her to apologize, but she honestly isn’t sure what she should apologize for. The lyricist grabs up all the notes and puts everything into a neat pile. The blonde hopes she didn’t hurt her feelings too much. The singer did seem disappointed just now. In reality, disappointment was an understatement for Joy. The idol thought that she and Yeri had started to build some sort of connection, or at least it had felt like it. It’s not everyday that the dark-haired woman brings someone into her house.


“I guess I’m just always going to be idol Joy to her.” The singer sighs, and gets herself ready for bed. She also decides she will not try to make anything happen other than a professional working relationship. At the same time Joy has such few precious close relationships in the industry, and so she was hoping something could have sparked off with Yeri. She also really hoped Yeri would see that she wasn’t always just an idol. Her name is Sooyoung, and that matters too.


It’s around 3 am when the blonde is awakened by a loud scream. It sounds like Joy, and so she gets out of bed and makes her way towards where she heard the scream. Yeri finds the singer tossing and turning looking in the middle of a nightmare.


“Joy?” She calls out from the door. The dark-haired woman is still tossing and turning. Whatever dream she is having must be terrible. Yeri enters the bedroom and gently tries to shake her. It doesn’t work right away. Yeri then sits down in the bed too and wraps both of her arms around the taller woman.


“Sooyoung, wake up.” She softly speaks. Yeri then gently runs her fingers through her dark locks. It takes a few minutes but the idol does begin to settle.


“What?” She groggily speaks.


“Are you okay?”


It’s then that Joy notices that Yeri is holding her, and she also realizes she must have been having a nightmare of some sort. It’s been awhile since she has had a nightmare.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I must have been having a bad dream.”


“I could see that, do you need anything, some water or…”


“No, but will you please stay here until I can fall back asleep. I’m really not good after a nightmare.”


Yeri agrees to stay with the dark-haired woman until she is able to go to sleep. The songwriter ends up softly humming a tune for her. It’s lyrics to a song she has never officially written for another singer, but it’s a song she has always hoped to perhaps one day record.


“You sound nice, Yeri. You certainly could have been an idol.”


“Thank you.” The blonde nods and watches as she fully drifts off to sleep. Yeri doesn’t return to the guest room. She ends up falling asleep right there with the singer, and it’s Joy who notices in the morning that the songwriter is still holding her. She wondered why she slept so well and now she knows.


“Hey, Yeri.” The idol calls her.


“What?” Yeri awakens almost right away.


“Sorry, I don’t mean to wake you, but we should probably get back to Seoul after all. I do have schedules coming up, and although this has been a fun detour. I need to get back to the real world.”


Yeri nods as Joy is right. They both need to get back to the real world. It was a nice time however, and the lyricist thinks she has a better idea of her personality. There is a difference between the idol and her actual self. When they get back to Seoul the two of them do split up, and they also make plans to meet again at the studio.


“I’ll let you know when I’m able to meet again.” Joy tells her.


“Hey, Joy.”




“Yesterday was nice, and I enjoyed getting to know you better.”


When Joy hears that it does make her smile genuinely. She hoped yesterday would help the blonde warm up to her a little. Joy also hopes this means they can develop a friendship too, and maybe even more than that one day. Of course, one step at a time before anything like that happens. When Yeri gets back to her office. She isn’t sure what happens, but she is feeling a sudden pull to write lyrics, and so she does. The blonde sits at her desk for what feels like hours writing. Even when it’s way passed the time she would go home she’s still writing, and playing with strings on the guitar. She feels like she might have something good here, but she’ll run it passed Joy first.


Unfortunately, it’s not until days later when she’s able to meet back with Joy. The singer comes in dressed like she has just finished a radio appearance, which is probably the case. The dark-haired woman notices how Yeri has her back turned and is so focused on the lyrics she’s writing, there is no way she’s paying attention.


“She probably doesn’t even know I’m standing here.” Joy thinks mischievously, and so she tries to sneak up on the blonde.


“I know you’re here.” The lyricist speaks dryly with her back turned.  


“What! How’d you know!” Joy shouts in annoyance, as she really wanted to cover her eyes with her hands at least.


“Your perfume, or body lotion. You always use the one kind.”


“Oh, well never mind then. What’re you writing?” Joy leans down and places her head onto the crook of her shoulder. The taller woman expects for Yeri to push her away. She smiles some when the shorter woman doesn’t push her away.


“I’ve been writing for days. I have an idea and I wanted to get your thoughts.”


“Sure, let me hear these beautiful thoughts of yours, Kim Yerim.”


“What do you think about this.” She hands over the song lyrics to the singer. Joy reads over it and it’s a song about first impressions and how they’re not always right. It’s beautifully written and of course gives the idol a very personal vibe as expected.


“You wrote about first impressions?”


“You don’t like it?” Yeri asks. “I can figure something else out.” She tries to take the copy back, but Joy stops her.


“No, I like this. I’m also glad you decided to give me a chance.”


“You’re right about there being a difference, and I’m sorry I judged you so much in the beginning. What do you say we keep working on this song together, Sooyoung.”


The way Yeri finally calls her name makes the singer smile and reach over to hug the shorter woman. If Yeri can call her by her name, then perhaps things are truly looking up after all.


“Of course, Yerimie!” She teases.


“Don’t call me that!”


“Haha, still too soon?”


Yeri drops the scowl on her face so fast. “I’m messing with you, come on and sit. We just might finish this song yet.”


The dark-haired woman does sit down besides the songwriter. Together they pour over the lyrics, taking lines away, or adding new ones. They sit for the entire time joking in between, messy pen lines being blurred occasionally on white sheets of paper. Once again Yeri finds herself looking at the idol when she’s laughing, or the light hits her features in the perfect way. She can’t help but to think of how wrong she’s been about Joy. While it’s true she is Joy and her being an idol is very calculated in ways, as it should be. She is also a woman named Sooyoung, who had a gift and dream. She’s someone Yeri thinks she wouldn’t mind getting to know better.


“I was wrong about you, Park Sooyoung. I look forward to getting to know you even more.”


It’s here that Kim Yerim found that first impressions can be overrated, and they don’t necessarily define who the person is. It’s what happens after the first impression that solidifies the connection to them.


A/N: Wow this was my longest joyri oneshot yet, and I am honestly quite proud of it. I think it’s a pretty good oneshot, and I do hope that anyone who read it has enjoyed it too, thank you!


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saovanmai #1
Chapter 1: I love how the relationship develops so naturally with Joyri here. Wonderful work!
anightangel #2
Chapter 1: Uh... uh...WOW!!!!inwas hoping for another chapter like what and how their relationship will progress. This was a very nice story with a good lesson. First impressions aren’t always correct.:) it was a wonderful story.
KimJisooTRASH #3
Chapter 1: oh Kim Yerim has a crush!!!
Chapter 1: Damn i have feelings for this
NoSaidaNoLIFEE #5
Chapter 1: Awww this is so beautifuly written:)
YoonYul4Life #6
Chapter 1: ?? I'm in love
monsterchua #7
Chapter 1: omg this is so beautifully written. ?
first impression is always so important because humans being humans, they easily judge people just based on first impression/looks. and you will never be able to find that beauty within someone unless you let down that bias and get to know that person. and so i think this is so beautifully written. can we expect a follow up on their story?
cutey111 147 streak #8
Chapter 1: It was so fresh to see yeri and joy in a new Context and dynamic joy being a soloist and yeri being the composer. Yeri working with Ariana grande was such a cute moment! I love the plot and the flow from bad first impression to get to know each other and becoming close. Adding the song writing process made it more deep and meaningful so when yeri can differntiate between joy and sooyoung, she becomable to write. It still has potential to write more into their future works, while they talk more about themselves and become closer but it has a nice ending as it is now.
Chapter 1: That was so beautiful! Very well written and a really cute plot, which fits them perfectly in my opinion.
Thank you for writing this, I loved it <3
Chapter 1: awww they're adorable